Establishing "the SAND Chest" to reward Content Creators

This actually sounds like something that could be integrated into SIP-19. I don’t want to overextend the site features before the voting is even done, but I have been wanting to make a quest system integrated into the profiles.


We will be inviting this SIP Idea to the curation phase, @Lanzer.

There may be a couple of weeks delay since we’re losing a member of the admin team, but you’re familiar with the process, so you can get that started from your end, ser.


No problem! Thank you Kunta. I’ll submit a SIP and make sure @KamiSawZe & @SirAlokin are okay with the details :slightly_smiling_face:


Just to add a note here, buying views and followers on YouTube is fairly easy and cheap.

I think it’s a great idea/program overall, as someone that has been streaming TSB consistently for the past 3 years, my contribution to this post is that any $SAND sponsorship/reward for Content Creators must be used to rewards players/viewers.

That way Content Creators can have that extra liquidity to work on Player retention/acquisition, it has worked for us, but we do allocate a lot of our $SAND budget to promotion, if all other content Creators could also do it, I’m sure it would boost their overall watch/view stats.


Hi @Lanzer I haven’t received yet your submission. did you submit it yet through the form?

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Thanks for checking in :slightly_smiling_face:. I have the rough draft done and the next step is to run it by Kami and Alokin. That reviewed copy will be submitted to you

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