SIP-1: Introducing: The Sandbox DAO

It would be great if someone from the Special Council or Advisors could come by here and help clear up so many doubts. I’ll stay around, but I also have many questions.


It appears that ASSETs and Avatars will also give VP in the future (another thing I think
should have been implemented from the beginning). When that happens, your VP will be even higher, especially if they count all of the ones you early creators made and are holding from the days of when creators got tens of thousands of catalysts and gems to mint to test the marketplace lol.

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Hi who is Arasakio? It just says they are the Author

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Hi @MonkeyDLuffy, Arasakio is the administrator of the DAO.

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Seems to me that DAO was rushed a bit as it’s clearly not ready for voting. Since the snapshot was already taken, all my staked SAND is not counted. Unstaking it before voting does nothing for the voting power. LANDs are not counted. My only voting power is some leftover eth sand still in my wallet from the last assets purchases.

There should have been an announcement prior to DAO going live with conditions for voting so we could prepare for it (before staked SAND and LAND get counted for. voting power)

This proposition feels like a done deal. Wish there was a period when the advisory board and the council presented their background and experience so we could have voted based on their expertise or even nominate our own candidates.


Hello SandFam, :wave::smile:

We on the Community Management Team want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for sharing your initial thoughts and feedback about the DAO at The Sandbox.

Since the release of the DAO features yesterday, the Community Management Team, with invaluable support from our amazing Ambassadors, have been collecting your feedback, both positive and negative. This input is being relayed to both The Sandbox and the DAO team.

Your voices are immensely important and have been incredibly helpful to us. We are committed to making sure that your feedback reaches the right people. It is you who shapes the future of The Sandbox, and together, we will continue to grow and improve.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement. Keep your voices up! :blue_heart::orange_heart:

Amy & Scott
The Sandbox Global Community Management


Hi @Geraldine / @Scott-TSB,

It appears that “Arasakio” as the “administrator” of the DAO used incorrect contract addresses in making ( The Sandbox DAO Proposal: SIP-1: Introducing The Sandbox DAO ( , The Sandbox DAO Proposal: SIP-2: The Sandbox Foundation ( and The Sandbox DAO Proposal: SIP-3: Initial Budget for the DAO (

The Snapshot Strategies refer to an incorrect contract for the LAND multiplier on ETH and Polygon.

SIP-1, SIP-2, SIP-3 - Incorrect contracts on ETH / Polygon ( LandV3 | Address 0x976f91d5E0a1eBA30eC778965Ef4701904Fe28cA | Etherscan/ PolygonLandV1 | Address 0x16f78D75fABB869835236B5Fb59c2b29f6cBbfcf | PolygonScan )

Because of the incorrect contract addresses that the “DAO administrator” Arasakio setup for voting strategies, LAND owners are not able to participate in the formulation / birth of the DAO itself.

But what will most likely happen, is because a quorum will not be able to be reached due to voting limitations, it appears to be a foregone conclusion that these proposals may not pass.

If it does - I will be honestly surprised, but then it will be only because a whale stepped in to “save the day” to get the votes needed for quorum.

If SANDBOX wants to do damage control around this - they should be stepping up to the plate and admitting that this was not executed well and the SIPs should immediately be cancelled in the next 24 hours and a proper discussion prior to the proposals be allowed for.

To not do so is akin to “sticking your head in the SAND” (analogous pun very well intended). :slight_smile:

I say this not with hate or malice, but with love and a strong desire for the SANDBOX DAO to be successful.


Edit: Removed sebga tag as per @Scott-TSB comment below. If I tagged the wrong person, my apologies.


Sort of, 1 catalyst could mint tens of thousands of assets. One asset per catalyst is new on L2. But yes, if avatars and assets are added to the VP it will increase for me a lot. I imagine TSB’s vote will also be much much higher unless that’s a specific wallet for those votes that doesn’t hold those things.

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Hello @brianchilders. :slight_smile:

Thank you for sharing your feedback and suggestions. We always appreciate constructive input. While positive feedback is encouraging, negative feedback is often more helpful as it highlights areas needing improvement.

I’d like to confirm that we have included your comments in our community report for the DAO. This ensures that your feedback and ideas are communicated to the appropriate people at The Sandbox, so your voice is heard.

As a side note, I don’t believe the “Seb” you tagged in your post is actually Sebastien Borget.

Have an amazing day, everyone. Please keep sharing your voices—they matter to us Community Managers. :heart:


Hi @Geraldine quick question, on the DAO page it says users will be able to Delegate their vote in the future , so will there be a dedicated “Delegate Leaders” where we delegate our votes to and they vote on behalf of us? or the delegation can be done to any person in the community to vote on behalf us?

Hi @Scott-TSB

That’s a fair ask, I am more than happy to admit I’m wrong if I tagged the wrong person. I’ll edit my post to remove the tag for now. Thank you.

I am looking forward to what @Cyril will share as feedback to you and the rest of the community.


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Hi @Scott-TSB,

I was pleased to see the prompt action to remedy the situation of the incorrect contract numbers in the first three proposals.

Thank you so much for your support in the community report.


Hi @Scott-TSB, will you also convey to TSB to consider changing their 27m VP vote to “Abstain” to make up for quorum and yet allow the community to decide on the trajectory of the DAO.


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Hi @MonkeyDLuffy :wave: thanks for your question! We will go for delegated leaders at first, people meeting some criterias (KYC, minimum of SAND/LAND).

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Hi Brian, thank you for your feedback!
We have taken into account the community voice and made our best to react quickly (considering limitations with Snapshot).
All LAND Owners can now be involved in SIP-1 to 3!
Let’s vote :grinning:

Must be Standards to the Sandbox DAO. I am excited to see what happens

Did we ever figure out if the 110,000 SAND for the Special Council is:
-Per person per year (220,000 SAND each/1.1M total their first term)
-Per person per term (110,000 SAND each/550K total for their first term)
-Shared per year (44,000 SAND each/220K total their first term)
-Shared per term (22,000 SAND each/110K total for their first term)?

There is a big difference between 110,000 SAND and 1,100,000 SAND for people we weren’t even allowed to discuss let alone nominate before the initial vote, and the way it is written is too vague to know for sure.


Great to see this happend, happy to be here for this first DAO steps

Agreed! Long-time LAND voters and stakers should weigh slightly heavier. That way it balances the new vs the OG.

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Hello @KandidlyKristen, the budget for the Special Council is 110,000 SAND per member, per year.
The constitution has been updated to clarify this point, and I have updated the link in the post.

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