Idea for Metaverse and Disability

Our mission in this Project is to create an inclusive and accessible work place for those with physical disabilities and for those with minor disabilities, giving them the opportunity of having significant and sustainable employment. Together with the Italian Association ANPIS, we would like to guarantee that each individual has the possibility to contribute to the work place and to realize his/her own potential, independent of his/her physical capabilities.

Through training programs, adjustments in the work place and in a work environment that is welcoming and supportive, we commit to promoting diversity and inclusion in the work place. We fervently believe that diversity leads to a more creative, innovative and productive workplace, and we are determined to demonstrate that people with physical and minor disability can carry out significant roles and contribute positively to our organization, guaranteeing the hiring of the trainees through internships or national contracts.

OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY FOR THE 10-year period 2021-2030

The strategy is aimed at improving the lives of people with disability in the 10-year period from 2021-2030. It affirms that the objectives can be achieved only through a coordinated action both on a national level and by one from the European Union, and also with a solid commitment from the Member States, and the regional and local authorities to realize the action proposed by the European Union.

The European Union is anchored to the values of equal opportunity, of social equality, freedom and to the European Union’s Charter for fundamental rights that provide the basis to fight against any form of discrimination, setting equality as the cornerstone of the Union’s policies.

The strategy takes into account the different facets of disability resulting from the interaction amidst lasting physical, mental, intellectual or sensorial impairments, which are often invisible, and the environmental barriers as well as increased diffusion of disability linked to age. It deals with the specific barriers met by those with disability, which find themselves in an intersection situation with other intersections (such as racial, ethnic, sexual and religious), in a difficult socioeconomic situation or in other situations of vulnerability. Among those who have disability, particular attention must be given to women, children, the elderly, the homeless, refugees, migrants, Rom and other ethnic minorities.

The strategy supports green and digital transitions and a healthy Europe, contributing to a sustainable, innovative and fair Union. It is part of the action plan on the European pillar for Social Rights. The strategy will contribute to strengthening Europe’s role as a global partner in the fight against inequalities, in achieving the objectives of sustainable development of the United Nations and in the promotion of human rights.

The 10-year strategy defines key initiatives around four main themes.

Accessibility is a prerequisite for full participation in society by people with disability on an equal footing with others. At Union level, The Commission will pay particular attention to the correct implementation and evaluation of all the Union’s norms that regulate accessibility and will identify the gaps and necessity of further legislative actions.
The Commission will launch a European resource center (AccessibleEU), to increase the coherence of accessibility policies and facilitate access to relevant knowledge, uniting national authorities, experts and professionals from all sectors affecting accessibility with the aim of:

  • Share good practices across the board; Offer ideas for policy-making at a European Union and National level; Develop tools and standards to facilitate the implementation of Union Law.
  • Share good practices across the board;
  • Offer ideas for policy-making at a European Union and National level;
  • Develop tools and standards to facilitate the implementation of Union Law.

People with disabilities enjoy the same rights as other citizens of the European Union to move to another Member State or to participate in political life. By the end of 2023, the Commission will propose to create a European disability card that will have the purpose to:

  • Facilitate mutual recognition of the condition of disability between the Member States;
  • Help people with disabilities to enjoy their right to freedom of movement;
  • Promote the participation of people with disabilities in the electoral process.

The strategy aims to protect people with disabilities from any form of discrimination and violence. It aims to ensure equal opportunities and access, and in particular to:

  • Improve access to justice, legal protection, freedom and security;
  • Provide equal access to social protection, healthcare, education, goods and services, including accommodation;
  • Provide inclusive and accessible education;
  • Offer sustainable and equal access to healthcare, including rehabilitation services and prevention;
  • Improve access to art and culture, recreational activities, free time, sport and tourism;
  • Promote participation in the democratic process;
  • Provide accessible and inclusive housing;
  • Improve the accessibility of buildings and communication;
  • Participate in lifelong learning;
  • Develop new skills for new jobs;
  • Promote access to sustainable and quality jobs;
  • Make selection, hiring, employment and job retention processes inclusive in terms of disability.

People with disabilities have the right to live an independent life and to choose where and with whom to live. To support independent living and community inclusion, the Commission is launching an initiative to improve social services for those with disabilities, focusing on:

  • Guarantee dignified living conditions;
  • Provide quality social and employment services;
  • Develop an independent life;
  • Strengthen community-level services.

Gaming can be extremely beneficial for those with a disability, as it is a means to socializing, enjoyment and competition without any physical limitations. Video games can be adapted to meet the needs of players with disability, allowing them the opportunity participate fully and enjoy an inclusive experience. Furthermore, gaming can help to improve cognitive abilities, mobility and coordination of those with disability, giving them an important support to face daily challenges.

Gaming is also be considered as a good form of therapy for those with disability as it stimulates the mind, improves coordination between the hand and the eye and aids social inclusion. Thanks to videogames, people with disability can feel more independent and enjoy being with others without worrying about their physical limitations. Furthermore, there are games that are specifically for those with disability, giving an accessible and personalized gaming experience. Gaming can be a good therapeutic tool for the disabled, contributing to their psychophysical and social wellbeing.

Disability surrounds a disabled person like a cage sometimes the bars are narrow, and others wider. We may not be able to eliminate them completely, but we certainly increase the space for action area within them: it is scientifically proven that gaming can be a solution, from many points of view, to being benefits and stimulation for even those who do not react to the more classic methods of treatment or support the person, both physical and psychological.

Furthermore the introduction to the gaming workplace could be an interesting approach, as long as it is different, stimulates the imagination as well as socializing with others. Furthermore the Drag and Drop system in the Metaverse, that we will be discussing will allow those who are affected by disability to use programs that create and for simple development, without programming codes and therefore lesser difficulties.

The “Metaverse and disability: a new frontier of work” project aims to offer training and work opportunities in the metaverse for disabled children with movement problems and minor disabilities, allowing them to acquire technical skills and creativity in the field of virtual construction.

Project description:
Selection and training: Disabled persons interested in virtual construction in the metaverse will be selected, and who will be trained through online courses and practical workshops. The training will include learning the basics of virtual construction, software management and design techniques.

The creation of an inclusive team: The selected disabled people will form a team of builders in the metaverse, where they will be able to collaborate and share ideas for the creation of virtual projects. They will be supported by industry experts who will guide them in their learning and in the realization in their dreams.

Participation in projects focused on inclusion: The inclusive team builders will participate in virtual projects focused on inclusion and accessibility for the disabled in the metaverse. These projects will aim to raise the awareness of the public about disability and to promote accessibility in the virtual world.
Job opportunities and visibility: Participating disabled people will have the opportunity to offer their virtual construction services in the metaverse, creating custom projects for other people or companies. They will be promoted and visible within the metaverse community, creating long-term work and collaboration opportunities.

Project implementation: The project will be implemented in collaboration with associations and organizations that support the disabled offering them a platform to express their skills and talents in the field of virtual construction. It will also be promoted through online events and initiatives to raise awareness of the possibilities offered by the metaverse for disabled people.

Expected benefits: The project will offer disabled persons personal and professional growth, allowing them to develop technical skills and creativity in the metaverse. Furthermore, it will help to promote inclusion and accessibility in the virtual world, raising public awareness on disability and promoting diversity in the virtual construction industry.

Conclusions: The project represents a unique opportunity for disabled persons to express their abilities in the metaverse, offering them the opportunity to create, collaborate and work in an inclusive and stimulating environment. The creation of inclusive team builders will promote inclusion and diversity in the metaverse offering new perspectives and opportunities for the participants.


  1. Accessible and safe environment: We are committed to providing a safe and accessible online environment, respecting the directives on security imposed on The Sandbox code of ethics.

  2. Specialized and Inclusive Team: Our development team is made up of highly qualified individuals who are sensitive to social inclusion, ensuring a diverse and respectful approach.

  3. Specific Training for Different Needs: We offer tailor-made courses for fragile minors and people with disabilities, offering an engaging and personalized educational environment.

  4. Inclusive and supportive community: We create an environment where diversity is valued and collaboration is encouraged, promoting a culture of mutual support.

  5. Partnership for an Inclusive Future: We actively partner with organizations and institutions that promote social inclusion, to broaden our impact and provide additional resources and support.

This course represents a unique opportunity for students to enter the dynamic world of web 3, learning valuable skills and developing innovative perspective. We are ready to collaborate to adapt the course to the specific needs of the students.
Metafutura will guarantee a specialized specific training on:

  • VoxEdit
  • Game Maker
  • Game Design
  • Game Flow
  • Storyline
  • Polished learn
  • Business creation

The course will be developed on 32 hours of lessons (16 lessons lasting 2 hours each, with twice weekly lessons):

  • Live online training
  • 2 Live teachers
  • Creation of a constant communication channel with students
  • Theoretical introduction of blockchain
  • Study of the creation of assets with VoxEdit (dedicated software)
  • Creation of experiences with the Game Maker (dedicated software)
  • Creation of work groups
  • Assignment of themed creations to be carried out from lesson to lesson
  • Revision of key creations, to reinforce less clear points and suggest possible solutions

The project is implemented through ANPIS, that is an association established in 2000 which includes 60 Italian associations spread over a large part of the national territory and which progressively, starting from the first half of the 90s, have been established as an instrument of social promotion and of fighting marginalization adopted in various areas of psychosocial disadvantage.
If Dao agrees to finance the project, we can start with the course within 1 month with ten disabled people, and will be completed within 2 months, hiring will begin immediately and will be broken down into groups of 2 or 3 depending on the production needs, but will still be consequential without breaks.

MetaFutura is the first company in Italy totally dedicated to creating experiences in the metaverse.
We are well integrated and know the Italian community related to the crypto sphere, and we are TRUST and EDUCATION PARTNER of The Sandbox .
We have already trained 60 people with the official Italian Bootcamp where we have formed working groups that have already created complete, noteworthy experiences.
In its many years of experience, Metafutura has created thousands of assets and created dozens of experiences. Among its founders are Mr Gold, ambassador and creator in the Game Maker Fund, XDiamondsX, Veronica Alfieri contemporary artist and Enrico an Italian singer-songwriter…
ANPIS is the non-profit association that takes care of the search and selection of participants through the dense national network.

Growth of The Sandbox Ecosystem:

  • Increased Brand Reputation.
  • New creators introduced to the ecosystem.
    Support Charity: ten people with disability will have a new profession and job. We’ve noticed and really appreciated the community’s enthusiasm for event of charity, where you can truly help people feel involved and important for society.
    Educational Content: the trainees will be introduced to the world of work, and will also be ready to demonstrate their qualities independently following the experience with Metafutura (we do not preclude permanent employment if the right conditions are met).
    Indirect return of image from the press.

Resources Required
Funding: 120k SAND distributable over 3 months through action progress milestones, from the start of the course to the hiring of employees.
Risk analysis
It is a completely new project, which combines support for the less fortunate with an economic activity, which on the one hand generates social inclusion and on the other provides real work tools. It could happen that, being subjects with different problems, some of them may not feel satisfied or may not continue working once the paid employment has ended. To deal with possible inconveniences, ANPIS guarantees us the usual support offered in assisting all those involved.

Metrics for Success
The main metrics will be:
Feedback and testimonials from participants.
Number of employment contracts stipulated.
Voxel creations and experiences created by new creators.

Contact Information
Federico Toson Marin Co-Founder Metafutura srl


Incredible!! Always ready for new adventures!!

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great stuff guys keep on building


Inclusivity in the Metaverse, very thoughtful plan.


Metafutura always propose new ways to create value and also social develpment with Sandbox and Metaverse. Thanks!


Great idea! We really need that and more of that… :wink:


This sounds really interesting. I have two questions:

  1. How will you be changing your training to fit those with disability? I’m not exactly understanding how your 32 hours will be different from what is already published by the Sandbox tutorial makers.
  2. When you say " hiring will begin immediately and will be broken down into groups of 2 or 3" … where will they be hired?

Gratzi! Thank you for putting this proposal together!


Thank you for the two questions and for your interest. The course will be a company course aimed at introducing disabled people into the world of work. Speaking of fragile subjects, the trainers will have the task of making the course understandable at the highest level, and this will be possible through a closed course where the student will feel included in a real class, made up of people with the possibility of direct interaction, since it is training live and dedicated exclusively to them. Beyond the training hours, an offline channel will be created to give all possible support to students even outside of training hours. At the end of the course, all students will be provided with an employment proposal in Metafutura srl ​​with a contract governed by Italian legislation, and this will happen in groups, I like to underline this, since we want people to really be able to be involved in the work of our company and we believe it is right that to insert them correctly, they must be inserted in groups so that we can follow them and actually use them in company processes. As the company is growing, we are confident that we can bring different elements into the company on a permanent basis. If you have further questions don’t hesitate to ask, I think the best starting point is comparison. Thank you


woww! Cant wait! look forward to it!


Yes, this makes sense. Thank you for the clarification. And when they graduate your course, where are you looking to get them hired?

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The course will last 2 months. After which the students will be immediately hired by our company Metafutura srl ​​(hired in groups as anticipated). In the SIP PROPOSAL you will see a series of milestones including the step related to hiring. Thank you

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I like this idea! Metaverse is for everyone :heart_hands:


This is a very nice initiative! I’m happy to support a project / studio that takes on responsibility to help the weaker group of the society. It makes me feel good supporting the project. Thank you!


Exactly this is one of the main and most important use cases of the metaverse, LFG!


A nice initiative which could pave the way for many other similar projects!
MetaFutura is leading the way as always :slight_smile:


There should be something like this for ANYONE. I would love to be trained on how to get value out of my investment by creating experiences. I would vote for an all inclusive online course that could ALSO be used for the disabled. Why not target community colleges many of whom give free education? Middle schools could produce real creators. The number of people that would be contributors would be greater with an all inclusive program.

I agree with you, but let me explain the objective of this project: we are absolutely on the side of training and our history proves it, we have held several training courses and a bootcamp also for The Sandbox, teaching about 60 people how to use The Sandbox tools, so I think it is absolutely right to invest in training. This project goes a little beyond the mere concept of training, but wants to help a truly disadvantaged category: in Italy only 35% of disabled people able to work are employed, while 65% are practically not considered, and women are still more disadvantaged. In previous courses, we have had classes of 30 people, in this project, there will be 10, precisely because we know that there is a particular need for accompaniment and assistance. The 10 people will then be hired and will actually enter the world of work. This is to tell you that ours is not just a proposal with a training purpose, but this hiring course is aimed at providing real social and inclusive assistance for those people considered most fragile.

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It doesnt seem to be inclusive to me if I am not included. If a program like this were created why are we limiting it to disabled people? Forgive me for skeptisism but not all the ends are connecting. I agree this work would be great for disabled people in that it would be great for anybody. The disabled seem more succeptuble to exploitation though. This work os not in demand obviously so anyone willing can compete. Cheap labor force? Im from the US and exploited free and cheap labor are the cornerstone of the economy.

I think you haven’t understood that this is a support program for disabled people, for which there is a guarantor such as the non-profit association ANPIS which has been alongside the most vulnerable people for 20 years. I understand that in your opinion it would be nice to involve anyone, but this project is structured around a specific identity and objective.


Very nicely worded response, MetaFutura. I’m still deciding for myself if I support this proposal, but I respect the position you’ve taken and how you’ve structured this SIP.