Enable / develop Land Renting

Make a contract to allow landowners rent their lands to not-owners.

This would allow every LO to earn SAND right away.
This would allow every creator with no land to quickly choose a location and rent the space for a limited time with a lower cost than buying the land.
This would generate an small economy loop.



This is already part of the initial project roadmap, I imagine this will be under development. :face_with_monocle:

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I am a land owner and as much as I support the idea I think it is not necessarely the right time to do so. Reason behind is that first we need create more attraction to the project, than generate revenues by selling remaining lands and than only when demand for lan is really higher to open possibility to rent. Main reason is because if you open the land renting too early you might lower completely the interest for a land buy.

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Hey KCL, good point, but so the question then is
what would benefit more, the land value?

  • Lands with monetizable utility? (renting).
  • Lands which value is (today) only defined by its scarcity.

Sincerely I donā€™t know how to define which one is better :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats were land owner needs to be patient. It is a long term investment into the ecosystem. As long as that one is not up to speed trying to make money with renting to get a fster ROI is useless.


New experiences published

This is really a solution we urgently need. Enabling the rental of LANDs within the ecosystem would allow, for example, the use of idle LANDs to be published by creators who cannot afford to acquire them.

This would therefore create an environment where more experiences could be published. I, for instance, haveā€¦ certainly a much more financially favorable environment to carry out this type of project.

Like many others, I could rent cheaper 4x4 and 2x2 lands during events to launch games in their seasons, run tests, and present to clients without the need for large investments in acquiring LANDs.


This would also have another very positive aspect, which is to promote the acquisition of assets in the Marketplace.

If we have solutions related to NTFs, such as ā€œOne NFT per Experienceā€, I believe it is very important to stimulate the assets marketplace, and this solution would certainly attract even more asset Creators.

Thank you for this important SIP.

Hello @dankoyy ,
I am a land owner and sorry but I have never being contacted by any creator to get a land to publish. Current floor price in less than 1000 SAND, so I guess it is quite affordable for any who want to publish anything especailly for those you are able to produce a 2*2 experienceā€¦ I am heavily against land renting right now as it will mechanically bring the land floor price lower. So I am very sorry but I cannot see at all what you call as an ā€œurgencyā€

I see.

Im interested in your point of view:

But first, question 1Āŗ

But we donā€™t have a tool to contact landowners for renting, do we?.
I canā€™t do an Publising on your account, right?
Place all the assets in your account and publish it. Correct?
You would have to give me the login and password of your account so that I can use your GM account, your LAND and publish and manage the Experience page painel.
Seems to me, today, we can not ā€œrentā€ experiences/lands.

question 2Āŗ

If we had an environment where you could rent your LAND for 100 SANDs per month, would you do it? If it was unused?

Would that actually happen? Iā€™m not sure. :thinking: I have a lot of demand for renting but not for buying.

For example, I would like to have students publish their games in amateur mode, but I canā€™t get 40 LANDs. If I could rent them cheaply, I could do my educational project, for example.

I donā€™t see how renting can decrease the value of LAND; actually, it seems the opposite to me. But Iā€™m curious because I understand little about this subject since its a new topic to think about and I can be wrong. I can change my mind around this subject.

But, seems to me,

Lowering the entry barrier for creators would only increase the community and make it grow. More experiences, more demand for Assets, more demand for Lands eventually. Today, a newcomer needs to overcome the purchasing barrier, which is often extremely high for the risk involved in many countries.

But yeah, idkā€¦ maybe you have others cons that Im not aware.

There are currently about 1.2 k experienced plublished for 115 k land open. And demand is not there (as proof the land price sinking). The land economy needs first to be purged from current seller that acquiered those long time ago and are still willing to get back few bucks from what they initially invested. When this will be pruged and number of experiment will be multiplied by 10 or 20 times than the needs will be different. My roadmap would be 1) Simplify as much as possible the content creation so that it is accessible to lamba people 2) go live on mobile. 3) developp connection via partnership between real world and sandbox based on art based or fashion. Rest will come

Thatā€™s why I asked you about renting to try to recover value. Thatā€™s why I asked about the difference in demand between buying and renting. In my opinion, the demands are different.

But speaking of recovering some SANDs, did you participate with your LANDs in the Builders Challenge?

I believe that this should indeed be the biggest priority for TSB right now. Creating massive educational content on GM to teach logic, with the aim of spreading knowledge of the Game Maker so we can have more high-quality game production, quickly and cheaply, as well as attracting newcomers and especially voxel artists to the GM.

This is really something very necessary. We, the creators, are eagerly waiting for this

I think this is a good field, but I believe it is just one of them.

For 3Āŗ, my view:
I think the in-game microtransaction system focused on gameplay for mobile, making games that prioritize playability and entertainment, along with monetization strategies.

Access strategies to in-game shops are essential for creators to develop their micro-economic systems for self-sustainability. This provides a healthier financial ecosystem. Currently, this doesnā€™t exist and leads to limitations compared to other mobile games that always have this feature.

Yes, absolutely. 100% support. Itā€™s time we enable this.

I did not as I do not have really the time right now to dedicate.

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