I had exactly the same line of thoughts that if the DAO is financing some SIPs that are generating revenues, a part it should be shared with the DAO. I actually asked the question to Deepsea_Yobike for the idea of new horror game A New Horror Game Series for The Sandbox? but no answer was provided. I have the same opinion that @DAO that it would be more beneficial to let the author of a SIPs to chose to offer or not revenue sharing to the DAO. It will revert to SIPs author, the duty to explain why they do not offer %age back to the DAO or have lower chance to pass. Will allow to differenciate as well between small creator and a big studio.
What we could potentially do, is aksing the DAO admin team to provide guidance about what is a reasonable set-up of revenue sharing based on their experience (I am assuming TSB has all numbers) and according to the category/type of SIPs.
It could be added as recommendation into SIPs guideline.