SIP-11: The Sandbox DAO to Fund the Sandbox Ambassador Program

Under “Why does TSB need Ambassadors?” section: Could you give a full list of what “creating content for The Sandbox channels” entails please?

  • Content creation can vary based upon the needs of the Marketing teams at the time but typically will involve in game capture, rendered scenes, voxedit assets, or motion design work.

Under “Goals of the Program” section: Where it says “acting on behalf of the business,” does this mean that Ambassadors would have an employee/employer or freelancer relationship with TSB? If not, what kind of relationship is established with Ambassadors and who TSB/DAO/something else is it established with?

  • Ambassadors will have a contractual agreement with The Sandbox based upon their agreed track and commitments. The contract auto-renews on a monthly basis.

Under “Goals of the Program” section: where it says “Produce content for The Sandbox and The Sandbox DAO,” Is there ever a situation where Ambassadors would be required to distribute specific key information?

  • Yes. We may leverage ambassadors to distribute information for a launch (i.e. Game Maker update), support a partnership launch, promote a SIP, and more!

Under the four Ambassador tracks section: This one is a selfish question, I applied to be an Ambassador after discussing it with Seb on my SANDDAO podcast. If I were to be selected & accepted as a KOL, what sort of “wielding influence” would be expected of me and other KOLs?

  • We are looking for KOLs who have a certain number of followers and demonstrate via engagement and other metrics that they are engaging with their community. Influencers will be expected to drive impressions, engagement across their posts, and in some cases, down funnel metrics (i.e traffic to the platform).

*** Under “Appendix” section: Different from my above question. If the DAO ends up paying the 400K, does this mean that the Ambassadors would then answer to the DAO instead of TSB?**

  • The program will be owned and operated by The Sandbox. This SIP is purely to fund the program as we believe that this program delivers a similar mission as the DAO which is to grow and foster The Sandbox community.

Let me know if you have any other questions!