SIP-4: Carbon capture (with NZC)

Council recommendation: Positive :slightly_smiling_face:


This proposal advocates for The Sandbox’s acquisition of Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) tokens from Net Zero Company, a highly reputable Carlyle company based in Stockholm, Sweden.
It suggests creating a SAND-CDR trading pair, enabling users to directly contribute to carbon neutrality by exchanging SAND tokens for high-quality CDRs, representing a pioneering move in fungible tokenization of carbon credits.
A CDR from Net Zero Company had been physically removed from the atmosphere and credited by a reliable institute.


This proposal seeks The Sandbox’s initiation into environmental sustainability by acquiring Credible Carbon Removal (CDR) tokens for creating a SAND-CDR trading pair, promoting direct user investment in high-quality carbon offsets.


The initiative underscores The Sandbox’s commitment to leveraging blockchain technology for global sustainability efforts, offering users a meaningful way to participate in carbon neutrality.


  • Initial Acquisition: The Sandbox will enter into an agreement to purchase CDR tokens from the Net Zero Company. This initial step secures a foundational volume of high-quality carbon credits, preparing Sandbox for the next phase of market engagement.

  • Market Integration and Trading Pair Creation: Upon the CDR tokens becoming publicly available, projected around July 2024, the Sandbox team will establish a SAND-CDR trading pair. This pair will be launched on an exchange, facilitating the exchange between SAND and CDR tokens. This approach not only enhances liquidity but also sets a precedent for environmental sustainability in the DeFi space.

200k SAND to purchase CDRs, and 200k SAND locked to be able to set up an exchange pair.


The CDR tokens are expected to be live by the end of Q2 or the beginning of Q3, with subsequent availability for trading. The acquisition of the CDRs representing high-quality carbon removals will be purchased in Q2 2024.


The trading pair will initially be available on decentralized exchanges, facilitating global access and participation.


Net Zero Company is a forward-thinking enterprise committed to combating climate change by offering nature-based, already sequestered carbon removal solutions.
They leverage blockchain technology to increase the accessibility, trust, and transparency of carbon dioxide removal credits (CDRs).
Their diverse portfolio includes high-quality, nature-based projects worldwide, ensuring a reduced risk and a tangible impact on carbon emissions.

The team at Net Zero Company boasts a rich background in the carbon space, equipped with expertise and innovative approaches to tackle carbon emissions effectively.

The major shareholder of Net Zero Company is Carlyle Group, a global investment firm based in the U.S. with a significant presence in various sectors, including energy and natural resources. Carlyle Group is known for its vast resources, extensive portfolio, and commitment to sustainable and responsible investments.

For more detailed information about Net Zero Company and their initiatives, please visit their official website.

SIP Details


In an era prioritizing environmental sustainability, integrating real-world carbon neutrality efforts into digital platforms has become crucial. The Net Zero Company specializes in the highest quality CDRs, marking a significant stride in environmental responsibility.

The proposal involves The Sandbox acquiring CDR tokens managed by the Net Zero Company and establishing a SAND-CDR trading pair, providing a seamless mechanism for users to engage in carbon offsetting activities.

Rationale and Benefit

Leveraging the Net Zero Company’s reputation and expertise ensures access to premier carbon removal credits, enhancing The Sandbox’s environmental initiatives. This approach not only supports global sustainability goals but also positions The Sandbox as a leader in digital-environmental integration.

Risk Analysis

The risks are minimal, primarily related to market dynamics and regulatory landscapes, which will be mitigated through strategic planning and legal diligence.

Implementation Plan

The Sandbox to sign a purchase agreement of the asset backed token CDRs, which will be delivered when the token goes public (end of Q2).

The Sandbox DAO to setup a trading pair of CDR/SAND.

Resources Required

200k SAND to purchase CDRs, and an additional 200k SAND locked to create the pair

All CDRs, which are backed by real-world assets, are 100% owned by The Sandbox DAO.

Metrics for Success

Metrics include transaction volumes of SAND-CDR trades, user participation rates, and impact on carbon neutrality projects.

Voting Options:

  • Approve as proposed.
  • Reject the proposal.
  • Cannot decide

Voting Period: 14 days

Appendices and Additional Resources

  • Net Zero Company profile and CDR token overview.
  • Technical and legal assessment reports.

Robin Stenman

Net Zero Company AB
Birger Jarlsgatan 20
114 34 Stockholm

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Voting no here. Again, brand new DAO, lack of details of said company, no community engagement prior to launching proposal, complex pair trading structure.

Too little details to vote yes for something most of us won’t understand much of in terms of the benefits to the ecosystem.



What will be the value of the CDR token, as it not launch yet, it seems 1 SAND = 1 CDR?

Do you have any information about this token? contract? audit ?
It seems it will be on ETH, but on a layer 2 Polygon as SAND is? or directly on the layer 1 ETH?
It will be backed “by real-world assets”, what do you mean by that?

Like other comments I read, it is too early for me to vote proposal with budget, as this same budget is not yet voted…



Hard no on this one.

Carbon capture is well known as absolute bullshit and proper green washing.

If the foundation want to push green energy forward within the Crypto/Blockchain space, look at partnering with Powerledger who have been in operation before TSB existed and is delivering positive green energy change with the blockchain at it’s centre


I’m optimistic about this SIP, but I don’t fully understand what “preparing Sandbox for the next phase of market engagement” means.

The best I can think of is this initiative counterbalances SAND’s carbon impact to give it credibility in the future social circles that it wants to enter.

Thoughts anyone?

Voting no, as we have seen many scams about these “carbon” tax/incentives in the “real world”. So, i can’t imagine what’s going to happen in such anonymous/decentralized environment.


Hard NO. TSB needs to focus on development at this moment mainly. It has been half a year passes for 2024 and yet so many goals have not been completed. These money need to be used to develop TSB first!


Hard no on this one too
This sounds too weird.

Anyone else feel like we got this backwards? This voting finishes before the SIP for the budget finishes…

I love the idea and would likely support something like this but given we weren’t allowed to discuss this or the basic SIPs 1-3 first, I voted no. And will continue to do so until:

  • The community has representation on the Special Council
  • Voting Power is established correctly according to the whitepaper
  • Announcements are made for those to get their VP out of exchanges and in place
  • The community has a chance to discuss SIPs before being forced to vote.

Quick update on the SIP:

The DAO team is currently awaiting verification from NZC Company (including KYB and KYT processes). Once this is complete, we will proceed with transferring USDT to acquire CDR Tokens and set up the liquidity pool.

Thank you for your patience.