Proposal to define the price of assets for the marketplace

Hello everyone, I am introducing myself PlanetZ on X.

Through this new discussion I would like to propose and address a question that bothers me greatly regarding the pricing of assets on the sandbox marketplace.

Here is my idea/proposal

For several months I have been analyzing the sandbox marketplace and you can really find everything there and at prices completely disconnected from reality.

So the question I want to submit this idea to is:

Can we define reference prices according to the asset category and its number of voxels?

I very regularly survey voxel creators to get quotes. The last one made me laugh bitterly, a fire extinguisher for $50…

The creators define the price of assets based on the time spent as if it were a business, but I find that this formula is not suitable because a sandbox experience is defined in units and not in time spent. We want small objects in large quantities or large single assets.

In order to clarify once and for all the prices that correspond to the reality of the game, you will find the technical details below

Following the launch of sandboxes concerning the sale of catalysts, the formula could first include the basic price of these.

Example: Creation of an asset with a gray catalyst (excluding catalyst as a reward)

Solo creator’s point of view: To publish my asset I will have to spend 1 SAND

Request for a quote for an object: If the artist provides the catalyst, the creation price will be 1 SAND - If the artist does not provide the catalyst, the creation price starts at 0 SAND.

F = (Sandbox selling price of catalysts)

Secondly, it is the integration of a sale price for the creation of an asset.

I think we can define a price for each voxel/category in order to define the reference price of the object.

Example: I want to create a block - the creation is quite fast and very simple to do, so it should not be exorbitant to buy. Yes, there is the freedom to define your own price, but it does not necessarily reflect the reality of the game.

How much do you estimate the creation and sale of a block? 4, 10, 25, 35 sand? we don’t know!

This is why it would be interesting to define a reference price by category by having an objective point of view on the time spent and thus allow all creators to know the price of the object in terms of resale.

To define this one, an idea of ​​update could be on the same operation as a collection on opensea.

Let me explain: via the marketplace, let’s take flowers as an example, the average price of this category can be calculated and displayed so that we can know that a flower on average on the marketplace sells for 4 sand by adding the price of the catalyst.

Category flowers > Average price > 5 sand
Category flowers > Average price > Catalyst gray > 3.20 Sand

F = (Sandbox selling price of catalysts) + the average resale price by category of object then category of catalyst)

Now comes the last stone, the time spent and I think that this one can be defined on the quantity of voxel that the object has.

I take the example of the block, the block has X voxel according to its size. How to define a difference between a block and a trash can?

A trash can can have fewer blocks therefore faster to create than a block but for all that can be more expensive or less expensive, so, we do not know in the end, that is why, by defining a price per voxel would indicate the work provided by the creator.

This one is to be defined also according to the details and could be calculated as follows:

example: price per voxel 0.1sand, my object has 366 voxels or 36.6 SAND.

Using the formula F, here is the conclusion of this proposition:

F = (Sandbox selling price of catalysts) + the average resale price by category of object then category of catalyst) + (average price per voxel * the number of voxels in the object)

I want to create a tree that has 300 voxels

The average selling price for the category of trees in gray catalyst costs 6.60 sand for an average price per voxel at 0.1 sand. (the price of the catalyst is included in the average selling price)

F = 1+5.60+(0.1*300)
F = 6.60+3
F = 9.60

A tree with a gray catalyst and having 300 voxels at a reference price of 9.60 SAND.

To conclude, this is obviously an idea to be reworked later if it can please. She will be able to set a price for each item so that buyer and seller can have an idea of ​​the value of her items

Have a great day!

Hey welcome @PlanetZ ,

Regarding the topic I do not necessarily understand the problem you are trying to solve. Is it difficult to know which asset is expensive and which one is cheap? Yes but if people wants to make money out of buying and selling asset it is up to them to invest the time to search for good prices. For the others, price of assets depends on plenty of variables incl. offer/demand, time to make it, catalyst, studio that published or branding… it’s a market so let’s the market fix a price.

I share the same sentiments as KCL in terms of the lack of understanding of what the problem is that you are trying to solve.

Creators are given full right to decide how much they want to price their items. If you think it’s too expensive, skip it or approach the creator for a private deal.

If, on the other hand, you feel that there’s a need to give guidance on price, you can start a little website giving out recommended retail pricings but this responsibility doesn’t fall on TSB.

It’s somewhat similar to how other gaming economies work. Community members build fansites to cover a range of topics from pricing, to skill and strategies etc.

The problem is that there is no reference.

The concrete example concerns my situation for the example: I am not at all a voxel creator, PC a little old and graphic side no skills so this impacts the creation of my experience. The exorbitant price of voxel artists does not allow me to invest in view of the average price of around $30 to $50 per asset.

On the other hand I have sands available but no artist wants to participate, yet the rule is simple: The artist owning the rights to the creation can sell several copies of the asset created and thus create income thanks to the creation of the object.

So I find myself with a stock of sand available, and no price that fits into a classic budget of creators of particular experiences so the experience is stopped.

Defining an average price for each asset category would motivate voxel creators by telling them that such objects can be sold at such prices to encourage asset growth because the number of new asset releases is so low on the marketplace… And when a new asset comes out, it is a price that is disconnected from the reality of the object, so as said in the post yes the price is free, real players who want to evolve the sandbox think first of the community, and motivating creators a little more by setting a “framework” would help feed the marketplace.

The real example would be: I am a voxel creator, hey the trees are selling at 8 sand today, I will create one on the voxedit and put it on sale to hope to earn 8 sand * mint numbers. (I specify that the average price is based on the market price setting therefore of the players)

The buyer will have visibility on the price of the assets, look the trees sell for 8 sand, I will look at what is available. If I find the price correct I buy, if I find the market expensive I do not buy.

The objective is to set a framework because the sale of objects on the marketplace is underexploited, obviously sandbox will benefit from the sales costs on the objects which will multiply the turnover for the operation of the company and the various actions.

The reason there are differences in price is because there are differences in quality. There are different skill levels and difficulty levels when creating art and the range you are experiencing is due to that. As an artist I will tell you like I tell clients that don’t like my prices, “You can make it yourself for free. So if price is your only consideration. That is the best price”

The value in me making it for you isn’t in how easy I make it look but in all the years it took me to get good enough to make it look so easy.

Nice. Is your background in artistry, modeling, animation, or level design? I saw in your response yesterday you bought land and I only just made the connection that you have been Kachinga in the chat. Vox edit + game maker is a powerful skill in the Sandbox.

My background is in Problem Solving.

This is where you are seriously mistaken about the possibilities and a different management of our reality.

Who gave you the idea of ​​the object to create? Who pays you to create the asset?

It is the demanders, those who offer you the imagination of an object that is a value that you do not take into account. I believe I know that you have the source files of the asset, you can and this is what I do, agree on an agreement that stipulates that the source files belong to you and that the demander does not resell the asset, because you do not forget that you can resell an object by minting it on the marketplace and have full rights to the sale.

So if an object created by a requester then resold by you at the price of 50 SAND let’s say and 10 sales, forgive me but the requester allowed you to earn 500 sand, the quality lies precisely in this parameter, the more beautiful your object is imagined by the requester the more chance you have of reselling it by minting it x * X sand The creators you really take yourselves for points of 3D graphics, while IT IS A GAME, A METAVERSE, a rare terrestrial creation which possesses the intelligence of allowing us to shape a digital world “supervised” by the community, and in all freedom to imagine what we wish to propose to the world in one click.

You do not solve any problem, you enrich yourself on the backs of the requesters by forgetting this variable. I am outraged by your words and those of the different artists, if your reasoning governs sandbox the game will become a capitalist recycling based on the one who has the biggest puts his fat belly of money on the table.

Adopting a community reasoning will allow you to understand that for me the objective of this metaverse is the distribution of wealth on a community basis and by changing the current economic models.

Best regards PlanetZ.

You are clearly mistaken because a “demander” requires and “obeyer”.

Since you are here making this absurd inquiry it is you who needs a reality check. Make it yourself for free or pay people what THEY demand. You are the obeyer in this scenario.

That’s what I’m saying, a capitalist system where the one with the biggest wins. Not a request, a requester for a work contract for a prop with a defined framework towards both parties and balancing resources and the distribution of tasks.

You set your rules for people. In other words, you force people to accept your conditions without flinching. The purpose of this post is to define the average prices that players apply to the different assets in order to have prices that are closer to the reality of the game and not like your perfect example which is to say, I have the biggest you will pay $30 for a flower.

I wonder who is in real reality?

Well good luck getting anything you want with that caveman attitude

The caveman thinks community, sharing and taking into account all the actors by laying out basic, simple and logical rules for a good functioning.

It is not surprising to hear this kind of speech, that is why sandbox will lead to constant gaps with this kind of thinking. and that cavemen will function like you by obligation.

Say what you’re saying out loud to yourself in your own language and you will be able to hear how ridiculous it is

That’s why the game will never move forward with artists like you who prefer to forget the “source files” that are in the trades in reality I believe an important variable in a contract between two parties.

You can report the comment I have no worries because you are wrong and your reasoning capacity stops at a primary stage unfortunately.

The difference we have is that I have real arguments, explanations, a formula, examples and so on, what do you have?

What I have is marketable skills that I get paid for by people who have the earning capacity to afford my quality. Look into Fiverr.

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