Soon to be transfered NFT collection

Gm everyone,

Currently working on a new sip porposition for the management of SAND BOX DAO NFT collection.

Since its been more than 3 month that SIP-9 didn’t reach Quorum I’m coming back with a new team for updated proposition.

For reminder soon the DAO will take custody of more than 16000 asset which combined value is still left to be excatly determined but should be more than 3/4 millions $ worth.

I invite everyone to check out the previous SIP for context. Feel free to communicate with me here, if there is any point you want to get across.



Welcome back @Arthemort ! Very happy to see you resubmit. I support this SIP. Is our interview still mostly applicable?

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This appears to be the previous proposal:

I’m thinking any assets that are going to be “liquidated” from the collection could be used somehow as prizes on TSB to stimulate interest in events?