SIP-1: Introducing: The Sandbox DAO



This SIP (Sandbox Improvement Proposal) introduces The Sandbox Decentralized Autonomous Organization (The Sandbox DAO) and proposes the approval of its:

  • Constitution
  • Special Council (including its initial members)
  • Advisory Board (including its initial members)
  • Communication channels
  • Code of Conduct
  • Administrative resources

Pursuant to the Constitution, holders of SAND and LAND tokens may vote:

  • Yes - Approve this SIP
  • No - Reject this SIP
  • Abstain - Cannot decide


Empowering a global community of creators and gamers, The Sandbox’s DAO envisions a decentralized, innovative, and inclusive virtual universe.


The DAO will act as a decentralized community with the power to propose and vote on key matters related to its values and the ecosystem associated with The Sandbox metaverse. The DAO will be supported by The Sandbox Foundation (see SIP-2) which, as a Cayman foundation, will provide the legal structure, tools and resources necessary to effect the DAO community’s decisions.


The Sandbox DAO is intended to exist in perpetuity.


The authors of this SIP are Arasakio and The Sandbox.

SIP Details


Empowering a global community of creators and gamers, The Sandbox’s DAO envisions a decentralized, innovative, and inclusive virtual universe. The Sandbox DAO Constitution describes its vision and values, governance framework, and the roles of the Special Council and Advisory Board. The Code of Conduct sets the standards for the community and member interactions, with specific requirements for members of the Special Council. This SIP also nominates the initial members of the Special Council and Advisory Board, establishes the DAO’s official communications channels, and provides for the initial administrative teams and resources required to effect the DAO’s decisions.


The Sandbox DAO Constitution

Election of the Initial Special Council

  • In accordance with the Constitution, The Sandbox DAO Special Council is hereby established to review and advise on SIPs in alignment with The Sandbox DAO’s vision and values, and Code of Conduct.

  • The initial members of The Sandbox DAO Special Council, each of whose term will begin this SIP is finally approved and will terminate as of December 31, 2025, will be:

      - Yat Siu (Chairman, Animoca Brands)
      - SĂ©bastien Borget (COO and Co-Founder, The Sandbox)
      - Shannon Snow (COO, World of Women)
      - Jean-Michel Pailhon (Co-Founder, Grail Capital)
      - Frédéric Montagnon (Chairman, Arianee)

Election of the Initial Advisory Board

  • In accordance with the Constitution, The Sandbox DAO Advisory Board is hereby established to serve as cultural ambassadors and strategic advisors to and on behalf of the DAO, leveraging their expertise and networks to guide the DAO towards achieving its vision of a decentralized, vibrant metaverse.

  • The initial members of The Sandbox DAO Advisory Board, each of whose term will begin this SIP is finally approved and will terminate as of December 31, 2025, will be:

      - Mia Bao (Founder, BeepCrypto and DAOBase)
      - Anthony Chao (Co-Founder & CEO, Chord Hero)
      - Loretta Chen (Co-Founder & CEO, Smobler Studios)
      - Zaf Chow (CCO, Artifact Labs)
      - Samuel Choy (General Manager, Bliss Concepts Limited)
      - Inna Modja (CEO, Code Green)
      - Matheus Vivian (Co-Founder & CEO, Hermit Crab Studio)

Communications Channels

  • Website
    The Sandbox DAO will maintain a website with basic information about the DAO at
  • The website will act as the DAO’s hub, welcoming existing and new community members. Among other information, it will include:
    - the DAO’s vision and values;
    - a list of active SIPs;
    - a snapshot of the DAO’s treasury;
    - its governing documents; and
    - its Code of Conduct.
  • Discussion Forum
    The DAO will maintain a forum on Discourse.
  • Voting Platform
    The following Snapshot URL will be used to coordinate voting on SIPs: Snapshot
    It is also possible to vote directly from the DAO’s website

Code of Conduct

  • General Community Code of Conduct: In all interactions, each member of The Sandbox DAO should:
    - agree to and abide by The Sandbox DAO Terms of Use.
    - be respectful of other community members. There is a zero-tolerance policy for any form of discrimination or hate speech.

  • Special Council Code of Conduct Each member of The Sandbox DAO Special Council shall:
    - commit to serving The Sandbox DAO with integrity, impartiality, and dedication to the DAO’s guiding values and goals.
    - adhere to the highest ethical standards, avoiding any actions or decisions that could harm the reputation or functioning of the DAO.
    - abide to the General Community Code of Conduct
    - disclose any conflict of interest they may have with a SIP or the matters therein prior to voting whether or not to recommend the SIP to the community.
    - maintain confidentiality where required, respecting the privacy and security of information of The Sandbox DAO.
    - in cases of disputes or disagreements among members of the Special Council, strive for resolution through open dialogue and consensus-building.
    - maintain active and transparent communication with the DAO community.

Administrative Resources

  • The Sandbox Foundation will engage TSB Gaming Ltd to provide support services, either directly or through its affiliates, to effect the decisions of The Sandbox DAO. These services will include, but are not limited to, software development, finance and administrative support. These services are intended to assist the DAO during its initial rollout and may be reassessed in November 2024.
  • In addition, The Sandbox Foundation will engage Arasakio to manage the DAO’s governance process, including but not limited to reviewing SIPs and making recommendations to the Special Council, managing the Snapshot voting process, and managing the DAO’s website and other communications channels. These services are intended to assist the DAO during its initial rollout and may be reassessed in November 2024.

Rationale and benefit

Together, we are not just building a platform, but a legacy in the metaverse for generations to come. In The Sandbox, supported by The Sandbox DAO, creativity, collaboration, and ownership thrive. Every contribution is valued, every voice is heard, and every decision marks a step towards a vibrant, community-driven universe.

Risk analysis

Recognizing the complexities of building a truly democratic platform, we are committed to a journey of progressive decentralization. The DAO’s Constitution is expected to evolve with time, including to account for potential disparities in voting power. To protect the DAO’s treasury, SAND will be allocated progressively.

Implementation Plan

  • The Sandbox DAO Phase 1 and 2 (May - November 2024):

    In DAO’s foundational phase, it is intended that the administrators will more actively curate SIPs to focus on responsible treasury management, crafting themes and issuing rewards for assets and games, grants to charity and key decisions with respect to the DAO’s NFT collection.

  • The Sandbox DAO Phase 3 (From November 24, 2024):

    As the DAO evolves, it is expected the Constitution will change to reflect most effectively the voices of all the community, including by adjustments to reduce disparities in voting power. The role of the administrators will change, and the community will have even more power to propose and vote on SIPs.

Resources required

  • Special Council member compensation
  • Compensation for administrative team and resources (TSB Gaming Ltd. and Arasakio)
  • Legal review

Monitored Metrics to track success

  • From Phase 1
    • number of unique visitors to The Sandbox DAO website
    • % of SAND and LAND holders to participate in at least one vote
    • % of daily active gamers & creators to participate in at least one vote
    • % of voters joined the Snapshot Space

Voting Options

  • Yes - Approve the constitution
  • No - Reject the constitution
  • Abstain - Cannot decide

Voting Period: 14 days



Excited for this first proposal! I voted in Snapshot but it looks like LANDs aren’t recognized at this moment neither the SAND staked in the LAND and SAND pools. Imo, this should be fixed ASAP in order to have a real representative vote power from the DAO members.


Why is there no mention of the specific budget allocation?

:raising_hand_man:t2:I 2nd this motion! HERE! HERE!

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How were the members of the Special Council and the Advisory Board chosen? Why could we not have an opportunity to vote on its members?


there is , follow “Snapshot” link

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Hi @Josep that’s correct, SAND and LAND staked are not yet represented but we are working on it for the next phases of the DAO.


Thanks @Geraldine for the info!


Hello ! Please refer to SIP 3 for the budget allocation SIP-3: Initial Budget for the DAO - #2

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Hi will users who buy the min req SAND or LAND now will be able to participate in the proposals?


I honestly don’t think so. The proposals are through the platform Snapshot and it checks your balance at a specific date. You could get SAND/LANDs for the next proposals before the snapshot is taken.


Great to be here. You can click on my name to learn more about my DAO and Sandbox connect.


Hello! Yes if you buy SAND / LAND after the proposal is submitted, you won’t have VP. But you can vote on the next proposals.

It appears that only SAND holders on Polygon can vote on the proposal.

LAND owners on Polygon cannot vote on the proposal.

Having gone through DAO voting processes, typically a discussion happens first, prior to a snapshot being taken. Once the discussion is nearing completion, then a snapshot gets taken for a vote. In this case, the snapshot was already taken and discussion is now an afterthought.

My suggestion would be to enable discussion to happen first.

One could say that this forum article was created on May 21st, and there should have been enough time to comment.

However, the Sandbox DAO was only announced 8 hours ago: The Sandbox on X: “Introducing The Sandbox DAO :ballot_box_with_check: We’re shaping the future of our platform as a bridge between gaming, entertainment, music, art, and more! Follow @TheSandboxDAO for more. IT’S NOW YOUR TIME TO GOVERN!” / X (

My suggestion would be to jettison the first three proposals as they’re already broken by not including LAND owners and also you haven’t given the community enough time to discuss the proposal (8 hours as of this writing, it was just announced). And then think about how they want to vote on the proposal based on community discussion.

Looking forward to advancing this conversation further.



While proposals cannot be edited once in the voting phase, they are able to be cancelled by the space owner in Snapshot as per the snapshot documentation.


I support this idea. Start us off from the very beginning with the true voting powers in place.

Enable staked SAND holders and LAND owners voting rights then bring them back to a vote.

I also think that staked SAND should be weighed higher in VP.


Love your ideas @KandidlyKristen - people who have staked SAND should be weighted higher in voting powers (VP) as they are making a commitment to the platform by staking in the SANDBOX staking contracts.

I would go either way with staking in 3rd party contracts (e.g. LAND staking in Binance). I would lean more towards “no” for 3rd party staking (unless if explicitly approved by SANDBOX).



I agree, while I understand the desire to stake in third party pools for potentially higher returns, I feel like staking in the official pool has the highest purpose of supporting TSB. But I would be okay with leaving that up to the DAO to decide. I also think the higher VP would be an added bonus to staking that goes along with the SAND rewards that could be highlighted.


Spot. On. We should recognize those dedicated to the platform and it should be highlighted as a staking benefit.