Sponsor Krafter as UGC Creator & Onboarding Specialist


By sponsoring Krafter as a UGC creator and onboarding specialist, The Sandbox DAO will significantly benefit from increased awareness, growth, and engagement within the ecosystem. This proposal aims to create a sustainable and impactful partnership that highlights the best of what The Sandbox has to offer while supporting the community’s continued development and success.


I propose that The Sandbox DAO sponsor me, Krafter, as a full-time UGC creator and onboarding specialist. I will deliver weekly content focused on The Sandbox (TSB) and onboarding new players and creators to the ecosystem.


The Sandbox ecosystem is rich with innovative creators and engaging games. However, there is a need for dedicated content that showcases these creations and helps onboard new users. By focusing on UGC and onboarding, I will bridge this gap, driving growth and engagement within TSB.


Content Delivered Weekly:

  1. 5 TSB Focused Streams (Twitch/X/YouTube)
  • Build the Metaverse (Tu, Th): A progressive series teaching beginners how to build games and assets in TSB.
  • Explore the Metaverse (M, W, F): Playing games with viewers and highlighting current events inside TSB.
  1. 1 LIVE Podcast - Behind the Avatar (Recorded on X as a space and inside TSB)
  • Hosted from TSB LAND, featuring web3 pioneers in a relaxed, no agenda just vibes format.
  • Cross-over guests from both within and outside TSB to attract a broader audience.
  1. 1 Official Sponsor of Metaverse Show (Twitch/X/Youtube)
  • Metaverse Spotlight: Highlighting Metaverse games, tools, creators with Q&A sessions.
  • Featuring SIP proposal authors for detailed overviews before voting.
  • 3 ad reads during the show: DAO ad, Game Maker/VoxEdit ad, and a gamer-focused ad.
  1. 1 Onboarding UGC Video
  • Example topics: “How to XYZ in TSB Game Maker,” “What is SAND,” “How to mint an asset to the marketplace with catalysts,” etc.
  1. 1 TSB DAO Weekly Update (in 60 seconds!) UGC
  • High-level overview of active SIPs, upcoming SIPs, and concluded votes.


I am requesting sponsorship for 6 months, starting immediately upon approval. After 6 months, I will submit a new SIP to continue the partnership.


Proposed by: Krafter

  • Dedicated content creator in the Metaverse/Gaming world for the last 4 years.
  • Focused on The Sandbox community, supporting creators and builders.


Over the past 4 years, I have been dedicated to creating content within the Metaverse, with a significant focus on The Sandbox. My goal has always been to shine a light on the amazing people in this community and the innovative creations they produce.


  • Growth of The Sandbox Ecosystem: Increased awareness and onboarding of new players and creators.
  • Support for the DAO: Highlighting and explaining SIP proposals, promoting informed voting.
  • Promotion of Creators: Showcasing the work of creators within TSB, driving engagement and collaboration.
  • Educational Content: Providing tutorials and guides to lower the entry barrier for new users.


  • Content Saturation: Ensuring the content remains engaging and does not become repetitive.
  • Audience Retention: Maintaining a consistent and growing viewer base.
  • Resource Allocation: Efficiently managing time and resources to meet content delivery goals.

Resources Required

  • Funding: $5,000 USD per month (paid in SAND) for 6 months.

*Includes Distribution Rights: Permission for TSB to use created content on their own channels.

Metrics for Success

  • Engagement Metrics: Viewer counts, stream attendance, and interaction rates.
  • Onboarding Metrics: Number of new users signing up and actively participating in TSB.
  • Content Reach: Distribution and reach of UGC videos and podcasts.
  • Community Feedback: Positive feedback and testimonials from viewers and participants.


Additional Resources:

Krafter’s Social Links:


Wassup Krafter! I support!

My humble recommendations:

  1. Add how long you expect #1 through 5 of your weekly content to last each each session. 1 hr? Some other formula?
  2. Add a little more in the “Who” section so that any newcomer to SandFam can understand your expertise and doesn’t have to rely on the word of others.
  3. Add a quantitative metric in “Benefit” that directly counterbalances the Resources Required using what you add in #1 above.

If resources required is 5K USD / $0.33 exchange rate = 15K SAND * 6 = about 90.9K SAND for 6 months, how many hours of content, people interviewed, and SandFam creators spotlighted does that buy?

Would help numbers people like myself understand the reality of your proposal.

Love it the idea!


This is fantastic! We definitely need more coverage and high-quality content from streamers who can highlight the various aspects of The Sandbox platform. I would also suggest adding more details about your background and expertise in the space, as this sets you apart and adds credibility. Great SIP – excited to see how this evolves!


Thanks for the feedback and support Pepe!

Will definitely do a deeper dive into who I am and my background, making sure to highlight my expertise here in the Metaverse.

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Awesome feedback! Thanks Lanzer!

I will absolutely make updates according to your recommendations. Appreciate the support!

We definitely need to support Krafter and try to increase the number of Brand Ambassadors in general! Krafter is doing a great job! :fist:


Appreciate you! This is a brainstorming activity for me to see what would make the most sense for the DAO to support Brand Ambassadors. I’m confident I will find a way to add value to the DAO and get compensated for my time and effort and hope to find ways we can do the same for others as well. There are many dedicated content creators in the SandFam that could use some support!

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Hey, I like your proposal. I think you make good work and it will be interesting to support it and give you a official statement.
Just the 5k/month seems a lot to me. I would rather think of 2k but maybe you have arguments.


Hey Krafter,

You really have been doing a great job!

I think TSB truly needs someone with full dedication to fostering the community in this regard.

Amazing SIP!
Increase in your SIP about you DAO participation!
We need you as UGC Creators with more active presence here at DAO.

Count on me for that idea of small GM tutorials developed for your Live stream. I would love to help you with this area that is so necessary at TSB: Game Maker Education.

Best Krafter!


Yeah I agree later would make a great CM


thanks for the support!

I am working on revamping this so that it has the most value added as possible. will have a more in depth budget breakdown so you can see where all of the funds will be going as well as projections on what kind of ROIs to expect.


thanks for the kind words! I’m happy you feel this way.

this is a work in progress, I just wanted to get the conversation going around it and have already made some adjustments based on feedback and will take yours and tweak it as well!

would love to explore the GM tutorials with you more. I agree that Game Maker education is very important!

thank you :slight_smile:


@Kabayan He’s featured mine (Floor Droppers) before, and this was when Krafter and I barely knew each other. I paid him nothing, and all I had to do was ask on stream if he could, and he did. That’s been my experience of him.

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Glad you have been heard, because in my case he never did

Well now’s your chance! Link your experience and ask him to feature it :slightly_smiling_face:

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I had to remove my previous post as I think inappropriate to say in here, I should have ping Krafter directly because he’s a good guy! Sorry Krafter

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I’m all ears. Don’t know what your original post said, but I’m always happy to check out new stuff on stream. Swing by and ask on stream or hitting me up in my discord is your best bet to connect with me.

Do I have time to showcase and play every game…sadly no. but always happy to when I have the time!

It’s all good Kabayan, I’m happy you’re here offering your perspective.

Hello, is there some new about this discussion ? What do we need to put as a SIP ?

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@Lanzer Could you help us with this one? :point_up: