The Sandbox DAO - Thoughts?

The Sandbox announced the formation of The Sandbox DAO today.

Itā€™s been wanted for a while now, but now that itā€™s here, what do YOU think?

  1. Let my voice be heard!
  2. What voice?
  3. Iā€™m unsure right now.
  4. Yes, but I have concerns.

Discuss :point_down:


I think we all know how much I love TSB. I absolutely love that we are finally implementing a DAO as well. But I took the personal choice to vote no on the current proposals.

The biggest reason is I think the community should have had a chance to discuss the issues around the foundation of it before it was ever brought to a vote. As of right now, most of the issues were already decided without any community input then put up for a vote as is.

My other big reason is I think that it is unfair to not only those invested in the project but also the project itself to not have it set up correctly for LAND owners and those who stake SAND to be able to vote in the early proposals. I feel staking is a huge part of Web3 life and builds projects up, leaving out those who chose to stake during the low reward periods feels unfair to them. And yes, I understand that those in the USA and UK are not allowed to stake right now, but I feel like those who stake should have a higher weight to their SAND VP.

I would personally love to see the SIPs cancelled, a brief discussion happen in the community about it, the voting power correctly implemented for all and then the SIPs put back up to vote. Even if in the end, it is the same exact proposal word for word, I feel this would be more fair for the community as a whole as well as the vision and future of the DAO.

I also personally feel like TSB shouldnā€™t have itā€™s astronomically high voting power, or even a vote at all. If the DAO is about the community, let the community vote. I would not want staff excluded as they are part of the community (even if they are whales), but having the project itself place such large votes drowns out all members of the community.

I would love to see a lot of the specifics about the contents of the proposals being addressed in more detail. I had a hard time even voting because I couldnā€™t find the specifics I was looking for based on the wording of the proposals.

Lastly, I feel like some of the proposals could have been split up into even smaller ones with their own separate votes and later combined into a large SIP such as the ones we have now. As of now, it is an all or nothing vote on these issues.

Families fight, families disagree, families compromise, but these are my thoughts on how to truly make the SANDFam a true family. And right now we arenā€™t getting the chance to become that in this DAO with these initial founding votes happening the way they are.


I agree with everything Kandidly Kristen has mentioned above, and she pretty much summarized my feelings verbatim.

To add:

  1. I support the additional voting power for staking, understanding that individuals from the USA and UK cannot participate. Fairness is essential, but decisions may not adequately represent everyoneā€™s needs.
    For instance, a SIP with 400k+ SAND support for the French Red Cross raises concerns for me. While I endorse charity and the work of the Red Cross, why focus solely on the French Red Cross? Why not support a UN-related fund for global hunger or children worldwide? With TSBā€™s current voting power, my concern grows but wonā€™t make a difference; if they approve it with their 3.1 Mil VP (not even considering the 5360 Landsā€™ worth of VP), they can proceed with the funding without much consideration for our input.

  2. Regardless of future SIPs, itā€™s imperative and very crucial to have the foundational and fundamental aspects of the DAO decided by the community of players, creators, and holders within TSBā€™s ecosystem. The first three SIPs that lay the foundation of our DAO have been approved behind closed doors. TSB knows their voting power will overpower the entire communityā€™s voting power, so why proceed in this manner?

  3. With utmost respect to the Council and advisors members, we, the community, DAOā€™s users, and participants, should have had a say in selecting them. Who are they? What were the circumstances, arrangements, or criteria they were chosen based on? We donā€™t know!
    All I know as of now is that we will eventually be paying them for taking the seat while crossing our fingers theyā€™ll be fair or unbiased!

This doesnā€™t feel like a true DAO to me. I donā€™t feel heard. I donā€™t feel empowered to participate in the DAO. Itā€™s not fair to the community as it sands right now!

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I agree with you, Kristen. I was super excited to see this, and then I saw that particularsā€¦a board already selected, snapshots already takenā€¦it all seems very rushed. I think we should slow down. Iā€™m still trying to figure out what actions the vision statement translates into.

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I agree with what KK said and voted NO on all SIPs. In fact, the initial discussions to treasury allocations, voting structure etc should be opened to the community, otherwise why call it a DAO?

A good way to start off will be to give each KYCed account 1 vote regardless of SAND or LAND as it shows proof of humanity.

We can then move on to weighted or quadratic voting or whatever the DAO decides.

I commend the effort made by SB, but all these decisions made feel rushed and unilateral, which is in direct conflict with what a DAO represents


DAOā€˜s are a great Opportunity to involve the Community more and also to change the direcrions of a project if needed.

So it will bring us new possibilities to adopt Sandbox.


I am sure you are trolling but if not you seem to be clueless on what the community wantsā€¦ all you got to do is open the ears and listenā€¦ then again, you be one of the ā€œyes manā€ thatā€™s doing the biddingā€¦ if you are not can you break down your thoughts to convince me and the rest of the actual community of builders and creators who made this platform what it is today. Awaiting your enlightening view of whatā€™s to comeā€¦

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@James is obviously just trying to troll everyone. You should read his other posts. He literally reads nothing and posts a response that makes absolutely no sense to the discussion. Iā€™d suggest not interacting with them anymore. I still have a toddler at home, so Iā€™m used to dealing with people that act like that and make no sense when they talk :wink:

They donā€™t even know that this is called The Sandbox not Sandbox :laughing:

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1/ā€¦please donā€˜t be disrepsectful or talk to me in a not appropiate tone , this is a Community DAO so no needs to hear you telling them they are Trolls or have no clue, that maybe as a nice first Tip to build positive vibes

Everyone is invited here to write and post all his oppinions and ideas without getting negative comments on it, thatā€˜s not a Telegeamm Channel niveau

2/ā€¦a DAO has the Task to collect the community feedback, so neither you or me know what the community wants, thats why a voting was invented, there we will see what the community wants at the end

3/ā€¦The plattform was made by Animocabrands and Employees, they gave users the possibility to earn, play and build. The community has not invented the Plattform.

4/ā€¦Sponsorship money made the plattform to what it is today, which attracted people and builders

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Then make sure you at least know what you are talking about because we have read all your other comments and they are either for the sole purpose of trolling or because you donā€™t know anything about The Sandbox at all. They arenā€™t opinions, they are at the very least completely off topic conversations that have no relation to the conversation or at worst they are simply trying to troll.

And if you knew anything about The Sandbox, you would know we have been collecting feedback for years already without a DAO. A DAO is actually a legal way to enforce feedback. Feedback can and always has been easily collected without DAOs. DAOs just now make it easier to sue everyone based on their feedback :wink:

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Welcome $BOSS James! Mocaverse is like brothers!
Donā€™t forget to stop by the GameMaker Discord Channel and check out the game development platform.
Btw! I thind like your idea about ā€œcommunity-run DAOā€. Iā€™d love to understand better why you decided to create it. Maybe this could also be applied to TSB. Idk. Just curious. :joy: