đź‘ľ TSB Development ROADMAP is now public!

Big news for everyone interested in advancing tech SIPs through the DAO!

We now have a roadmap for the year ahead. So, our proposals can now better align with the dev team’s trajectory and inform our ideas.

See the Trello link from our X post :point_down:t4:


YESSSSSSSSSS. I claim honorary SIP victory on this one from when I submitted this SIP to DAO Admin Team back in June 2024. :slightly_smiling_face:


Dang this thing looks good. I’m happy to see they separated the stakeholders


This road map is really good stuff and a very good start setting the baseline. I have few questions to the TSB team if they read this or to the DAO admin

  • Do we have kind of “DAO specifics slots” for development ideas? example : time of developper.
  • Do they have things they would like to worl on but do not have the time that we can maybe outsourced as part of a SIP?
  • There is limited info on the map on economics (monetization, land sales, staking…) Are those changes not disclosed or are not on the agenda?
  1. I am not sure I’m clear on what you mean by your first point here. Can you please clarify? Thanks! Sorry.
  2. I assume there are many things the TSB devs would like to work on. However, I imagine any dev team might also be a bit sensitive to the idea of outsourcing project components to unknown third parties decided by the DAO. So, they may be slow to share a “wish list” for dev ideas. – But we can ask! I’ll send your questions along (after we refine them a bit here together so we’re asking the best questions possible, yea?)
  3. We will ask about the economics. In terms of information sensitivity, however, I assume that info may be more closely safeguarded than game and tooling features.

Let’s get a list of Q’s others might have for the devs based on the roadmap that’s been shared.

Anything to add, @batmann @dankoyy @AndyRichy @Lanzer ?
Tag others who might have good questions.

We’ll refine a list of questions here together and present those to TSB next week.

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If I remember correctly Cyril was mentionning that the DAO admin team was trying to negociate with development team a certain amount of time from developper to be used to work on DAO proposal ideas on game features. Example a developper is focusing 80% of his time on the roadmap and the 20 other on the DAO proposals that requires dev time (like placeholder).

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Wanna chime in here, @Cyril? :waving_hand:t4:

Hello hello,

Thanks for tagging me @theKuntaMC. Yeah the « reserved slot » for the DAO is basically dev time pre allocated in advance for DAO matters. An « allowance » in some sort, regardless of the topic. It is an idea we advanced but to no avail so far. Getting the roadmap published was not small feat, so we chose our battle and took the win where we can


I think this is really important, so I’d like to suggest we do one or two X Spaces to talk about it with everyone, including the delegates.

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Let’s do it!

Wanna talk about the ROADMAP live on Spaces with me, @Delegates?

Who can join me on Wed, April 2nd for an hour-long show between 8:00 and 14:00 PST? Reply here with your availability, and we’ll try to include as many people as possible.

Others who may be interested: @AndyRichy @batmann @DrMetaverso … who else?

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If timing is right i’m in!

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Will be in business trip cannot join you.

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Let’s do it … I’m always down for a good Podcast with Kunta and the fam :wink:

April 2nd works for me!

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