Hello there,
Happy to provide clarification.
Yeah I realize that the transfer of this collection is recent news for the majority of the community. Therefor it’s needed to familiarize yourself with what’s in it to decide what the proper course of action for its future.
- Are the intentions to dispose most, if not all of said PFPs?
Basically yes, anything that isn’t vaulted would be at term sold. The question remains what should be vaulted, to me that include of course any SANDBOX related asset such as land the question remain if that include « associated » project like world of woman cyberkong and so on. I’d like to have the community input on that. In one hand those were acquire to support those project at launch maybe that’s sufficient effort and it would be morally ok to dispose of them, on the other hand those community behind these pfp project participate a lot to the growth of TSB and its related IPs…
I believe that the best course of action is to discuss with the stakeholders of those project directly to part away with those item in a way that benefit everyone. It can be priority sell to the project themself so they can buy back supply, it can be swap deals for art so it doesn’t impact the floor, preferable private deals with dao members part of thoses pfp community.
It is clear that managing 1400 + asset come with a lot of operational burden and the objective is to scale it down to just a few hundred with more individual value as this will make this collection much more easier to liquidate in a mid to long term horizon if need be.
- How do you intend to dispose of said assets.(….) Ape coin
I am aware and worried about that as well going back to my prior point above flooring NFT isn’t the only way to sell them.
For Yuga related asset for instance those can be loaned with an usually good loan to value. Hence we could gain some liquidity from it without selling them. On top of the other system mentioned above if we were to basically list them on Opensea then I would implement a ventilation strategy (in clear not selling them all at once) avoiding any supply shock to those collection.
- Do you expect the total disposal/acquisition value in terms of ETH or any liquid assets, to be net positive at the end of your 1st tenure?
A lot of those asset are not event worth the gas to be transferred, I aim to be smart about cost management but there will inevitably be a lot for this first quarter, as the first tenure is sell intensive that suggest a lot of cost that will mathematically have a direct impact on the virtual ETH liquidity at our disposal.
Once the art is purchased from my experience at Sothebys with producing estimate I believe I will be able to provide a realistic although conservative valuation of the art collection . It’s something that require constant updating however.
Art in general gain value at a large horizon, the NFT flipping bubble was a special period , I don’t think that at this stage we have the operational flexibility, ressource and capacity to implement a transaction heavy flipping strategy as blur farmer does for instance.
I don’t think a couple of month is sufficient to make a profit on the virtual estimated liquid value of the purchased art if we factor in all the cost. The best chance at that would be through prioritizing primary market drop with an optimal entry point in a performant category such as AI art rather than buying blue chip art on the 2nd market. But then again there is no way I can offer a guarantee on that in such limited time frame.
As I mentioned in the SIP I offer art advisory not financial advisory. The treasury net gain in absolute value is too challenging to evaluate at this stage and not something I would take as metric of success for the first term. It would be sincerely fallacious from me to tell you « yes I’m certain of it ». The only aspect I can outline is that it’s always better to diversify when investing in anything and the same goes for art. As it’s stand the collection will worth less in December than what it worth now if nothing is done. It already went down more than 10% since the Audit was originally done.
Hope that helps,
Sorry for the long answer it’s challenging to synthesize those arguments.