Delegation Update: verified delegates announced by the end of next week

Hey SandFam, It’s awesome to see the excitement around the opening of delegate positions for The Sandbox DAO!

We just want to give you all a quick heads-up that we’re in the final stages of reviewing applications. We’re now happy to announce that the verified list of delegates will be shared by the end of next week.

For those who have already applied, thank you for stepping up to take on this crucial role in shaping our ecosystem’s future. Your dedication to The Sandbox community means a lot.

We can’t wait to showcase the Top 12 verified delegates to be featured on the DAO Delegation Page.

We appreciate your patience. We’re thrilled to continue building a strong and engaged community with you all.

Feel free to keep the questions coming in this thread. We’re here to help!

The Sandbox DAO Team


Hey Kunta! Thanks for the update!

What led the Admin Team to choose 12, versus less or more?

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It just happened to be 12 that met the criteria for the first cohort of delegates.

It will also look really nice on the website as a 3x3 plot, lol… an estate of delegates, get it? :wink:

However, once the feature is activated on Snapshot, anybody can become a delegate and there is no limit to how many delegates we can have. They just won’t be “verified,” and thus the DAO will not be highlighting them.

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Hahahaha, now that would definitely look cool on a 3x3.

there is no limit to how many delegates we can have

OHHHH. I didn’t realize that. I thought the delegation thing was a closed system. Okay, that makes sense now.


Any updates on the list? Assuming it should be out by this week. Thanks!


Thanks for the patience!!

We’re finally live!


Thank you for all your work in the DAO. I’m always excited to see the progress and the exciting times ahead!

Perhaps one idea to raise the profile of the SandBox DAO (and gain more followers on X!) would be to have it verified as a company, which would enable us to have the logo next to the handle. Verified delegates, special council members, advisors, and the internal team could have it, bringing immediate awareness to what is being built.

I understand that there is a cost, but I think the awareness will be significant, as well as identifying the members of the DAO. Curious to know everyone’s thoughts.


I think that’s a wise use of DAO operations budget. Those gold checkmarks are pretty nifty. Also we could have a DAO badge that can be bestowed on delegates, KOLs, and others


Following my conversation with Bobby, we should consider the idea of placing the SandBox DAO logo next to our handle on Twitter. This will bring several benefits:

  • Verified delegates and the DAO team will be easily recognizable as official profiles within the community, reducing the chances of impersonation.

  • It will draw more attention to the SandBox Twitter page, increasing awareness and ultimately gaining more followers.

  • This initiative will foster a stronger community and serve as a badge of honor.

The benefits far outweigh the costs. It seems like a no-brainer, but I would love to know if anyone objects to the admin making this request to Twitter for the icon. @theKuntaMC @Cyril


I support! I think it would be a good use of operations budget as well


Any idea as to the cost of it?

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It’s about the same cost as SANDDAO SIP, 10 to 15K


$10k USD / year
As per:

We would require “full access” to get the “affiliate” logos afforded to our delegates and admin team accounts.

The DAO account would have the gold checkmark & our delegates + other affiliates would have the TSB DAO logo by their X handles.

The package also comes with $12k in advertising which we can use $1k/month to run promoted posts for the DAO.

This could be allocated through our “operational” budget if (and only if) there is overwhelming community support to justify the expenditure.

So, if you’re reading this and you favor the idea, upvote it + drop a comment here!


thanks for bringing this back up @Airvey
if the people want it, I favor it, too


I think it’s a great idea! And at least we also get 12k in advertising Vs paying 15k just for gold checkmark and affiliate logo.


Yup, fully support! Pretty easy cost for the DAO with immediate visibility benefits.


Love it, I fully support it!
I’m assuming this will have to be an SIP ?


No specific opinion on that one from my side. So will follow the mood.

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FYI, we are right on the mark in terms of Admin spent to date on the operation budget. (we have suffered from SAND price dropping to half what it was when the budget was established), so if this is what everybody wants, I think we can afford it. I’ll wait a few more days to see if there is more feedback.

Thanks @Airvey for bringing this up!!


Any more feedback/suggestions?? :thinking:

Tagging delegates who have yet to chime in…

@moefat @mo_ezz14 @rocksymiguel @Biversen
@cryptodiplo @meowl @Oldwon @sebga