Delegation Update: verified delegates announced by the end of next week

It’s consistent.
I’m in the boat, I’m going with the flow.


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Yea why not, sounds good to me. :+1:

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I support the idea, but there is no chance that it is something that is linked to being a TSB affiliate instead of the TSB DAO.
I know that if it is, TSB managers should carry out that process and stuff, but that’s my only concern, but either way, if it helps to get more visibility in X and attract more attention from the community and outside of it it’s a good thing to go :+1:.

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We have a different logo than TSB. It would be the company logo that is reflected on affiliates’ accounts (delegates, CC, and Admin) and gold check on the TSB DAO account. S, there should be little to no confusion here. :+1:t4:

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