SIP-11: The Sandbox DAO to Fund the Sandbox Ambassador Program

Merci beaucoup @Geraldine :slightly_smiling_face:

Need some input from the community

Especially known ambassadors who are active DAO members

@KamiSawZe @batmann @TheVisionEx @KandidlyKristen @PickaxeMaster @AndyRichy @UncleGrumpy @DrMetaverso

I think I’ve seen calls for clarity on SIP-11 at least three times this past month. One from me (see above), some from others.

Conversations from @Cyril s latest DAO update between DrMetaverso & myself & theKuntaMC & Cyril revealed a blocker related to this SIP that really bothers me

I feel the need to do a AMA with those who are running the program.

I think we need to

  • have a respectful conversation that clears the air with them
  • Obtain clarity on what has happened since the SIP passed
  • Request they give access to our CM, Kunta
  • Request they make regular SIP implementation updates without Geraldine’s follow-up


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Hello! For the moment, I can share that 50 ambassadors in the program (most of which are IGLs and KOLs). The Sandbox Marketing team is also continuing to review new applicants to see if they are a good fit for the program.

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Great! Thanks Geraldine. Did they say anything else? 50 ambassadors is certainly a key metric. The remaining Key Metrics that I see:

  1. Leadership: Is Panda running this program? If not, who is?
  2. Budget: How much of the 400K SAND budget has been spent?
  3. Compensation: What compensation plan did the ambassador committee end up selecting?
  4. Capability: What Ambassador services is our DAO able to tap into?
  5. Impact: Please share some impact statements that the Ambassador program has been able to accomplish with the funds.

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Tagging others to advance this conversation a bit since delegates have expressed thoughts and concerns about the implementation of this SIP across various other channels: @DAO @rocksymiguel @hishmad @KCL @sebga @moefat @meowl @mo_ezz14 @cryptodiplo @Biversen @Airvey @Oldwon

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Relevant note from State of the DAO post by Kunta. He was allowed access to the Ambassadors. I’m very happy to see this!

Is Aminata also known as Amit? I’m not familiar with Aminata.

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Different people :+1:t4:

Who is Aminata?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx lol this character limit

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Forgive my slow reply here, ser…

Aminata is involved with TSB’s Ambassador Program and is active in TSB Discord