SIP-12: Run a Sandbox Academy in the Philippines


What Sandbox Academy is an educational initiative designed to empower college students in the Philippines with practical skills and knowledge to become proficient builders in The Sandbox. The program focuses on hands-on workshops, both on-site and online, to teach students how to create their own games on The Sandbox platform. By implementing this initiative, Sandbox Academy aims to create a sustainable impact on education and community development, empowering students to leverage their skills in the rapidly growing digital and gaming landscape.
Why The Sandbox DAO’s support for Sandbox Academy will not only enhance educational opportunities and community engagement but also drive the platform’s growth and utilization, aligning with the DAO’s broader goals and mission. The initiative promotes community engagement by encouraging collaboration among Sandbox builders and studios across the Philippines. This not only expands the reach of The Sandbox but also builds a strong, supportive network of creators who can share resources and knowledge, enhancing the overall ecosystem.
How The SIP seeks 51,560 SAND to finance Sandbox Academy, a 1-month intensive training, held in different universities for 6 classes. Program per class (1 month):* 20-40 students depending on the university’s facility.* On-site Workshop Schedule: 4 sessions x 3-4 hours (Saturdays or Sundays). * Online Workshop Schedule: 12 sessions x 3 hours (3 days during Weekdays, preferably Monday, Wednesday & Friday)
When In total 7 months of implementation: 1 month of planning and preparation, securing partnerships with six universities, developing curriculum, and recruiting facilitators + 1-month for each class in the 6 universities.
Who I am a two-time Top 10 winner in game jams as a solo dev, demonstrating my skill and creativity in game development competitions. I have also worked as a Level Artist and Game Designer at Smobler Studios, where I contributed to the creation of several notable games including “Clay Nation,” “3VEREST Icefall,” “3VEREST The Wall,” and “Yeti Realm.” My experience spans various aspects of game design and development, showcasing my ability to bring engaging and immersive experiences to life. * * * Redirecting...

SIP Details

Problem Description

Lack of Practical Skills in Game Development: Many college students in the Philippines lack access to practical, hands-on training in game development and digital content creation. Traditional curricula often do not include the latest technologies and tools used in the gaming industry, leaving students underprepared for careers in this rapidly growing field.

Recognition and Certification:Many students and hobbyists who acquire game development skills informally lack formal recognition or certification, which can hinder their career prospects.

Institutional Engagement: Colleges and universities often have underutilized resources that could be leveraged for innovative educational programs.

Solution Proposed

  • Sandbox Academy provides targeted, practical workshops that equip students with the skills needed to build and create games within The Sandbox, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application.

  • Sandbox Academy targets 6 universities in the Philippines, 1-month intensive program each, mixing online and on-site sessions. I am connected with the Department of Education. I’ll talk to each university once the proposal is approved by the community.

  • The On-site workshops will take place at colleges and universities, utilizing their modern computer labs for an immersive learning experience. These in-person sessions will be held on weekends, providing students with hands-on training over four weekends each month. This setup allows students to fully engage with the material, collaborate with peers, and receive direct support from me. By making use of the institutions’ resources and facilities, the workshops offer a practical introduction to game development on The Sandbox platform, ensuring participants gain valuable skills in a conducive learning environment.

  • By training students to participate in The Sandbox Game Jams, Builders Challenge, and Voxedit contests, the initiative opens up pathways for earning SAND tokens and LAND. This not only provides financial benefits but also creates potential career opportunities in the digital and gaming industries.

  • By partnering with these institutions, Sandbox Academy ensures that existing facilities are used effectively to provide cutting-edge education. The transfer of a 1x1 LAND parcel to the college encourages ongoing engagement and utilization of student skills in real-world projects.

Benefit to The Sandbox Ecosystem

Supporting the Sandbox Academy initiative aligns with The Sandbox DAO’s goals of ecosystem growth, community engagement, and economic empowerment. By investing in this project, The Sandbox DAO not only fosters the development of a skilled and active community but also ensures the long-term sustainability and success of The Sandbox platform. The initiative’s focus on education, collaboration, and formal recognition makes it a valuable addition to The Sandbox ecosystem.

Creators making games in The Sandbox ecosystem drive incredible benefits and growth:

  1. Platform Activity:
  • Engagement: New games attract players, boosting user engagement and retention.
  • Variety: Diverse games make the platform more appealing to gamers, creators, and investors.
  1. Economic Impact:
  • In-Game Economy: Games drive demand for assets, SAND tokens, and LAND parcels, stimulating economic activity.
  • Revenue: Popular games generate revenue through in-game purchases and ads, supporting ecosystem sustainability.
  1. Community Growth:
  • Skill Development: Creating games enhances developers’ skills, fostering a dynamic, talented community.
  • Collaboration: New creators collaborate with seasoned members, strengthening community bonds.
  1. Platform Innovation:
  • Tool Feedback: Developers’ feedback improves tools like Game Maker and Voxedit.
  • Creativity: New ideas and game mechanics keep the ecosystem fresh and exciting.
  1. Promotion:
  • Word of Mouth: Successful games and positive experiences lead to organic promotion.
  • Loyalty: Investment of time and resources fosters strong brand loyalty.
  1. DAO Governance:
  • Active Involvement: Engaged creators contribute to DAO governance, shaping The Sandbox’s future.
  • Community Projects: Experienced creators initiate projects, enriching the ecosystem.

By leveraging creators’ innovation and passion, The Sandbox ecosystem thrives and evolves, attracting a dedicated and engaged community.

Risk analysis

  1. Low student engagement and participation may lead to low attendance in workshops. Mitigation includes offering incentives like NFT badges and SAND tokens, using effective marketing strategies, and ensuring the content is interactive and relevant to students’ interests.

  2. Participants might face technical challenges like lack of hardware or stable internet. Mitigation includes providing robust technical support, partnering with universities to ensure resource access, and offering a hybrid model with both in-person and online workshops.

  3. The budget of 51,560 SAND may be insufficient for the six-month initiative. Mitigation includes implementing strict budget management, seeking additional sponsorships and grants, and utilizing cost-effective solutions for logistics and materials…

Budget requested

Category: SAND Initiatives
Overall cost from SAND Initiatives: 53,560 SAND
Breakdown of the cost for 6 classes (1-month each) of the program

Allowance 10,000 SAND
Transportation and Accommodation 10,000 SAND
Laptop 3,000 SAND
School Assistants 7,000 SAND
200 T-shirts 5,000 SAND
Posters and other marketing materials 1,000 SAND
Pizza and drinks for students 5,000 SAND
GJ Sand Prizes x 6 10,320 SAND
1st: 700 SAND 4200
2nd: 400 SAND 2400
3rd: 200 SAND 1200
4th-10th: 60 SAND 2520
1x1 LAND from DAO NFT Collection x 6
240 Catalyst to Mint NFT Badges 240 SAND

Implementation Plan

Milestones How do we measure success? Expected completion date Unlock Payment
#1 Planning and Preparation: Contacting University and College; Develop the workshop curriculum Secured 6 partnerships with university and college; At least 20 students signing up for the course End of Month 1 10,000 SAND
#2 Class 1 completed: Launch and conduct the first Batch at the initial university; Host internal GJ; Distribute NFT badges to students & T-shirt; Collect feedback from participants, facilitators, and partner institutions; Prepare and submit a report to the DAO Completed all-courses at 1 university; All students have submitted their projects for the internal Game Jam; Game Jam 1st winner published on the LAND End of Month 2 10,000 SAND
#2 Class 2 completed Idem End of Month 3 10,000 SAND
#2 Class 3 completed Idem End of Month 4 7,000 SAND
#2 Class 4 completed Idem End of Month 5 4240 SAND
#2 Class 5 completed Idem End of Month 6 10,320 SAND
#2 Class 6 completed Idem End of Month 7 -

Team/Author Background

I am Mark Joseph Bago, a two-time Top 10 winner in game jams as a solo dev, demonstrating my skill and creativity in game development competitions. I have also worked as a Level Artist and Game Designer at Smobler Studios, where I contributed to the creation of several notable games including “Clay Nation,” “3VEREST Icefall,” “3VEREST The Wall,” and “Yeti Realm.”. I’m also part of The Sandbox SEA community lead by Mr. George Wong. My experience spans various aspects of game design and development, showcasing my ability to bring engaging and immersive experiences to life.

As the leader of Sandbox Academy in the Philippines, I am committed to not only empowering students locally but also supporting educators globally who wish to start their own initiatives. By offering guidance and resources, I aim to ensure a consistent and high-quality curriculum across all Sandbox Academy programs worldwide. This unified approach will help cultivate a global community of skilled creators, fostering innovation and growth within The Sandbox ecosystem. Together, we can provide students with the tools and knowledge they need to excel in the digital and gaming industries, no matter where they are.

Voting Options

  • Yes, No, Abstain

Hey Bago!!!
Overall: This seems very well thought out. Especially the developing of the curriculum before holding the classes and then tying it to preexisting Game Jams for them to become SandFam contributors. A+

My questions (apologies for having so many):

  • Under the “What” section: What caused you to choose the Philippines over online or another country?
  • Under “How”: What does a “batch” mean? As in 6 batches of 20-40 students = 240 students served?
  • Under “When”: “Phase 2 focuses on conducting monthly workshops at each institution” I thought the 53K SAND was for 1 month of training until I read the Implementation Plan. I recommend saying adding “for 7 months” at the end of the sentence.
  • Under “Problem Description”: Do you have any metrics that show how many students you expect to have? Is it a huge pool compared elsewhere?
  • Under “Solution Proposed”: Do you already have a 1x1 donor lined up?
  • Under “Risk Analysis”: Do you have any relationship with Open Campus or New Campus? There’s no expectation to, just wondering. They’re big into education and they might have some services that partner nicely with what this SIP is about. They also have an accelerator that could help give additional grant funding
  • Under “Risk Analysis”: What’s your backup plan if you can only fill 1 or 2 Batches and you’re coming up on Batch 3 with no students?
  • Under “Implementation Plan”: I wonder if you aren’t giving yourself enough SAND up front. Just thinking out loud here, it looks like over 50% of your expenses would be paid before Batch 1 completes. Maybe consider unlocking more payment earlier? Just a thought.
  • Under “Team/Author Background”: NICE! I really liked a lot of the experiences that you listed. A+! How long have you been with Smobler Studios?
  • Under “Team/Author Background”: Is the Sandbox Academy current in existence, or would it be created with this SIP? I’m familiar with the Game Maker Academy, but not Sandbox Academy.

If you’re still with me after all that, I definitely want to schedule a SANDDAO podcast with you, if you’re willing. I love the idea of this education SIP.



Hello Lanzer!

I’m so happy that you like my proposal.

  • Under the “What” section: What caused you to choose the Philippines over online or another country?
    • I’m based here in the Philippines and will make the curriculum localized. But I will also help out others who like to have Sandbox Academy in their own country by sharing my best practices. I’ll start with my 2 friends who are also Sandbox Builders that are based in India and Indonesia.
  • Under “How”: What does a “batch” mean? As in 6 batches of 20-40 students = 240 students served?
    • Batches are actually classes. And yes. There will be 6 classes. 1 class for each university for a month. And the minimum number of students per class is 20.
  • Under “When”: “Phase 2 focuses on conducting monthly workshops at each institution” I thought the 53K SAND was for 1 month of training until I read the Implementation Plan. I recommend saying adding “for 7 months” at the end of the sentence.
    • Added 6 months since the first month is for preparation.
  • Under “Problem Description”: Do you have any metrics that show how many students you expect to have? Is it a huge pool compared elsewhere?
    • Depending on the university’s facility, that would reflect the number of participating students. Minimum is 20 students. I’m also planning to have 2 students share 1 PC, only if the room will not be that crowded.
  • Under “Solution Proposed”: Do you already have a 1x1 donor lined up?
    • I’ll request that from TSB. Will just request one 1x1 land and it will be shared by universities depending on their needs. One example is if they have a school event where I’ll just publish their experience on the land.
  • Under “Risk Analysis”: Do you have any relationship with Open Campus or New Campus? There’s no expectation to, just wondering. They’re big into education and they might have some services that partner nicely with what this SIP is about. They also have an accelerator that could help give additional grant funding
    • This would be great. Because I believe that after we have a success with Sandbox Academy. More universities will be interested with our workshop. And we can try get more funding from Open Campus or New Campus, so that TSB DAO can cater with more proposals from our community.
  • Under “Risk Analysis”: What’s your backup plan if you can only fill 1 or 2 Batches and you’re coming up on Batch 3 with no students?
    • I can reach back to the previous universities where we had a workshop. And get a new batch of students which most likely the universities will approve.
    • But I have a contact person in the Department of Education here in the Philippines where we can get a lot of prospective universities for the workshop.
  • Under “Implementation Plan”: I wonder if you aren’t giving yourself enough SAND up front. Just thinking out loud here, it looks like over 50% of your expenses would be paid before Batch 1 completes. Maybe consider unlocking more payment earlier? Just a thought.
    • I will request for the first payment to be unlocked before the first month. It will be used for the preparation of the workshop like purchasing merchandises and transportation expenses when going to the universities. But I will try to see if the budget distribution can still be adjusted.
  • Under “Team/Author Background”: NICE! I really liked a lot of the experiences that you listed. A+! How long have you been with Smobler Studios?
    • Thanks! I’ve been with them for a year and 3 months.
  • Under “Team/Author Background”: Is the Sandbox Academy current in existence, or would it be created with this SIP? I’m familiar with the Game Maker Academy, but not Sandbox Academy.
    • It started last 2021 by Blockchainspace which I was also a part with. But it was short lived.

I’m all good with the SANDDAO podcast. Let’s schedule this!

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Hi @DaruthTheHuman!

When you say you want to learn how to develop your investment. Are you referring to developing your own game?
And yes. I think developing a Sandbox Academy for Sandbox Investors would be great.

Really cool initiative!

I can vouch for @markbagogames ‘ skill in the Game Maker, having worked with him before, he’s dead set on executing the things he puts his mind on.

I was also involved briefly in the earlier versions of this idea back in 2021-2022. Although short-lived, it spawned some creators still building in the Sandbox today!

Overall, I think the Philippines has a lot of amazing creators both in Voxedit and Game Maker. To no bias for my self being a Filipino too, but from the sheer value and skill I’ve personally seen having worked in multiple studios and projects in the past 3 years, and encountering my countrymen almost every single time in most of those.

I’d love to support this if it ever pushes through to voting. Cheers! :beers:


A million thanks! :star2:

I want to highlight the incredible work of @MALAMAYA, the CEO of XOVOX LABS a trusted partner of Sandbox in the Philippines, and a friend of mine. He is a dedicated advocate for educating and onboarding Filipinos to the Sandbox platform together with his studio.

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Great! I have no further questions, you answered everything completely and it all makes sense to me. I sent you a Twitter DM to schedule the podcast.

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Hey SandFam!

I’m excited to hear your ideas and feedback to help make this program a resounding success. Your input is crucial, and I’m here to listen! Remember, the triumph of Sandbox Academy is a triumph for our entire Sandbox Community. Let’s build more great things together!

First of all, thanks for reaching out to me to review this and raising awareness to this SIP. I do want to say, I love teaching game logic on stream and in tutorial videos, that being said do you have any examples of your teaching to show that this is a skill you have? I love this idea and are the universities you have spoke with supporting you in this? Since it would benefit them as well, I feel the universities should have a stake in this as well. Since I am not really onboard with the DAO as a whole, I am reluctant to approve anything that does not advance the platform itself forward. I do agree, that a by-product of something like this could advance the builder pool which could bring more awareness to TSB, without advancing the tools to build quickly, it will fall behind and fall off. In addition to this, when the tools advance, what is your plan for teaching the improved logic. Since we are still in “Alpha”, I am concerned that the teachings here maybe kinda early in an educational environment. I feel it is fine in a YouTube tutorial series, as they are not in an official capacity. I do know others have done similar, so maybe I am wrong in this thinking.

Lastly, as a logic guy, I love this idea when the time is right. I am just not sure we are there yet and this sounds like something that partnered universities should be contributing to. I still don’t believe in the DAO as it was pushed through so hastily. I do look forward to your responses and wish you the best in achieving your goals in life!

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Hello, @EscapeRoomArtist I appreciate you checking my SIP. Like you, I also love teaching game logic. I might not have done a lot of streams and tutorial videos because of the projects assigned to me by Smobler Studios before. However, I still help my fellow builders with the game logic on experiences assigned to them. I gathered some old videos and Facebook posts where I teach game logic and a bit of voxedit. My apologies for the videos since they are in Filipino.

I have a direct contact in the Department of Education here in the Philippines which would help me reach out to the universities. Some of them already showed interest in the workshop. I’m not sure how universities can have a part of the stakes, but I think it’s also a good idea. As for the tools we currently have. We all know that it’s still in its early stages. Nevertheless, every single builder and artist in our community started much earlier than anyone else. And look at us now, we either work in big studios or some of us have established our own. I believe that the growth of the platform also depends on the growth of its community of players, artists, and builders. Then for the students participating in Sandbox Academy, we have a discord server where I will also conduct the online workshop and ongoing tutorials (live and recorded) for new updates on our platform. By doing so, the students will not be left behind.

And yes, we are still in “Alpha”. But I do believe that there is no such thing as too early or too late in terms of education and learning. We might not be there yet, but with the help of our community by supporting Sandbox Academy, we could reach that right time faster than pressing “E” and triggering a behaviour or component :blush:

I hope I addressed your questions and concerns. Thanks again!

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Looking forward to our podcast tomorrow!


I’m so excited! See you tomorrow sir !

Thanks for your response and I wish you the best and look forward to seeing how this plays out. Love to hear of more builders in this space but still reluctant on this in a professional setting like an education facility, not based off of your skill set but because of the logic breaking updates at this stage of the GameMaker being in “Alpha”. I know here, in the US, students would be disappointed if the class they spent their money to learn was not accurate a month or so after the class completed. If you can teach it in such a way that gives a generic look at game logic, then it may work out. I feel this is what is already out there in the GameMaker documentation and YouTube tutorials out on by builders in this space. Once again, I will be watching to see how this plays out!


Great initiative! @markbagogames , Sounds Good to hear about that. Taking Sandbox platform to your nearest Colleges and Universities is really good, that what the real Local Governance. Hope students will learn much more from you and they will inspire themselves and well as others.

Many of the Students have their own dreams to build a game, when they play other games , hopefully you are opening the gates to the students to fulfill their dreams come true .

I truly Encourage this type of education to all around the globe, All the best and Good luck :crossed_fingers:

Thanks and Regards.

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Thank you so much sir. The Sandbox Academy workshop is free for any university students who would like to participate. As for Game Maker still on Alpha, we need to set the right expectations for the students that it will still have a lot of updates and changes. But I’m sure that they will be more excited to know that they will be a part of the growth of not just Game Maker but Sandbox as a whole. One technique that I will apply to my teaching style will evolve on one important core in game design. Fun.

I wish that you together with the SandFam support this initiative so we can on-board more builders and players as well. Thank you again sir!


A million thanks @Anandjoice! I’m so happy to know that you like this initiative. Together with your support, I will do everything in my power to make Sandbox Academy a success. Who knows, maybe Sandbox Academy can also reach other countries and make Sandbox the best platform for game designers and artists. Cheers!

Oh? I totally missed the part of it being “free or no-cost” to the students… that changes everything! This would have been great info to have been included in the original post. I am always up to free teaching regardless of alpha or not! Alpha does not play a factor since the education received by the students has no-cost for them. You got me on board now… I was totally under the impression that this was a course that students would pay for, which is why my concern about GameMaker breaking after they learned a certain way to build out the logic…


And other than the free workshop. We will also have free pizza and drinks during the on-site workshop :blush: and free t-shirts for the participants. I wanted to create a fun environment in the workshop because for me that is how it should be for creating games. Because if you are having fun while building, I’m 100% sure it will reflect on the game you just created.

Again sir. A million thanks to you! Cheers!