SIP-1: Introducing: The Sandbox DAO

While I get the idea and would want that myself, but because I live in the US where we can not stake, this would kind of defeat the concept of proper voting power if another group has more voting power due to limitations.


Great to be here! Letā€™s create the awesome future together.


Iā€™m US as well and did debate that knowing it would put me at a disadvantage. I fully understand the concern here but my thought is that everyone shouldnā€™t suffer because of the reasons why we canā€™t stake here and giving more towards staking could benefit the project as a whole. But I fully understand where you are coming from with it giving more weight to others and those in the USA or UK being at a disadvantage because of something we canā€™t control.


I agree with basically everything in the thread. While Iā€™m fine with the constitution as written, it would have been so much better if:

  • The snapshot happened after an announcement so important voters are not put at a disadvantage.
  • The snapshot should have included staked SAND.
  • The USA should have access to staking again as we can still stake on Coinbase and other platforms.
  • LAND should be highly valued for voting power. Iā€™ve been holding LAND since the very first LAND sale and I only have 69 voting power because of the amount of mSAND I was holding.
  • The advisory board should have had an open nomination period. While I know several of the people personally, and Iā€™m sure theyā€™re all amazing people, this feels like the President selecting Congress personally instead of letting voters pick. I hope future nominations can be made by the DAO.

Great to see you here.
We are starting Sandbox DAO spaces this Saturday that will follow BOTB space btw,
hope you to see you all there.

Yeah staking on Binance was not ideal - (I did it) meant losing all Sandbox rewards (can be staked one or other not both).
Binance pulled out of Canada for most part too so yeah ā€˜stakingā€™ can be problematic depending on regulatory landscape.

Hear, hear

wizzy the purp
Is there a Council / Wizzyverse delegation.


5 Sand is a very funny figure to join and vote for the DAO. I think it should have been exclusive to land owners only.

I guess being staff means I have some internal influence. But itā€™s not really in a policy setting sort of way. Once LAND is counted for VP Iā€™ll have more voting power. If what Andy saw means what I think, LAND gets a 4500 VP multiplier, and between my personal LANDs and The Council LANDs, Iā€™d have 166.5K VP. Based on the voting snapshot, that would put me in second place for power, though I know some of those top voters also have LAND which would boost their vote power. And Iā€™m sure there are plenty of whales who havenā€™t gotten involved yet but definitely could make an impact.


SAND had DAO utility planned since the whitepaper was released. But each SAND only counts as one vote, so itā€™s not like people get to spread it to a bunch of different accounts for more votes. This way the threshold to entry is low and more people can get involved. Some DAOs have had issues where only the votes of the top couple whales really matter because they make up over 50% of the voting power. This helps keep it decentralized. LAND is supposed to weigh a lot more than SAND when available.


Bullish on lands - seeing comments wanting thier VP buffed and I am for it.
I know some of the HK / Asian constituents have hundreds of LANDS.
Many of the members are also active in Mocaverse.
In the Mocaverse x ApeCoin voting they have consolidated to a behemoth delegation called MocaCN that for the most part determines our Moca delegation vote in ApeCoin DAO.
Will be interesting wen [phase3?] delegate voting is enabled.
We may even see some informal delegations emerge using multisig wallets pop up before that.
NGL about to jump in some back channels and try and rally a delegation for UGH.


I remember the old DAO maps / discussions well.
Thinking more people will delegate their LANDS than SAND.
Many DAOs reward / incentivize voting participation so those not active delegate to be rewarded. This is case in Mocaverse DAO biggest delegate. Most DAO proceedings are in English and many Chinese have delegated their Mocas vote to a leader that makes the vote for all of them.
Based on Mocaverse x Sandbox relations / rollouts, I believe our voting here will be connected to DIDs (MocaIDs, or ____.sand) and voting will be incentivized and part of a reputational points system ultimately.


I am US based as well. But I will think for the community as a whole and not my US-based interests. I agree with @KandidlyKristen that everyone shouldnā€™t suffer because of US restrictions.

Staked SAND should be given a multiplier as well as LANDs. Just my opinion.



This. All of this.

Is there time for us to put up a new SIP with @brianchilders thoughts on how to handle introducing the DAO so some of these considerations are taken into account?


Agreed and also support collective good over personal ā€¦
also seeing more bullish crypto news from your side of border - hopefully our regulators will follow.
I would however NOT support staking as a threshold to participation as we see in some other prominent DAOs.


Agreed. Staking as a threshold should not be a minimum requirement. Minimum requirement for entry should be SAND or LAND.

Staking should be viewed as a multiplier.

Now, to be fair, on they did implement the multiplier (see here: The Sandbox DAO About (

The problem is they didnā€™t implement the strategies on the first three SIPs. (Or the contract address is wrong. I will dig in deeper later tonight.)

In order to remedy this situation, since itā€™s already in the voting process in, it will take the space owner to cancel (eth address: 0x83e11dc5d1dee299e8b47eca6e51510734cd6f88).

Itā€™s a humbling step to take, but one that I think would serve the community best as a whole.

It will be really disappointing if I donā€™t see this happen - @Geraldine / @sebga

With much respect and love for SANDBOX,



I think its a good idea. Especially land owners vote should be counted much

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By ā€œnext phaseā€ do you mean before even the next SIP is put up to vote? I really think this should be a priority.

All I can find about the phases is after Phase 1 there is Phase 2 which is:

" Phase Two


The DAO will begin to separate itself further from The Sandbox (its parent company)."

But I donā€™t see a timeline for that, especially in comparison to votes here and I really think before any other votes (and honestly, before we even voted on these SIPs), the LAND owners and users who Staked SAND should have had a chance to voice their opinion.

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Having time for discussion is CRUCIAL! I agree that much of this could use a re-do. Right now it feels like The Sandbox said this is what we are doing and you can vote, but good luck coming up with 3M to change the outcome of our decision.


I def think the advisory board should have been voted on. Electing the initial Special Council is whatever, but the advisory board should be chosen by the people.