SIP-11: The Sandbox DAO to Fund the Sandbox Ambassador Program

SANDDAO Podcast and the Sandbox are separate. I don’t represent the Sandbox and I don’t represent the Sandbox DAO Admin team. It’s stated clearly in every SANDDAO episode, including the one you just watched (1 minute 30 seconds). Sandbox Foundation = Sandbox DAO.

Contacting voters is something every SIP author has had to do, including Pepe, and including Sandbox team. I’ll have to do the same when my SIPs go to vote. Those who didn’t contact enough voters didn’t get 30M quorum and their SIP failed. SandDex would link info wallet holders have already made public.

As for interviewing me, I definitely don’t want it to be torture for you. How about this–I’ll come to you. You have 100% control, you can ask any question you want, and you can cut me off at any time. If you don’t cut me off, I’ll keep a stopwatch going and stop every answer at 60 seconds.


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I don’t think you’re a bad person, nor do I want others to view you like that. I’m participating in the DAO, and I’ve been participating a lot…that’s very true. I’m pretty excited about the Sandbox DAO.

I’d like to do the interview with you. I give you full control. This isn’t a trap.

I requested earlier that you link me where I have “cried harsh.” I haven’t seen anything from you on that yet. I also request that you please link me where “others here have said enough about you in that respect.” Please DM me if you feel more comfortable that way.

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I will say that I disagree that they should be able to. I signed up to be an Ambassador for The Sandbox and the SandFam. I want absolutely nothing to do with this DAO at all after the way they have treated this community and The Sandbox itself. The DAO should have absolutely no say whatsoever in what the Ambassadors for The Sandbox do or who is chosen to be one.

The DAO is a completely separate entity with their own budget. They can do as they like with that and advise The Sandbox, but as a complete separate entity they should not have complete control over The Sandbox. If they want their own Ambassadors for The Sandbox DAO, then fine.

If the DAO was not a completely separate entity and was the true governance for The Sandbox then that would be different. And maybe that is what you mean by a “True DAO”. Yes, they stated from the beginning that the DAO will more progressively move to decentralization, but I don’t trust a single thing the DAO says anymore and I don’t want them having any control or say over The Sandbox Ambassadors.

But I completely understand where you are coming from with the concern of a few whales deciding who gets to be one and who doesn’t.

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I do agree. I want the original vision. But when the DAO bluntly stated that they didn’t need to follow anything in regards to the Whitepaper that brought all of us on board, it made me realize they have their own vision and they do not care what was told to us to bring us here, they will do as they want. Which is why the Special Council was hired (and not nominated and ran for the position) by them in the first place and no one of who had any interaction with the community was allowed to even have a chance for the positions.

For the entire Special Council from 2023 until when the DAO vote took place there were a total of 11 posts in Discord from all of them combined. Of those 11, all were from Seb who was doing so as COO of The Sandbox. For tweets, Seb did have a lot, but those were as COO of TSB and not as a community supporter. Yat had 21 total since 2018, and those were as co-founder of Animoca. The other three had 5 total (with one having 0) and of those tweets they were accepting the position on the Special Council that they were given, before the vote even took place.

I would like to see the builders form their own sort of union and vote all 5 of them out and replace each and every one of them with someone from the community at this point. Give the builders a voice and give the players a voice.

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Maybe we could have Working Groups separated by type of SandFam in the same way ApeCoin layers their working groups. Like an Artist working group and a Builder working group and a landowner working group and a gamer working group.

I started a SIP a few days ago over in SIP drafts for a builders working group but I didn’t think to expand it the way being talked about now.

There’d be a lot of overlap between groups due to many of us wearing multiple hats… But maybe that’s a good thing

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What type of union are you referring to then

I agree, that’s why I’m wondering what you mean about the union thing. The Sandbox DAO already is a union. The other DAOs have been managing their union through working groups.

  1. There is no “set” size for the program as it needs to be elastic and adapt with the changing needs of the business. For example, the program may expand during Season as we need to onboard ambassadors into the In-Game Leader track for a short period of time (duration of Season) and then taper those individuals off once it ends.

  2. Ambassadors will be compensated in SAND based upon the specific track they are assigned to. They will be required to sign a contract outlining the terms of their participation in the program and their agreed upon commitments. Each track is divided into a “Lite” and “Full” version. The current structure is set up to establish a “cap” whereby the ambassador is required to fulfill the established amount of hours, posts, or assets delivered per month.

  1. Ambassadors will be classified as contractors not employees.

  2. All ambassadors—new and existing—would be moved to this program structure including compensation so as to make it fair and equitable for all in the program. Existing Ambassadors will be asked to sign the updated contract and code of conduct. We do not expect all existing Ambassadors to move over to the new program for a variety of reasons as some are inactive or unable to meet the new terms (i.e. weekly time commitments).

  3. This SIP proposal is to cover the end of the year. The plan was to submit another SIP for next year’s budget in December.

  4. There is no need for a “DAO” Ambassador track. Instead, Ambassadors within tracks will do work on behalf of requests from the DAO. For example, individuals in the KOL track will post about the DAO. This is the same as for Content Creator Track—they will make content on behalf of The Sandbox or the DAO.

  5. Ambassadors will be expected to not “play” favoritism when it comes to the experiences they feature either by the content they create and/or share on their own channels. The expectation is that the individuals we are accepting into the program are here to grow our community, not themselves. We will not be supportive of self-promotional behavior and monitor our ambassadors to ensure they are not using this title as a way to self-promote.

Lastly, we are working on coordinating an AMA on The Sandbox’s Twitter account later this week to answer your questions regarding this SIP. Thank you!


Dear @AllMyFriends

As a long-standing ambassador and contractor for The Sandbox, I speak for the team when I say that we have reviewed your recent proposal and must express significant concerns regarding its content.

The primary issue lies with the proposed cap. Ambassador compensation is already quite low, and this cap would potentially reduce it further, failing to adequately reward those who invest substantial effort in their roles. In my professional opinion, the program would benefit far more from having 5-10 highly active and committed ambassadors rather than 10-20 semi-inactive individuals who are primarily motivated by a paycheck.

Over my three years with The Sandbox, I have witnessed the outcomes of mass hiring new ambassadors, and the results have consistently been less than favorable. Furthermore, the proposed budget is inadequate and would not allow for fair compensation, even if the ambassador count were limited to 5-10 people.

Ambassadors who go above and beyond for The Sandbox deserve proper recognition and compensation; a monthly pay of $1,000 to $2,000 is insufficient for the value they bring. If this plan is implemented as proposed, you risk losing 99% of your current ambassadors and facing considerable challenges in recruiting knowledgeable replacements.

I strongly urge you to withdraw this post and consult with the current ambassadors and staff managing the program before resubmitting a revised proposal. As it stands, the current plan is fundamentally flawed and unworkable.

Kind regards,
The Sandbox Ambassador Team

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I feel they have a very strong knowledge of our feelings and this is their way of trying to get as much of us to quit as possible since there will no longer be Ambassadors for The Sandbox but instead Ambassadors for The Sandbox DAO.

Oddly enough you accidentally neglected to mention what the new Ambassador pay per month would even be for working those 40 hours in a month.

Even more odd, you seem to have accidentally forgotten to mention what current ambassadors can earn and how that would compare for them.

How much do Ambassadors get now?

First of all, I would like to sincerely thank the ambassadors who “really” work and serve the community for being with us for so long. However, I have a few questions and it really confuses me.

I won’t name names in any way, I don’t want to offend anyone.

But looking at the server activity, there are ambassadors with 19, 35, 150 and 300 messages. Shouldn’t there be a solution for this situation first?

There are people who spend hours of labor and it’s normal for them to be really worried. (hi, @KandidlyKristen love your work!) How do you plan to address Kristen’s concern?

My next question is to the community: What do you think about some of the people who are known in the community who are dying to be ambassadors and who are applying for this program, and what do you think about the response that “it might be difficult because they are in another country”? (There is only 2 hours difference in local time and they can stay up late at night :rofl: )

How can you afford to publish the Ambassador team’s concern on this and other platforms in such a way that it will get such a backlash? Did you not ask their opinion? These people are responding to thousands of people here for you (some with 10 messages :rofl: ), did you not think that their opinion might be valuable?


Hey mate , as I stated on Twitter . We have 5 active ambassadors atm . The rest have either quit or refuse to do anything because of the lack of pay / incentives being offered up . Interns of actively on discord - it’s not the best measurement of performance as discord deletes our messages after a few months so our real effort is not reflected . That and the fact that some of our work is on Twitter , twitch and DMs which a lot of people won’t see . I am proud of my colleges and believe that we should be treated with a tad more respect considering the amount of work we do for the sandbox which for the vast amount of time has gone unrecognised by all but a few (Scott and Amy ) . I believe it would be in everyone’s best interest to scrap this proposal and have a good chat about our role moving forward and why so many of us are unhappy with the way things are currently being run / heading .


@AllMyFriends Thanks for the response!

I did a podcast episode last night that reviewed & read through your SIP.

A few followups came from it:

  1. Under what conditions would a newly accepted Ambassador NOT receive compensation? (Under “Who can apply it says acceptance doesn’t guarantee payment”)
  2. What stopped TSB from welcoming in even more members without this SIP?
  3. What about this does not allow you to project the exact number of Ambassadors?
  4. For the second milestone, what “key metrics” were you referring to?
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I appreciate the kind words :blue_heart: I think one thing that a lot of people don’t fully understand is that Ambassadors are not asked their opinions ahead of time, even though we have to face the wrath of those decisions. We also are not given advanced notice of anything. We are basically community members with an elevated title to represent our passion for the project.

Ambassadors were not hired. Ambassadors were not employed. We did not have any work requirements. We came and went as we pleased because the title was about our passion not our position working for a company. It was a title earned from our passion for the project and rewards were available if and only if we used our voice and our passion to do things that The Sandbox felt aligned with their vision and were deemed worthy of rewards. And I do not feel those people should lose their earned title because a new company does not care about their passion and love and wants to create a job with employees without benefits out of the respectable title those individuals previously earned. Before you could trust Ambassadors to be honest with you because their title simply showed their passion for the project. Now you will not be able to trust that they are being honest when they are simply nothing more than low level employees without benefits of The Sandbox DAO and not even The Sandbox. The Sandbox DAO and The Sandbox were two separate entities. This SIP shows that is not true as they are taking away our title and forcing us to quit being Ambassadors for The Sandbox and become Ambassadors for The Sandbox DAO having to strictly follow the work requirements of that job including losing our ability to disagree with something because now we are forced to support everything that The Sandbox DAO requires us to support. No one could or should ever trust an Ambassador again with this new program they are introducing. We are no longer Ambassadors. We are employees without benefits.

Just like Agents and Assistants were hired separately from Ambassadors, if they want employees without benefits then they can hire employees without benefits under a separate title from Ambassadors. Our title was because of our passion, not because it was a job.

And to answer your question about the low amount of posts, the reason why there are ambassadors with a very low message count is because ambassadors were chosen for their passion in general. This passion came from many sources such as those who created video content or helped translate articles or ran blogs or other things outside of Discord and they may have never showed up in Discord. I feel those individuals still deserve the respect of their title, even if their passion isn’t from being active in the Discord. And I don’t feel like those individuals should lose the respect of that title just because they are not as active anymore. They put in the work to earn it, it should not just be stripped away without them doing something drastic to deserve it. I view it more as how someone works for a college degree and title. They have it, they earned it and they should not lose the title from earning it unless they do something drastic enough to have it revoked. For example, a doctor is a doctor, whether they are practicing (working) or not, they just don’t get paid if they don’t work. The only way to lose their title of doctor is if they do something drastic to have that revoked. A manager can be fired at any time and the title is gone as is the pay. The title Ambassador was always treated the same as a doctor’s title in that sense and not an employee title like manager.

And when we were accepted as ambassadors of The Sandbox, that is how the position was explained to us and our contracts signatures should matter.


Hey all, don’t miss the AMA this Friday!
More info here => :speech_balloon: AMA SIP-11 Ambassador Program


Please make available either a recording or a transcript of the AMA so that those of us who cannot make it due to real life commitments can still get the information.


Thanks Daruth! I have a SIP awaiting the DAO team to advance it to the community vote. Just waiting on their final review at this point.

Thanks. I really appreciate that. That what’s it’s all about in my opinion. Just the public dialogue as best we can manage it.

I hope we can get it to vote soon. The DAO Team has a couple things left they wanted me to address. I think I’ve satisfied it, but we’ll see.

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