SIP-11: The Sandbox DAO to Fund the Sandbox Ambassador Program

Hey mate , as I stated on Twitter . We have 5 active ambassadors atm . The rest have either quit or refuse to do anything because of the lack of pay / incentives being offered up . Interns of actively on discord - it’s not the best measurement of performance as discord deletes our messages after a few months so our real effort is not reflected . That and the fact that some of our work is on Twitter , twitch and DMs which a lot of people won’t see . I am proud of my colleges and believe that we should be treated with a tad more respect considering the amount of work we do for the sandbox which for the vast amount of time has gone unrecognised by all but a few (Scott and Amy ) . I believe it would be in everyone’s best interest to scrap this proposal and have a good chat about our role moving forward and why so many of us are unhappy with the way things are currently being run / heading .