Venly Wallet to connect with

I have land and sands in venly. When asked to connect vallets for DAO, they only offer metamask and walletconnect. How do I get in to vote?

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Hello friend! :wave::slight_smile:

We have forwarded to the team that the SandFam would like the opportunity to be able to connect their Venly and Bitski wallets to the SandboxDao website.

In the meantime, you can try the following instead:

  1. On the page of a SIP you are interested in voting on (for example: SIP-1), click the Snapshot link on the top-left of the page, under the “Details” header.
    This will take you to the Snapshot website for that SIP, which in the case of the above example, is here.

  2. Click the “Connect Wallet” button in the top-right of the Snapshot website. Then select the WalletConnect option.

  3. Venly should then be a supported option via WalletConnect. :slight_smile:


I can confirm that Scott’s suggestion does in fact work for Venly users.

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A delegated multi-sig seems still not to be working - any suggestions?

Hi mate, is this still the case or is this fixed? We have various project owners who consider voting but on a delegated wallet to be on the safe side.