Looking for Insights on Sandbox DAO Governance and Future Roadmap

Hello Sandbox DAO community,

I’ve recently been exploring different decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and came across Sandbox DAO. I’m really interested in understanding more about how governance works here and what the future roadmap looks like.

I have a few specific questions that I’d love to get insights on from the community:

  1. Governance Mechanism – How are major decisions made within Sandbox DAO? Are there specific voting mechanisms or proposal submission requirements that members should be aware of?
  2. Token Utility – What are the main utilities of the Sandbox DAO token beyond governance? Are there staking or reward mechanisms in place for active participation?
  3. Future Developments – Is there an official roadmap that outlines upcoming features or initiatives for the DAO? If so, what are some of the most exciting developments on the horizon?
  4. Community Involvement – How can new members contribute meaningfully to the growth and direction of the DAO? Are there working groups, committees, or other engagement opportunities?
  5. Challenges and Opportunities – What are the biggest challenges Sandbox DAO currently faces, and how is the community addressing them?

I’d love to hear from experienced members or anyone actively involved in shaping the DAO’s future. Any resources, links, or personal insights would be greatly appreciated!

Looking forward to the discussion.

I also checked this: https://forum.sandboxdao.com/t/become-a-delegate-for-the-sandbox-dao-shape-our-future/qlik

Thanks in advance!


First of all, WELCOME HERE! :wave:t4: Thanks for your interest.

Were you all familiar with The Sandbox Game before discovering our DAO?

What most interests you about The Sandbox DAO?

Let me begin to address your inquiries…

Check out the SIP (Sandbox Improvement Proposal) Guidelines to learn a bit more about the governance process.

With 5 SAND tokens or 1 LAND NFT you can author SIPs and vote on them.

VP = voting power
1 LAND = 4,500 VP

There is SAND staking in some countries, yes! But that is seperate from the DAO and is overseen by TSB.

Utilities for the token also include being the currency of the marketplace for exchange of the UGC NFTs produced by builders and players in The Sandbox.

Here is the ROADMAP for the Game.

There is no roadmap for the DAO, per se, since the community decides the direction we take.

The game’s roadmap is very important for this DAO though, since the proposals made here are required to improve TSB’s ecosystem in some way.

The besy way to be involved right now is to either:
A) stay abreast of DAO activities and contribute to the conversations and the governance process, or
B) delegate your VP to one of our verified delegates

We did recently have a “Community Council” SIP Idea that didn’t get enough traction to advance to vote since not enough people were nominated to run for the council seats. However, there are certainly ways to engage meaningully. @Lanzer is a great example of a community member who commits a lot of time to building the DAO (and he’ll likely wanna chime in here).

The great challenge right now is PARTICPATION!

Anyone who holds SAND or LAND is in the DAO already.

Now, we need to get more people involved with the DAO by activating their VP in some way.

If you’re interested in ebing considered in the next cohort of delegates, please submit the form!

Ask anything! We’re glad to have you here.


Hi @Everleigh welcome to SandFam! :slightly_smiling_face: I’m a community member that can help.

Yes, the SIP guidelines are listed here, there’s a 6-step process to go through from submitting your idea to getting your SIP voted on. Key players are: The voting token holders, DAO Admin Team, DAO Special Council, and Sandbox Foundation.

Yes, all of those things. Buy/sell the Sandbox token, buy/sell Sandbox Land, staking pool for token holders, staking pool for landowners. There are now loans for sandbox Land and interest payments.

The new roadmap is posted here: đź‘ľ TSB Development ROADMAP is now public!

I personally really like the website & player stuff coming out

That’s the million-dollar question. That’s the question that the DAO Admin Team, specifically @theKuntaMC , is trying to accomplish. There are no working groups or committees yet. We attempted to form one recently with the Community Council, but it was paused due to lack of participation.

  • Player retention. We get loads of new players, but they don’t stay.

Take a look at my Sandbox Ecosystem episode, I think it’ll answer a lot of questions


Could we consider these ideas?

  1. In-Game Voting: Add quick polls or voting options directly into The Sandbox game.
  2. Engagement Rewards: Offer small in-game rewards, like a DAO badge, for voting or participating in SIP discussions.
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I love this line of thinking!

In-game voting would require them to first set up a Snapshot and then familiarize themselves with the proposal.

Instead, what we’re considering is a way to have players delegate their VP for EP in the next alpha season.

The DAO badge as an in-game reward sounds very cool!! Thanks for that idea. If we can ever do something like that, we’ll certainly consider.

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If we’ve pinpointed participation as the central issue, then we should focus on solutions that simplify involvement for people. I view the snapshot as an additional obstacle that makes it harder for them to engage.

Encouraging people to delegate their votes might offer a potential solution to boost participation. However, the difficulty arises because individuals come from vastly different backgrounds, each shaped by unique experiences, perspectives, and levels of trust in the process or in others. For some, delegating a vote might feel empowering, while for others, it could seem like relinquishing control or risking misrepresentation. This diversity in how people perceive and approach delegation makes it a complex hurdle to overcome.

I propose that Sandbox shift its efforts toward creating a specialized voting engine tailored specifically for sandbox-style games. Since your users are already immersed in the gaming environment, it makes sense to meet them where they’re most active—right inside the game itself.

Say more about this!!

This could be a really cool SIP.

Seems like it might be a tough lift for the devs, though.

And would this simply replace the DAO? :astonished_face:

You’re right that Snapshot is a point of friction.

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A first good idea would be that we meet in TSB on top of an external audio to discuss/debate about SIP and as extension could potentially vote in the experience. Snapshot can be used to give based on VP a certain amount of coins in an experience that you use to cast your vote.

PS: We need a TSB DAO experience to meet inside.


Though DAOs may diverge from conventional methods? channeling voting directly into The Sandbox game to reach players presents an intriguing opportunity.

On the X (Twitter) platform, a new icon has been implemented above each post in the feed, enabling users to access a concise synopsis of the content.

Players in The Sandbox game could read SIP titles, access summaries via a button (similar to Twitter), and then be directed to vote if they wish to participate.

By doing this, you’ll expose your SIP to a larger audience, making it more accessible and encouraging participation.

And not to forget to offer small in-game rewards, like a DAO badge, for voting or participating in SIP discussions. :grinning_face:

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No, I believe the devs can handle it. :grinning_face:

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I think it’s brilliant.

Write this up into a SIP and post in :light_bulb: SIP: Ideas :light_bulb:

You can always ask someone to be a co-author with you if you think their contributions would improve the SIP and make it easier for you.

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