Topic 2: Mandatory for SIPs to include 'Funded by The Sandbox DAO'

2nd in a series of topics that hopefully, after discussion, give future authors a sense of what components they can add within their proposals to boost their chances of getting it passed.

On this topic, as mentioned in the headline, is to ensure that all SIPs indicate that they will include a ā€˜Funded* by The Sandbox DAOā€™ logo on all publicity materials, e.g banners, brochures, products etc. The * will be a disclaimer as to whether it was partially or in full, at the bottom of any of those materials.

Do share your thoughts on this as well. Thanks!

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ā€¦have you been reading the ApeCoin DAO? They have an AIP theyā€™re voting on right now that is somewhat similar (Snapshot link) :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

In all seriousness thoughā€¦yes. Absolutely. This makes complete sense. What were your thoughts behind suggesting they include ā€œpartially or in fullā€? Iā€™m thinking we might need the Sandbox Foundation lawyerā€™s help to ensure the DAO is protected when it says ā€œFunded by the [Sandbox DAO logo]ā€. I think thereā€™s some discussion that needs to take place about if that sentence could be taken as the material is a product of the Sandbox Foundation, and is something it is is selling or endorsingā€¦

Maybe Iā€™m reading too much into this. Thoughts?

Haha the ideas Iā€™m posting are based on my experience in DCL DAO. Many of the stuff that took years to figure, Iā€™d like to bring it over for us to get it off the ground from the get go.

I assume that SIPs coming in the future may range from early ideas that have yet to receive any funding, to projects that may be off the ground already and require continued funding, hence the ā€œpartial/fully funded byā€. And yes I think itā€™s ideal for us to perhaps speak to @Cyril and team before going ahead with anything.

I like the idea and allow to advertise about the DAO.
@Lanzer can we take as the assumption that legal part of all SIPs is being checked by the Fundation lawyer? I guess it is part of the DAO admin team to make this check. It will release us from speaking about that on the forum for most of SIPs and will allow more discussion on the content without scaring gamers, creatorsā€¦

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Hello @KCL !

I know itā€™s a question directed at Lanzer but I thought Iā€™d step in.

The lawyers role is actually not to review SIPs. They are here to ensure the DAO fulfill all its legal obligations vis a vis Cayman law, help with contracts drafting and negociations and provide strategic legal advices at the foundation level (the famous Ā« grey areas Ā» of being a DAO).

We do employ a separate firm for SIP compliance review. Itā€™s taken from
The OPERATION budget. The role of this team is to help the project management team (in charge of the curation) to understand if the proposal breaks relevant policies and law (mostly international given than our community is international). This compliance firm employs lawyers. This is a service done by the admin team to the author of the SIP during the curation process. The admin team will coordinate with the compliance firm to get their opinion, and get back to the author with a recommendation. Sometimes if the nature of an idea itself is clearly in breach, and curation is not possible without completely changing the nature of the proposal, the SIP will never see the light of day, to avoid wasting time and community ressource and endangering the DAO.

Forgive me jumping into the convo. I hope it was useful!


Perfectly clear Cyril thank you for that.


Iā€™m glad Cyril stepped in because I was about to say that it was a safe assumption to make @KCL :rofl::joy:

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