VP for People Staking SAND

In the “AMA” yesterday it was stated that “we’ve been monitoring the discussion about staking because there are some people that want staking involved and some that don’t” in relation to VP. It was also stated by a Council member that not everyone may want stakers to get VP and should be brought up as an SIP, which would extend the process to get these people their VP by approximately an extra month if we are given two weeks to discuss then two weeks to vote.

As someone who extensively follows everything everywhere from TSB and the community, I personally have not seen a single person say the do NOT want stakers to have any VP at all.

So what am I missing? Where are these people who said that?

I know people have debated if they should receive extra weight in the future. I have also seen people who don’t want staking to continue at TSB. I have not seen a single person who said they feel those who bought or earned SAND and chose to support the project by staking it should NOT receive VP at all for it.

And yes, I am offended that multiple people leading the “AMA” and Council both supported the idea that those who invested and supported the project by staking is something that shouldn’t be an automatic right to VP.

I regularly manage to keep up with the Forum here, multiple Discord servers for TSB and some of it’s partners, Reddit, Twitter, Medium, the Creator’s Forum, Twitch, and not to mention countless DMs across those social media outlets. Keeping up with something like the community’s right to their deserved VP in just the Forum should not be that difficult. As was stated in the “AMA,” mistakes will be made. But something as big as this does not feel like a mistake, it feels like a way to mislead those who have not been active in the community.

And more importantly, the fact that those on the Council didn’t interject and correct the misstatement further illustrates that they do not understand the Community’s Interests they supposedly are paid to ensure the SIPs align with.

No SIP is needed for this. The Sandbox DAO just needs to figure out how to implement it. This was in the Whitepaper from the beginning. LAND Owners Voting Rights weren’t, but we didn’t need a SIP and discussion for that even though there was Community Feedback actually against it since a few users were concerned it would just lead to whales controlling the vote even more (as we are seeing happen). That being said, I would have voted for them to have rights as well, but since they got rights without a vote there is no discussion needed for this. Those who stake should be given at least a 1:1 VP as soon as possible without delaying it an extra month with discussions and votes. We can do that in regards to adding extra weight to those who stake after the team figures out a way to make it happen and implements it.


…so here i show up if no one seem so far.

No staking please :heart_on_fire::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::fire:

And now we can tell you are completely against the Community’s Interests and the Whitepaper, they should have appointed you!

Either that or once again you didn’t even read the topic before responding. And since you obviously know nothing about The Sandbox based on your responses, I guess I can go ahead and enlighten you. Staking already happens with over 85 Million SAND in the staking pools at The Sandbox. Part of the Whitepaper was giving governance to those who stake. The Sandbox DAO started and didn’t follow the Whitepaper and didn’t even tell those who stake ahead of time so they could pull their staked SAND out of the pool and then lied to the community in the AMA saying that people don’t want people who stake to have VP.

So are you trying to say that you want investors in the Community who trusted the Whitepaper to not have any VP (Voting Power since I doubt you know what VP is)?

Or are you saying you don’t want staking in The Sandbox at all? Because if that is the case, that has literally absolutely nothing to do with this topic whatsoever, and if you read it then you would know that :slight_smile:

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