Requesting the reopening of the SIP idea

I would like to request the reopening of the SIP [Sponsor Krafter as UGC Creator & Onboarding Specialist]

This SIP has a record number of votes and needs more discussion.
It’s a very important SIP for the Creator community.

The ambassador program doesn’t clearly outline the characteristics, and one of the DAO’s functions is to fund community leaders, newcomers and veterans.

We need at least more discussion; it can’t be shut down so abruptly.

Let’s talk! Don’t frustrate us like this, @Geraldine

Thank you


You’re not totally wrong @dankoyy , there is a budget for that.
Maybe you can clarify about that @Geraldine . You mentionned that the ambassador program is pretty close of the Krafetr proposal, i can understand, but can you clarify about the budget allocated for that, is it the DAO funds that we’ll use for ambassador program or a different “wallet”?

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Yes, we have a community SIP that is moving to Draft and then to a Vote soon. Despite a different format defined by @markbagogames, the objective is similar: to increase and expand knowledge of the TSB. (link)

If Krafter’s idea are misaligned with TSB’s objectives, they can be revised and redirected by editing the SIP idea.

It seems to me that Krafter’s SIP is also for full-time work with the community, which isn’t clear if it’s covered by the ambassador program.

Krafter’s SIP Idea, as the name suggests, is just an idea. If the idea isn’t good, it needs discussion, because if there’s no discussion and alignment, and all doors are closed without conversation, we’ll never have a clear understanding of what the DAO and TSB want from us.

I am interested in being supported by TSB to continue on my path and in continuing my work in the community, whether through SIPs or the ambassador program (which I’ve already applied for). I’m interested in better understanding how the DAO functions and using all the tools in the ecosystem for the good of the Creators community.

Therefore, abruptly closing a door like this doesn’t help anyone. In fact, it only causes frustration and miscommunication.
Thank you!

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I suggest first to have discussion in the SIP Ambassador proposal post and AFTER that to re-open past SIP proposals.

@Geraldine was clear in the previous SIP: Krafter SIP proposal is in line with the Ambassador program.

Krafter can sign up the ambassador form, insert that he wants to work 20+ hours per week and discuss with TSB team for the amount of Sand. IN THE MEANTIME I suggest to discuss and ask in the other form how many people they think to “hire” and the amount of Sand per hour, so everyone in the DAO can have and idea. After that we can decide if THAT SIP Ambassador program makes sense, if it’s better to make a new SIP ambassador program or if it’s better to re-open past SIP proposals or to open new SIP proposals related to individual influencers.

I hope they took the time to contact Krafter privately before publishing publicly, it’s always nicer to be informed in advance for this kind of decision.

Your case is interesting too, in the educational aspect.
As i said, i think the team will know how to sort things out and propose concrete cases based on the profiles, the form remained quite broad and allows different things to be proposed, at different frequencies and different places in the world. Also There must be a lot of applications, let’s try not to throw stones, let’s start with cotton :sweat_smile: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:geraldine :blush:


I’d like to provide some clarity regarding the Ambassador program and the process involved.

Creating content for The Sandbox is a significant contribution. Those who are involved in content creation, whether full-time or otherwise, are indeed considered eligible for consideration as ambassadors. The responsibility for selecting ambassadors lies with The Sandbox marketing team. They have a thorough interview process in place to ensure individuals align with The Sandbox vision and can effectively represent the community.

The DAO funds allocates a budget of 400,000 SAND (as per SIP-11: The Sandbox DAO to Fund the Sandbox Ambassador Program). to support our ambassadors. For more info, you can directly discuss on the SIP dedicated thread.

Please note the discussion has been ongoing for over 60 days since June 22, which allowed community feedback and discussion.