Softwares Update!

Pensez vous que ce soit utile voir nécessaire de lancé un SIP concernant les améliorations que nous aimerions voir sur #Voxedit et #GameMaker.

Par exemple, de mon point de vue des mises à jours permettant un flux de travail plus agréable seraient nécessaires à Voxedit.
Une plus grande souplesse de l’interface, permettre un redimensionnement des fenêtres de travail, pourquoi pas des presets d’espace de travail.
Ce n’est qu’un exemple et je suis certain que vous avez tous des propositions et des idées.
Alors doit-on espérer une mise à jours ou utiliser la DAO pour cela ?
Je pense que l’outil DAO est là pour ça mais quelle est votre vision ?
Exprimez-vous s’il vous plait, est-ce que vous attendez quelque chose de la DAO à ce niveau ?

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English version :
Do you think it is useful or even necessary to launch a SIP regarding the improvements we would like to see on #Voxedit and #GameMaker.

For example, from my point of view, updates allowing a more pleasant workflow would be necessary for Voxedit.
Greater flexibility of the interface, allowing resizing of work windows, why not workspace presets.
This is just an example and I’m sure you all have suggestions and ideas.
So should we hope for an update or use the DAO for that?
I think the CAD tool is there for that, but what is your vision?
Please express yourself, do you expect anything from the DAO at this level?

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Yes! I just proposed a feature request for the game maker. We absolutely need to voice our opinions on which features we want in voxedit and game maker. Frankly this should be the primary use of the DAO. Other things like funding various education programs or fund allocations are useful because they let the community give feedback, but ultimately the primary purpose should be to drive the direction of development.

Sandbox DAO should hold Sandbox accountable to build the features we need now. My example is the social features that sandbox has focused on, they are useful and fun, but we still can barely build a game with a fun feedback loop let alone use NFTs in game. If we have a game or asset in mind that we think would be really cool, we should press Sandbox to build the functionality. What will keep us moving forward is the excitement and energy we get from being able to build new things! There is no reason Sandbox shouldn’t be at the absolute forefront of Crypto gaming, it’s the best technical platform with the most flexibility, we are just missing a few pieces.

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Hello @sebga, moving this to SIP Idea, so you can gather some community thoughts.

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Pardon pour cette réponse tardive, merci beaucoup Géraldine;