šŸ¤šŸ½ SIP Establishing a SandFam-elected "Community Council"

@Lanzer @Kaiten @DAO :heart_hands: Thank you so much for the honor of nominating me. I truly appreciate it fam. Unfortunately I will have to decline. I canā€™t dedicate the time needed for the role and serve the community to its full capacity with my other commitments.


Perhaps we put ā€œAbstainā€ and ā€œNone of these candidatesā€

To me, abstain says ā€œIā€™m not sure I want the candidate but I want my vote recordedā€ and the other says ā€œI donā€™t want any of these candidates to be electedā€

Theyā€™re close, but the message it sends is different

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Oh darn! I completely understand Dr M :slightly_smiling_face:

Weā€™re back down to one candidate now.

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Per what @G_is_us and I discussed on Mocaverse Hall,

Post your nomination here below

It can be simple as ā€œI submit my nomination for the Community Council! I will follow the CCā€™s Code of Conduct. My name is G and hereā€™s a summary about me: __________ā€

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Krafter received 3 nominations

Per the ā€œNomination of Anotherā€ rules, now that 3 community members nominated him he becomes an official candidates that Kunta and I will then contact to confirm his desire to be a candidate. If he declines, he is no longer an official candidate, if he confirms, he remains a candidate.

Per the ā€œEligibility Checkā€ and ā€œEligibility Grace Periodā€ rules, Ambassadors & TSB staff & SC & AB & Delegates may be a candidate if they commit to resigning from their role no later than 30 days after winning an election.


Very exciting!

Weā€™re waiting on @Krafter and @G_is_us to declare their candidacies!

Today, at 3pm PST, we are hosting an X Spaces to dive deeper into this role. Hopefully, theyā€™ll both be there to ask questions.

The official self-nomination must be made here on the Forums.


Per what was discussed on this SIPā€™s X Space, @wahpaks was nominated.

If you so choose, please confirm yourself as a candidate here below

It can be as simple as ā€œI submit my nomination for the Community Council! My name is Wahpaks and hereā€™s a summary about me: __________ā€


UPDATES on this SIP:

  1. :negative_squared_cross_mark: If we do not have 3 candidates by Monday, the NOMINATION PERIOD will be extended by 2 weeks, from Feb 19 to March 5

  1. :moneybag: How do people feel about our adding a COMPENSATION of 500 SAND/month to this SIP?

This is a product of speaking with numerous qualified individuals (who decided NOT to nominate themselves) who told us there should be a remuneration of some kind. We previously discussed it here as well, where it was split, but leaning in favor of no compensation.

We came to the number of 500 by asking TSB for the average of what TSB Ambassadors were receiving. ā€“ Now, the community can debate that number here over the next few days. Higher? Lower?

On Monday, we plan to add compensation to this SIP (unless it is strongly rejected here). :thinking: The question is: how much?

The argument for more SAND:

  • we want to take care of the people who are doing the work & we want to attract and retain the most qualified SandFam for the job

The argument for less or no SAND:

  • we donā€™t want people taking these seats just to claim SAND and do as little as possible (especially since the jobsā€™ duties have been a little bit ambiguous on purpose so the first cohort of CC can help to shape/define the roles organically)

@rocksymiguel @hishmad @KCL @sebga @moefat @meowl @mo_ezz14 @cryptodiplo @Biversen @Airvey @Oldwon @Lanzer @AndyRichy @G_is_us @Krafter @wahpaks and you all might want to tag others who have expressed interest in this SIPā€¦ Forgive me for likely forgetting someā€¦ Letā€™s all try to nominate the people who we know would do an excellent job.

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Observing the lack of candidate and engagement on the topic it make me reflect that:

  1. there is not such as strong need for this community council and the people trust Kunta and admin team to do the best for TSB development and the SandFam (I am from those)
  2. the community does not want this format of representativeness.

In both case this SIP should not be put to vote.
Adding directly some compensation small or medium to it would only bring greedy folks that will not deliver anything.


500 sand/mth is a fair amount.

I agree with what @KCL mentioned in regards to a reflection to the poor uptake.

It seems that we were expecting more than 5 applicants and that we were going to choose 5 out of everyone, but looking at the uptake, perhaps an ā€œAmbassadorā€™s Programā€ like model for the DAO makes more sense.


We can track this sentiment over the week ahead. If this is the case, we can let this rest for a few months and then revisit the idea.

Also, that would be one of the voting options. But your point is clear about the low candidate number making it feel untimely.

Thatā€™s a second for postponing this SIP until weā€™ve got greater participation.

:heavy_plus_sign: Youā€™ve added the suggestion of a ā€œDAO ambassador programā€ ā€“ My thoughts on that are that I think TSB Ambassadors are supposed to be working with the DAO already; at least, that is what the SIP said ā€“ Also, that would probably be a new SIP.

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I feel like our DAO doesnā€™t know what itā€™s missing out on by not having a fully engaged SC & AB. Iā€™m fully supportive of the DAO Admin team. Neither their role nor the Ambassadors fulfill the leadership role of the SC & ABā€¦and I think itā€™s unfair to expect that they do.

I see this as a ā€œIf you fail to plan, you plan to failā€ situation. Right now, weā€™re dispersed. Our momentum is blunted. We could be organized far, far better than we are.

I feel very strongly about not waiting 10 months for reelections before we do something about the obvious benefits in filling that leadership void.


Well, looking at how TSB Ambassadorā€™s Program is run (as of now), it seems like putting it up for a vote via an SIP was merely a formality. I want to be optimistic, but iā€™d rather be realistic. TSB Ambassadorā€™s Program was meant for TSB company to run, we just fund it, so its likely that we wonā€™t have much of a say in how matters of the DAO can run via the ambassadors.


I agree. Iā€™m not sure I support the next Ambassador SIP at this moment. Need some clarity on its implementation.

I donā€™t expect the SC or AB adjust their current level of participation. All we have left is installing people of our ownā€¦ Either through CC SIP or an out-of-cycle SC/AB election.


I donā€™t find it disturbing whether or not there are ambassadors on the community council.
I am divided on the immediate need for the implementation of the community council. It is true that @theKuntaMC and the team partly play this role.
Indeed this topic doesnā€™t seem super active, Iā€™m going to try to survey the French community.
For now here are few names I am proposing: @Krafter (General) ; @KamiSawZe (GClient) ; Cyberdragon (GM) ; @Lanzer (DAO) ; @rocksymiguel (VEdit)

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