Requesting the reopening of the SIP idea

Yes, we have a community SIP that is moving to Draft and then to a Vote soon. Despite a different format defined by @markbagogames, the objective is similar: to increase and expand knowledge of the TSB. (link)

If Krafter’s idea are misaligned with TSB’s objectives, they can be revised and redirected by editing the SIP idea.

It seems to me that Krafter’s SIP is also for full-time work with the community, which isn’t clear if it’s covered by the ambassador program.

Krafter’s SIP Idea, as the name suggests, is just an idea. If the idea isn’t good, it needs discussion, because if there’s no discussion and alignment, and all doors are closed without conversation, we’ll never have a clear understanding of what the DAO and TSB want from us.

I am interested in being supported by TSB to continue on my path and in continuing my work in the community, whether through SIPs or the ambassador program (which I’ve already applied for). I’m interested in better understanding how the DAO functions and using all the tools in the ecosystem for the good of the Creators community.

Therefore, abruptly closing a door like this doesn’t help anyone. In fact, it only causes frustration and miscommunication.
Thank you!

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