⚙️ News from the DAO Team

Hello there! Long time no see.

Here is a couple of updates:

  1. Starting with current SIP status and tracker
  • Congrats on “Wakeups Labs” for winning. The race was super close and 1st place was changing everyday, it was great to see!
  • Cross DAO collab got rejected
  • And windows resizing passed!

2 New SIPs for Discussion

  1. Our usual tracker for admin projects, updated. If any of these interest you, let me know! I’ll share what I can.

  2. A tracker for Delegates activity on Snapshot. It’s great to see the Delegates being so thorough. For the record, this record is also shared with Seb, who wants to ensure how the Sandbox allowance of 2m VP each, is being put to good use.

  3. And finally our acquisition metrics. I’m not able to get more detail from Snapshot on members besides just “14k”, hence why the chart appears flat.
