🤝🏽 SIP Establishing a SandFam-elected "Community Council"

UPDATE :rotating_light:

This SIP has been reverted to :bulb: SIP: Ideas where it will remain for the foreseeable months ahead as we focus on bolstering overall participation in the DAO. When/if the community sees the need to advance this idea at a point when there is more interest in filling roles like these, we can modify this SIP to meet the community’s needs at that time.

QUESTIONS? :bulb: Ideas? :thought_balloon:
The conversation can continue here, but this will not be advanced to vote at this time.

Tagging for visibility:
@DAO @rocksymiguel @hishmad @KCL @sebga @moefat @meowl @mo_ezz14 @cryptodiplo @Biversen @Airvey @Oldwon @Cyril @Lanzer @AndyRichy @Krafter @G_is_us Tag others who may want to see this.