🤝🏽 SIP Establishing a SandFam-elected "Community Council"



Building on a SIP Idea initially advanced in the Governance Working Group (GWG), this SIP was proposed for DAO Forum discussion HERE. This SIP, if passed, establishes The Sandbox DAO “Community Council” (CC) to represent and advocate for the community. This SIP, if passed, establishes a level of access with teams within the DAO (Special Council, Advisory Board, DAO Admin Team, Delegates).

Outlined at the proposal’s core is a description of the role, details of the nomination and election procedure, processes for the removal or resignation of a CC member, and the Community Council Code of Conduct that all candidates agree to by having their names on this SIP.


The role of the CC is important due to the perceived lack of community representation within the different teams of the DAO, particularly the Special Council.


The DAO Admin Team will be responsible for onboarding and collecting the insights from the CC. The CC will amplify community perspectives, share community feedback, voice broader community interests, advocate on behalf of the community, and focus community sentiment for effective advice to teams of the DAO.


Onboarding CC members will be completed within two weeks of SIP acceptance. The term of a CC member will be one year from SIP acceptance.


This SIP is authored by Lanzer and the DAO Admin Team.

For more information, email contact@sandboxdao.com or visit the forum thread.

The candidates’ names and links to their statements will be posted here: ____

SIP Details

Problem Description

The Special Council and Advisory Board have unfolded in a way where the community does not feel an acceptable level of representation and involvement has been achieved. This SIP aims to provide a solution while teams within the DAO evolve to an acceptable level of representation and involvement.

Proposed Solution

The Sandbox DAO “Community Council” (CC) is a 5-member voluntary/unpaid council nominated and elected by the community to serve the community alongside the DAO Admin Team: https://snapshot.org/#/sandboxdao.eth

To amplify and clarify the voices of the community, the TSB DAO CC is tasked with taking an approach that removes personal biases while serving as a community representative. The CC ensures the community’s sentiment is well represented when coordinating and liaising with teams of the DAO.

Primary Directives of the CC:

  • LISTENING: Hosting community events and/or polls that help to capture the ongoing, dynamic community sentiment around different DAO-focused topics, such as upcoming SIPs or changes in the way DAO is administered
  • REPRESENTING: Being fair representative voices of the community. As elected representatives of the DAO, CC members assist in educating and informing people about the DAO.
  • ADVOCATING: As CC members, the CC advocates on behalf of the community’s concerns, needs, ideas, feedback, and questions when or if they meet with the Admin Team, Special Council, Advisory Board, and Delegates.

Roles & Responsibilities of the CC:

  • Put community interests before your own
  • Onboarding meeting with the DAO Admin Team after elected
  • Keep in regular communication with DAO Admin Team
    • This may take the form of more frequent, asynchronous communication on a private channel in the DAO Forums, depending upon the logistics of aligning schedules
  • Efforts to engage with the community must be clear and consistent
    • on X, Discord, DAO Forum, Twitch, and elsewhere
  • Publish a monthly report with each CC member’s activities.
    • The DAO Admin Team will provide a template
  • Must comply with the CC Code of Conduct.

Recommended Checklist for Success (Not Mandatory)

  • Consistent, weekly engagement on the DAO Forums
  • Host at least one community event per month
    • Consider collaborating with other CC members and Delegates
    • Consider making community events publicly accessible via open events, such as Twitter Space or live Twitch/YouTube
  • Make one DAO post per week on each: X & TSB Discord
  • Initiate at least one data call with community members each month
    • Strategically gather insights, questions, and concerns for reports

Nominations and Elections

Nomination Period (Through February 19, 2025)

  • Eligibility Check: Candidates confirm they are not an active Delegate, TSB Ambassador, Advisory Board member, Special Council member, or staff member of The Sandbox Game, or the DAO Admin Team.
  • Eligibility Grace Period: Those who are currently serving in a role named in the Eligibility Check may self-nominate, if, and only if, they disclose their current role and commit to resigning from their role no later than 30 days after being elected. If the candidate is not elected, they are not required to resign. If the candidate is elected but does not resign within 30 days, they forfeit their election seat, and the next runner-up will be elected.
  • Self-Nomination:
    • Candidates post a formal candidacy announcement on the DAO Forum to be placed on the candidate list.
    • Announcements should include:
      • a brief bio, including any relevant links
      • their vision for the CC and how it aligns with the vision of the DAO
      • an overview of their plans to represent the community effectively
      • any additional info they think the community needs to make a decision
  • Nomination of Another: The community may nominate a candidate if 3 or more community members name that person openly in this SIP’s discussion thread and tag the coauthors so that they can easily count the number of nomination statements needed. The nominee will then be placed on the candidate list, and contacted to confirm their nomination.
    • If the nominee is serving in a role identified within the Eligibility Check section, they must follow the same rules written in the Eligibility Grace Period.
    • If the nominee confirms their candidacy, they will remain on the candidate list
    • If the nominee denies their candidacy, they will be removed and not voted upon as a candidate.
    • If the nominee neither confirms nor denies their candidacy, they will remain on the candidate list and be voted upon as a candidate. In this case, if the candidate is elected to a seat on the CC, they have 30 days to confirm their willingness to serve on the CC. If they do not confirm their willingness to serve within those 30 days, the next runner-up is elected.

Campaign Period (Two Weeks)

  • Candidates have two weeks to campaign and earn community support.
  • Forum Engagement: Use the DAO Forum as the primary place to answer questions, discuss ideas, and engage with voters.
  • Community Outreach: Candidates are encouraged to use social media, Discord, AMAs, and other creative strategies to connect with the community.
  • Fair Campaigning: Emphasize positive engagement, transparency, and alignment with the DAO’s values.
    • Transparency in Campaign Messaging
      • All campaign content must accurately represent the candidate’s intentions, plans, and qualifications.
      • Misleading claims about other candidates or oneself are prohibited.
    • Respectful Conduct
      • Candidates must refrain from personal attacks, harassment, or derogatory language directed at other candidates, community members, or the Admin Team.
      • Focus on promoting ideas, solutions, and alignment with the DAO’s goals rather than criticizing opponents.
    • Equal Access to Resources
      • All candidates must have equal access to official DAO communication channels, such as the Forum and Discord, for campaign purposes.
    • Prohibition of Vote Manipulation
      • Candidates or their supporters may not offer incentives, bribes, or rewards in exchange for votes or as part of any campaign promotional campaign.
      • Any attempt to create fake accounts or misuse tokens for voting is strictly prohibited.
    • Open Engagement
      • Candidates should respond to community questions and feedback openly and respectfully, avoiding closed or secretive campaigning.
      • Campaign discussions must occur in public, transparent spaces like the DAO Forum.
    • No Use of Official Titles
      • Candidates who hold other roles in the ecosystem (e.g., influencers, moderators, ambassadors) may not leverage their titles for campaign advantage.
    • Campaign Timeline Adherence
      • Candidates may only begin campaigning after formally nominating themselves on the Forum.
    • Reporting Violations
      • The Admin Team will establish a process for reporting campaign rule violations, ensuring anonymity and fairness in handling complaints.
      • Confirmed violations may result in warnings, disqualification, or other penalties, depending on the severity.
    • Collaboration Over Competition
      • Candidates are encouraged to participate in group discussions, AMAs, or debates to showcase their ideas and values collaboratively.
      • Efforts to build up the community during campaigns, rather than dividing it, are highly valued.

Voting Period (Two Weeks)

  • The election is held on the Snapshot platform
  • The top 5 votes are elected to the CC

Onboarding for Elected CC Members

  • New CC members participate in an onboarding meeting with the DAO Admin Team to understand their responsibilities and expectations.
  • Members are introduced to tools, communication channels, and key team contacts.

Election to Special Council or Advisory Board

  • If a currently-elected CC member runs for any of the positions mentioned in the “Eligibility Check” section, they are not required to resign from the CC first. A CC member is afforded the same Eligibility Grace Period as written under the Nomination Period section. Follow the Process for Resignation within one month of being elected to the new seat.
  • Elected CC members are allowed to author SIPs and vote on their own SIPs

Process for Removal

To balance accountability, due process, and the integrity of the DAO’s governance, the following steps outline the procedure for any community member filing a grievance that seeks the removal of a CC member.

  1. Identify the Violation
  • Document the alleged violation of the Community Council Code of Conduct in detail.
    • A Community Council member may also be removed if they are:
      • Listed in any economic sanctions list or designated as a politically exposed person
      • Subject to censure or sanction by a securities exchange regulator or similar governmental authority
      • Convicted of a felony or equivalent crime, or a crime of moral turpitude
      • Mentally incapacitated as determined by two licensed medical doctors
  • Gather evidence, including statements, communications, or actions that demonstrate the breach
  1. Notify the DAO Admin Team
  • Provide written notice to the DAO Admin team about the alleged violation
  • Include specifics of the breach and reference the relevant section of the Community Council Code of Conduct
  • Provide all evidence that you gathered
  • Disclose any potential conflicts of interest and any interests that may be perceived as influencing ulterior motives driving you to seek this CC member’s removal
  1. Conduct an Investigation
  • The DAO Admin team investigates
  • The DAO Admin team may form a subcommittee or assign a neutral party to investigate the matter if a clear conflict of interest is presented
  • The DAO Admin team may interview involved parties and review all relevant evidence
  • The DAO Admin team will ensure the process is fair, transparent, and documented
  1. Present Findings to the Accused
  • The DAO Admin team will share the investigation’s results with the accused party/parties
  • At this point, if the DAO admin team does not find evidence beyond any reasonable doubt the Accused may be guilty of offenses warranting removal, then the matter will be closed
  • If the DAO Team finds that beyond a reasonable doubt the actions of the Accused warrant removal from the CC, the matter will be brought to the community to vote on a possible removal
  1. The Accused is Given Time to Prepare a Defense or Step Down
  • The Accused will be given two weeks to prepare a defense if they wish
  • After 14 days, The Accused will send the DAO Admin team their counterargument in the form of a Google Drive folder containing any evidence and defense they’ve compiled
  • Within 2 days of receipt of the counterargument, the DAO Admin Team will open a Forum discussion sharing the evidence they compiled during their investigation as well as the counter-argument of The Accused
  1. The Community is Given Time to Discuss
  • After all evidence is posted, the community is given 2 weeks to discuss the topic on the public forums
  1. Vote on Removal
  • Removal is determined by a vote of the other 4 Community Council members
    • A Community Council member may be removed if they are:
      • Determined by a vote of the other 4 Special Council members to have breached the Code of Conduct;
      • Listed in any economic sanctions list or designated as a politically exposed person
      • Subject to censure or sanction by a securities exchange regulator or similar governmental authority
      • Convicted of a felony or equivalent crime, or a crime of moral turpitude
      • Mentally incapacitated as determined by two licensed medical doctors
  1. Notify Stakeholders
  • The DAO Admin Team is tasked with communicating any possible change to relevant stakeholders

Process for Resignation

CC members intending to voluntarily step down from their role for any reason must notify the Community and DAO Admin team with as much notice as possible, ideally one month before they are unable to continue their duties.

  1. Notice of Resignation – Notify the Community and the DAO Admin Team of your intention to resign. Provide as much notice as possible, ideally at least one month before stepping down

  2. Submit Formal Resignation – Provide a written resignation letter detailing your reasons and the effective resignation date

  3. Transition of Responsibilities – Collaborate with the DAO Admin Team to ensure a smooth transition. This includes sharing ongoing tasks, reports, or key insights with the Admin Team or remaining CC members

  4. Inform the Community – The DAO Admin Team will announce the resignation to the community through official communication channels, ensuring transparency

  5. Optional Exit Interview – Participate in an optional exit interview with the DAO Admin Team to provide feedback on your role and the council’s operations

  6. Vacancy Handling – Within one month, the DAO Admin Team must initiate steps to fill the vacant position. Established governance processes outlined in this SIP will inform a special election.

Community Council Code of Conduct

All candidates, if elected, are automatically subject to the CC CoC.

The Sandbox DAO values the principles of transparency, accountability, and integrity in its governance and administrative processes. To ensure that CC members act in the best interest of the community and the ecosystem, the DAO has established a Community Council Code of Conduct. By opting into this code, CC members commit to upholding the highest standards of behavior and responsibility.

Due to Snapshot’s 10K character limit, the full CC CoC is located in the discussion thread’s original post and copied to the SandboxDAO website. Any changes to the CC CoC will go through an open and extensive discussion on the DAO Forum’s Implementation thread for this CC SIP.

In all interactions, each member of The Sandbox DAO Community Council shall:

  • Agree to and abide by The Sandbox DAO Terms of Use

  • Be respectful of other community members. There is a zero-tolerance policy for any form of discrimination or hate speech

  • Commit to serving The Sandbox DAO’s Community with integrity, impartiality, and dedication to the DAO’s guiding values and goals

  • Adhere to the highest ethical standards, avoiding any actions or decisions that could harm the reputation or functioning of the DAO

  • Disclose any potential conflicts of interest as they may arise

  • Maintain confidentiality where required, respecting the privacy and security of information of The Sandbox DAO and its membership

  • Maintain active, honest, and transparent communication with the DAO community

In cases of disputes or disagreements among members of the CC or members of other DAO bodies, CC members shall strive for resolution through open dialogue and consensus-building.

Commitment to the DAO’s Best Interest

Primary Responsibility: CC members must reflect the broader community’s interests, aiming to enhance the sustainability, security, and growth of the TSB ecosystem and the DAO.

Good Faith: All actions and communications should be carried out with honesty, integrity, and a transparent commitment to what is believed to be in the best interest of the TSB ecosystem and the DAO.

Transparency and Communication

Rationale for Votes: CC members must communicate the reasoning behind their voting decisions to the community and their delegators. This transparency helps build trust and allows the community to understand the CC members’ perspectives.

Availability: CC members should be reasonably accessible to the community to answer questions, respond to comments, and discuss any community issues as they arise.

Civility and Professionalism

Respectful Conduct: CC members must foster a safe, welcoming, and harassment-free environment for all participants in the DAO and the broader TSB ecosystem. This includes respecting differing viewpoints and engaging in civil discourse.

Prohibited Behaviours: Unacceptable behaviors, such as harassment, bullying, and aggressive conduct, as outlined in the Community Council Code of Conduct, are not tolerated.

Constructive Feedback: CC members should provide feedback that is well-researched, supported by evidence, and devoid of personal attacks. All arguments should focus on the merits of the proposals and the best interest of The Sandbox.

Disclose Expectations

Disclosure of Potential Conflicts: CC members must avoid conflicts of interest such as personal investments whose values may be influenced by a decision of the CC. This disclosure may be on a case-by-case basis; for example, if a discussion arises around a certain experience in which a CC member has significant stakes, they should make it clear to the rest of the CC and the community at large. This would not necessarily disqualify that CC member from participating in any way.

Exceptions to Disclosure: The only exceptions to full public disclosure are sensitive matters where a common sense breach of confidence would take place, or when disclosure would violate existing or future DAO commercial agreements, such as Non-Disclosure Agreements for proprietary information, or any instances that may jeopardize a person’s safety or security.

Transparency in Conflicts: Any actual conflicts must be disclosed to the community promptly. Even potential conflicts should be disclosed, ensuring that any governance and administrative activities are conducted without bias or personal gain influencing decisions.

Adherence to the Spirit of the Code

Integrity Beyond Rules: While this Code of Conduct may not cover all possible scenarios, CC members are expected to adhere to its spirit. They should refrain from exploiting any potential loopholes, acting in good faith and the best interest of the community at all times.

Optional Participation and Accountability

Opt-In Commitment: CC members opt into this Code of Conduct by indicating their agreement when they announce their candidacy. By doing so, they signal their commitment to uphold these standards.


For Context: I’m happy to support this SIP as coauthor, I think it’s a WONDERFUL step forward to include SandFam in shaping the DAO.

I didn’t know it at the time :joy: but I helped with this SIP’s approach when I wrote Lanzer SIP #8 - Sandbox Governance Working Group (GWG), and then Kunta created the Community Council and I was invited to help! Big props to him for putting the pieces together.


I submit my nomination for Community Council!

If elected, I intend to increase transparency.

As I spoke about in DiTS Ep-005, my priority is insight and disclosure. Giving SandFam insight into the DAO and disclosing what can be disclosed to the community.

  • I want to help bring the DAO out of the shadows to break down barriers.
  • I want to enable each community member to contribute to their max potential because they know what they are contributing to.

Link to full nomination in :speech_balloon: General to follow soon


Great to see this coming into fruition. This is also also good step in finding a potential future member of the SC from the community.

Hope to see many of our long time influential figures apply for this.


Happy to see this as well coming. Few questions and thougths from my end:

  • What were the reasons to propose a CC instead of a community member seat at the Special Council?
  • Why selected 5 members? My fear here is that the work generated by maintaining the 5 members (check metrics, review forms, review allegations…) might deviate the DAO admin team from their current job of curating SIPs. This looks to me a bit a lot.
  • 2 years is too long. 1 should be good to start.
  • Why ambassador or delegates cannot be CC? (disclaimer here I do not plan to apply)
  • Why CC members would have the rights to propose SIPs while the delegates cannot?
  • Is this is a 0 SAND SIP?
  • How do we make sure that diversity is taken into consideration? There was for example extensive interview rounds for delegates. How do we make sure we do not have only the most vocal people?
  • Last but not least: are CC candidates allowed to vote for this SIP?


  • I would like to have some more details if the CC are engaged or not in the curation process of SIPs and if so at which steps.

Hi Lanzer,

For fairness with others if your SIPs on SANDDAO Podcast pass you should not use that format for your campaign.

Addressing each:

  1. Changing the composition of the Special Council mid-term makes less sense + the number of people on that board was already established

  2. We selected 5 members since that is what the SC and AB are; so, mostly out of equality – We would not have proposed this if it would require bandwidth we didn’t have. This will fall mostly on ME, which is good since I am not the most active in the SIP curation process.

  3. I am certainly not attached to the number 2. That was just the term length given to other boards of the DAO. This is a great place to start the discussion around what a feasible term length might be. Any thoughts from others here?

  4. Ambassadors and Delegates cannot be CC members for the same reason staff of TSB or the DAO Admin team cannot: to keep our formal roles in the DAO restricted a single title. This avoids conflicts of interest and safeguards against too much influence from any single individual.

  5. this is a 0-SAND SIP, yes – As proposed, no budget is required.

  6. You ask:

  • How do we make sure that diversity is taken into consideration? There was for example extensive interview rounds for delegates. How do we make sure we do not have only the most vocal people?

There will be no consideration of diversity in this process since the DAO Admin Team has no influence over the nomination or the election process. That was intentional, so as to keep the admin team’s hands off the process. As a result, you’re right that the people who will get elected are going to be the best ones at CAMPAIGNING. However, those are, in turn, the people we want for the role, since the job itself, as described, means engaging with the community consistently and clearly. So, the best communicators will be elected (hopefully).

  1. As it is written right now, CC candidates CAN indeed vote for themselves in this SIP. If you see that as a conflict of interest, this is the place to raise the concern, and if it gains strong support, we can add a sub-section that disallows candidate’s wallets from voting. ((Seems they could just delegate it though to get around that though, if they’re being devious – I may be wrong))

As it is written currently, CC members are not involved in the curation process.

However, the greatest influence that can exercised over the content of any SIP is NOT during curation, but BEFORE curation, at this stage we’re in right now… wherein delegates and the community at large can directly work with the SIP authors to make sweeping changes for broader appeal.

What if Lanzer were to give each candidate equal and fair time on his podcast?

Would that be more fair?

Or are you suggesting he doesn’t talk about it at all on the SANDDAO podcast?

This is an important discussion, indeed.

NOTE: I am considering hosting DEBATES on “Diggin’ in the SAND” podcast – depending upon how many candidates we get

Regardless if the community decides overwhelmingly SANDDAO is an unfair advantage, I will do everything possible to offer air time to all candidates

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I think the SANDDAO SIPs was not meant to pay a campaign even if there is equal time to all. It should be used as said in DITs 5 to educate the community about basics of TSB and DAO.
If he wants to use after being elected no problem from my side to dicsuss about what is happenning in the Admin Team but not during the campaign.

Thx for the answers I will have a deeper look with fresh eyes tomorrow morning.
You just missed the question about the possibility to create SIP for CC members while it is not for delegates

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What I’d like to do is host every CC nominee and do a quick Q&A with them. Same as I did with the delegates. Haven’t decided if I should do them all together, or individually. My thoughts are doing them individually now that I know Kunta is thinking of doing all the nominees together.

I’ll need to think this through to remain fair. I don’t necessarily see it as a competition though, and it definitely won’t be if there are only 5 nominees.

Does that sound fair to you @KCL ?

Woops – I missed this Q

The idea here was that the delegates would have a body (the CC) with whom they could collaborate directly to generate SIPs called for by their delegations and the community at large.

Of course, like everything else proposed here, we can change this (if the community supports disallowing CC to author SIPs)

To share a few points that @KCL noted.

  1. I had the same take as him when I saw that it’s 5 members. Seems huge but considering SC and AB are 5 members, its good we keep CC to 5 seats to show equal representation.
    My concern is that in the event that there’s, say, 10 candidates and 3 of the top candidates get 80% of the votes, while the remaining 7 gets 20%. It won’t seem that the 2 candidates that will get in has a strong mandate, or may not even be a ‘choice’ candidate in the community’s eyes. Will there be a minimum threshold? Maybe at the least get 7-10% of the total number VP voted?

  2. 2 years, while it feels long, I’d say its a sweet spot. Considering that the 1st tenure for SC will expire a year from now, its good that we don’t get the timings clash with the next nomination, i.e 2025 will be SC renomination, and 2026 is CC renomination.

  3. I think its fair to allow CC members to put up SIPs, for the very reason that they won’t be getting any allocation of VP from TSB. We’ll still need commited members of the community to put up SIPs.

  4. As for voting, I think its reasonable to say that CC members Abstain from DIRECTLY voting in their own SIP.

As for whether @Lanzer should be allowed to interview CC candidates? Yes, but only from a neutral standpoint. I believe he knows where the line is drawn, but just to be absolutely transparent, he should not use SANDDAO to promote himself, or any particular candidate.


I feel a lot of different ways on this. If the CC get no VP, and are not paid, and have no part to play in curation or SC recommendation…I’m not sure anything is lost if they are allowed to vote for their own SIPs.

That said…I think it’s a fair critique to say that the PERCEPTION of favoritism or abuse of power does exist when someone with a CC title is voting…maybe it’s safer for our DAO if we just set a standard across the board for every position of power within the DAO to not vote on their own things (or maybe just Abstain so we keep making quorum :slightly_smiling_face:)

I dunno, what do you think about that @DAO ?


Thank you for your vote of confidence, and yes, I commit to giving equal exposure on SANDDAO to every candidate. The only exception is if a candidate does not wish to be on SANDDAO or chooses only to do a text-based interview as some delegates did, I have no control over that. I will extend an invitation to every nominee regardless and do a standard set of questions to keep it fair :slightly_smiling_face:

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Agreed. I think it should be something that’s agreed upon across the board. As to whether it’s enforceable, I highly doubt so, unless the constitution says an SIP is nullified if the author votes, which it doesn’t.

There’re ways to circumvent it too, delegate to another anon wallet, transferring assets to a different wallet before snapshot is taken etc.

So ultimately, the notion should be that persons of influence should not vote on their own SIP in good faith, nothing more.

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I’m gonna think on this a bunch. The intent is reasonable, the practicality of it isn’t obvious to me though. What power does the CC have that we’re trying to curb?

  • SC issues positive and negative recommendations–makes sense to curb because we can see how that’s affected SIP voting–I see many vote notes cite their “Yes/No” explanations with the same rationale the SC gives.
  • Delegates have at least 2M VP–makes sense to curb because of how huge their power is in SIP voting
  • TSB employees and DAO Admin Team have positional authority & hierarchical power which they can exercise to different degrees
  • Ambassadors have positional authority (although I’ve heard them describe themselves more like freelancers than employees) & internal networking power
  • CC might possibly have positional authority & internal networking power–although we don’t know yet.

The downside… it’s difficult to get both quorum and a yes vote as a SIP author. That early self-YES vote gives the SIP author a fighting chance, especially if the SC issues a Negative or Neutral recommendation, which they’ve given to 6 SIPs.

I suppose a fair counter would be that it only affects 5 people, and a CC member can resign if it’s too much for them…

And a counter to that counter…there are few SIP authors as it is, and now that it’s an invite system, being invited to author a SIP is a big achievement just to have it fail because it was doomed from the start with an initial “No” delegate vote + No/Neutral SC recommendation.

I’m going back and forth on this one…hmm…

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It’s more of sending a consistent message across the board among all appointment holders (SC, AB, CC, Delegates, Ambassadors, staff etc) with the message being that if there’s a conflict of interest between being both an appointment holder as well as the author of an SIP, the person shall recuse himself from voting.

All these being said, these guidelines are arbitrary as long as it’s not added into the constitution, and nothing is stopping the individual from voting for their own SIP.

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My concern is that I do not think seeing 15 kUSD going into 15+ interviews of candidate for CC member is a wise use of DAO money if SIP SANDDAO pass.

With regards to fairness as long as you are candidate you should not interview the other candidates as :

  • you somehow force them to chose your format and if they do not show it can be badly perceived.
  • you chose the questions and you are in control of the discussion

I am from the opinion that everybody should be free to choose their format and if you are doing a promotion podcast for yourself you should not use the SIP SANDAO funding. That is only my opinion and everybody is free to make their own choices.

A minimum vote threshold could be a good idea!

What do others think?! :eyes:

If people tend to favor that in the conversation here, we’ll certainly consider adding that.

NOTE: the challenge that could arise from this would be that a second election may be required if fewer than 5 candidates reach the threshold