Community-driven AMA for the Council and advisory members!

GMAE Dao Fam,

This message mirrors a tweet I sent out. Please take the time to read through it, and I would appreciate your support in making it happen!

Republishing the first 3 SIPs to allow Land Owners to vote is a great step forward. The fact that the TSB DAO is considering changes means they are willing to listen to the community’s feedback. The hierarchy is working well, and I now believe we are heard. I sincerely thank everyone involved in making these changes.! :heart_hands:

However, we need to see more of our voices heard and concerns addressed. We still have a long way to go to ensure the first 3 SIPs genuinely address all community feedback, concerns, and improvements. These 3 SIPs lay the foundation for our DAO for at least a generation to come. They are the pillars of the DAO and a vital stone in the foundation. Dear DAO Council members and Advisors, Everyone advocating with positive or negative feedback and criticism has great love and respect for the Sandbox.

I genuinely believe the majority of those who speak up have TSB’s best interests at heart and are considered OGs of this platform. They are trying very hard to make sure the DAO is fair, relevant, comprehensive, and representative of the Sandbox community of Builders and Players. We are ALL building and laying the foundation for a phenomenal ecosystem for generations to come.

Side note: Some of us who are critical of the DAO have faced harassment, such as bullying, ghosting, and being blocked from having our voices heard. We are putting our reputation and livelihood within the ecosystem on the line to make things better for everyone.

Therefore, I would like to organize a community-driven Q&A with you, Council & Advisor members, where the community can ask questions and get to know you.

I strongly emphasize that this should be done through the community rather than the main streaming channels of the TSB for transparency purposes. I humbly ask you to join a podcast/live stream where we can talk to each other. I have contacted the amazing Krafter for support as a moderator and co-host.

Here are the premises of this request if you approve:

  1. The podcast to be live on either X or Twitch (or both).
  2. A Google form will be created for the community to submit questions. Both moderators will ask you the questions.
  3. I will share the questions with you prior to the podcast so you have some time to gather information.
  4. We will ensure the podcast is extremely respectful and constructive.

The podcast will take place in about 5-7 days, aiming to have it before the voting cycle is due to finish for the first 3 SIPs.

What do you say?

Thank you so much in advance. I’m confident you are wonderful people and have the TSB’s and the community’s best interests at heart as well.

Let’s Talk!


…Love the idea.

I will try to create a regular SandboxDAO spaces to establish a weekly Community place to go to for all the DAO related Topics

Great News dear community, The AMA is now confirmed with Seb and Cyril on X Space. :heart_hands: :stars:

Join me & Krafter next week for a COMMUNITY FOCUSED discussion with The Sandbox DAO Special Counsel and Advisors

There is a form in the thread of this announcement tweet that you can submit your questions to.

We hope this format proves to be helpful in communicating for the SandFam!

Smash that reminder button and add it to your calendar so you don’t miss this AMA!