SIP-10: 2024 Budget for Blockchain Events in Asia & LATAM

My interview with SIP-8 is posted here:

Chips answered the below questions for Hermit Crab Studio in my podcast with him, these are for Smobler and the other studios.

  • How much is your attendance at these events centered around the DAO versus TSB or your Studio?
  • Smobler is going to Singapore and Hermit Crab is going to BSG, who is going to the other 4 events?
  • @iGreg , @dawhat , @MonkeyDLuffy , how do you three play into this SIP?
  • Would the other event attendees be willing to print a few banners to solicit DAO conversation from those who visit your booth? Such as the “How it Works” graphic on homepage, Budget & Allocation graphic, and “It’s your time to Govern” graphic, or the Advisory Board/Special Council graphic?