Hello everyone, I am introducing myself PlanetZ on X.
Through this new discussion I would like to propose and address a question that bothers me greatly regarding the pricing of assets on the sandbox marketplace.
Here is my idea/proposal
For several months I have been analyzing the sandbox marketplace and you can really find everything there and at prices completely disconnected from reality.
So the question I want to submit this idea to is:
Can we define reference prices according to the asset category and its number of voxels?
I very regularly survey voxel creators to get quotes. The last one made me laugh bitterly, a fire extinguisher for $50…
The creators define the price of assets based on the time spent as if it were a business, but I find that this formula is not suitable because a sandbox experience is defined in units and not in time spent. We want small objects in large quantities or large single assets.
In order to clarify once and for all the prices that correspond to the reality of the game, you will find the technical details below
Following the launch of sandboxes concerning the sale of catalysts, the formula could first include the basic price of these.
Example: Creation of an asset with a gray catalyst (excluding catalyst as a reward)
Solo creator’s point of view: To publish my asset I will have to spend 1 SAND
Request for a quote for an object: If the artist provides the catalyst, the creation price will be 1 SAND - If the artist does not provide the catalyst, the creation price starts at 0 SAND.
F = (Sandbox selling price of catalysts)
Secondly, it is the integration of a sale price for the creation of an asset.
I think we can define a price for each voxel/category in order to define the reference price of the object.
Example: I want to create a block - the creation is quite fast and very simple to do, so it should not be exorbitant to buy. Yes, there is the freedom to define your own price, but it does not necessarily reflect the reality of the game.
How much do you estimate the creation and sale of a block? 4, 10, 25, 35 sand? we don’t know!
This is why it would be interesting to define a reference price by category by having an objective point of view on the time spent and thus allow all creators to know the price of the object in terms of resale.
To define this one, an idea of ​​update could be on the same operation as a collection on opensea.
Let me explain: via the marketplace, let’s take flowers as an example, the average price of this category can be calculated and displayed so that we can know that a flower on average on the marketplace sells for 4 sand by adding the price of the catalyst.
Category flowers > Average price > 5 sand
Category flowers > Average price > Catalyst gray > 3.20 Sand
F = (Sandbox selling price of catalysts) + the average resale price by category of object then category of catalyst)
Now comes the last stone, the time spent and I think that this one can be defined on the quantity of voxel that the object has.
I take the example of the block, the block has X voxel according to its size. How to define a difference between a block and a trash can?
A trash can can have fewer blocks therefore faster to create than a block but for all that can be more expensive or less expensive, so, we do not know in the end, that is why, by defining a price per voxel would indicate the work provided by the creator.
This one is to be defined also according to the details and could be calculated as follows:
example: price per voxel 0.1sand, my object has 366 voxels or 36.6 SAND.
Using the formula F, here is the conclusion of this proposition:
F = (Sandbox selling price of catalysts) + the average resale price by category of object then category of catalyst) + (average price per voxel * the number of voxels in the object)
I want to create a tree that has 300 voxels
The average selling price for the category of trees in gray catalyst costs 6.60 sand for an average price per voxel at 0.1 sand. (the price of the catalyst is included in the average selling price)
F = 1+5.60+(0.1*300)
F = 6.60+3
F = 9.60
A tree with a gray catalyst and having 300 voxels at a reference price of 9.60 SAND.
To conclude, this is obviously an idea to be reworked later if it can please. She will be able to set a price for each item so that buyer and seller can have an idea of ​​the value of her items
Have a great day!