SIP-16: Insert in-game Inventory Filter for Equipment

Insert in-game Inventory Filter for Equipment

Council recommendation

Positive :slightly_smiling_face:




What Request that the Sandbox Product Team prioritizes inserting a filter for player inventory within Game Client. This filter would give players the ability to quickly sort through equipment in their inventory.
Why As of Game Client version 0.10.9, searching through one’s inventory is difficult. The icons do not always fully load, and equipment must be manually clicked to see the type of gems and attribute points. A simple inventory filter would make it easy for players to select whatever they want for that play session, such as only Legendary chest equipment that has a speed gem.
How The Sandbox Product Team will have to prioritize the feature in their backlog.
When The TSB team would fully implement this within the next two releases of the Game Client
### Who Request from Lanzer @MetaWorlds, a Sandbox Trusted Partner that publishes mini-games to the Sandbox and hosts the SANDDAO Podcast. Publisher of Floor Droppers, Lava Defense, and the upcoming Portal Run. MetaWorlds - Listen on YouTube, Spotify - Linktree

SIP Details

Problem Description

It takes players a long time to click through the many equipment items that they have. About 25% of the time, the icons for the equipment doesn’t load, so players are reduced to individually clicking each item to see which one they have selected. This delays gameplay and makes it less fun.

Solution Proposed

We want a simple filter inserted into the Inventory module of the Game Client. The final design will be determined by the Sandbox Product Team, but the functionality described below would be acceptable.

The entire inventory shows initially and a filter box is visible with checkboxes. Clicking once will change the checkmark to an X mark, meaning it would hide those things. Clicking it agains would change it back to a checkmark, meaning it would include those things.

The filter would be able to hide or show catalysts (Legendary, Epic, Rare), attributes (Power, Defense, Speed, Magic, Luck), and slots (Head, Chest, Arms, Right Hand, Left Hand, Legs). The filter also has a “sort by highest” and “sort by lowest” checkboxes that sorts the shown inventory by their numerical catalyst value.

Benefit to The Sandbox Ecosystem

This makes the playing experience of each Sandbox gamer easier and they spend less time sifting through inventory.

In 2022, Sandbox reported that 1M players played the Sandbox. In June 2024, NAMRIA estimates that Sandbox currently has 2.3K daily players. There are 100K+ players playing over 500+ experiences during a busy Builder’s Challenge 2. This filter will benefit every gamer who plays the Sandbox Game.

Risk analysis

This could offset the priority for other fixes. As we do not have access to a Roadmap of future improvements, we cannot know what this offset would be.

Implementation Plan

As we are not members of the TSB Product Team, we do not have relevant insight into its development practices. The TSB Product Team would determine the specific tasks required to implement these improvements as they deem best.

Resources required

  • Funds requested by MetaWorlds : 0 SAND
  • The Sandbox Product Team

Metrics for Success

  • The “Definition of Done” is when users within the Sandbox Game Client can access the inventory module of the game, and filter their inventory to quickly find the items they want to equip.

Team/Author Background

  • Lanzer is a long-time contributor to the Sandbox. He found his way to Sandbox midway through Season 1 as a gamer, then expanded into avatar holder, landowner, Experience publisher, and now DAO participant. He is President of MetaWorlds Studio, which has published Floor Droppers (ranked 7 of 682 during Builder’s Challenge 1), Lava Defense (GMF 2023), and is projected to publish 1 more experience before September 2024. Recently, he published the SANDDAO Podcast to explore the community’s reaction to the Sandbox DAO. Lanzer has a 13+ year professional background in Contract Writing, Program Management, and Business Entrepreneurship. He has extensive experience in negotiating $100M+ contracts, leading 15+ person subject matter expert (SME) teams, and running $1B+ program portfolios. He co-founded a community-led organization that broke a Guinness World Record, a record still held today. He holds a master’s degree in Acquisitions and his career certifications include Project Management Professional (PMP) & Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB), among others. Most importantly, he is a proud SandFam, MocaFam, BOTB, Other Page, & Open Campus member and believes in the Sandbox’s vision to be the capital of the metaverse.

  • Donsun is a founding member of MetaWorlds, an avid gamer and crypto enthusiast. After being introduced to the Sandbox as a gamer, Donsun teamed up with Lanzer to take on their passion projects; the development of Floor Droppers and their two ongoing experiences for the Sandbox Builder’s Challenges. He worked alongside Lanzer to develop the proposal package which got their project funded by the Game Makers Fund in 2023. Donsun has a professional background as a Contracts Manager, Project Manager, and Entrepreneur. Having run his own businesses, Donsun has extensive experience running everything from $320K+ projects to $350M+ programs. This includes drafting proposals, developing project specifications, budgets, timelines, and leading project teams of 15+ people.

  • Keisha is a philosophy graduate with a strong background in research. Her analytical skills and dedication to thorough investigation make her well-equipped to contribute to the proposal development process, where she delivers insightful analysis into the complex topics of the Sandbox DAO Improvement Proposals.

Voting Options

Do you need an inventory filter within the Sandbox Game Client?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Abstain


Contact Information

Alternatives Considered

The alternative is to keep the manual searching functionality that we have at this time.


We will adjust this amendment as needed during the comment period.


This is definitely helpful in improving the UX when equipping wearables.

Question: have you managed to talk to anyone in the TSB product team to discuss this first? To see if it’s in the pipeline.



Delegates, I’ll be coming to you soon! :slightly_smiling_face:

Please let me know if there’s anything in this proposal that will prevent you from voting Yes or Abstain


Tried, yes, but I don’t have a contact in the product team and a roadmap isn’t publicly listed. :frowning:

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Hi @Lanzer,

I am starting and will give my gamer opinion on that user interface:

  • Personally the way I am using the inventory is that I am wearing almost always the same items and I am scrolling down to find them. I have about 60 items so it is a bit annoying to scroll down but I have the impression that it would take me more time to open a filter / tick out all what I do not want and equip. To enhance my user experience I would love to be able to put on the top of my list the 4 items I am using the most (eg drag and drop).
  • If a filter should be added I would only use the attributes and I would love to have the click button already on the page without having to click on a drop down menu button. (a good example f what to do is the button selection of weapons)
  • One watch out would be that we have already 2 filters on the page: one of the left (with weapon , avatar…) and one on top with Wallet/Local (that I do not like), so this could be a 3rd filter on the same page. Maybe a bit too much.

A the end I think that this is a nice improvement but only if there is minimal effort to implement (and I have no clue about the work that would be required from the dev team). I would therefore follow their recommendation on that one.


I agree @KCL , I hope it’s easy to implement too.

I’m thinking that it would be situationally open when you open inventory, and everything is already selected to show your entire identity like it is already right now. If you click the X then it’ll hide those items from your inventory.

To me that’s maximum ease of use. If you click nothing at all, then you’ll notice no difference from what is happening now. If they implement something, it’ll be better than what we have now.

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Damn ok. I’d also recommend adding an option to save a set of wearables as an outfit, and allow users to save perhaps 5 outfits. But this is if it’s in line with your proposal.

Its a YES from me either ways. :100:


Now THAT would be cool. I didn’t even think of having favorite outfits…I’ll have to think on that one.

I appreciate your support Intern!

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If all is selected by default you need to add a button deselect all.

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Yeah, that’ll work nicely. Thanks Kurchato.

Yeah this is a no brainer for me. I’m curious what the Council recommendation would be given it seems that they have been shooting down product features in SIPs, but regardless I will be voting yes.


  • Adds value
  • Takes very little effort
  • Doesn’t cost money

Thank you much, Diplo. :slightly_smiling_face: I had hoped it would be received like that.

You need to talk to some of the top players before you implement any UI on this. Like others above, I am going to wear the same stuff. Whatever is the best stuff in my inventory. 99% of the stuff in my wallet is garbage.

Also, that drop-down at the top is a UI failure, it should be a tab. I have to use that in almost every game to find the specific items an NPC is asking me to wear (select “Local”, which is probably obtuse wording for most players).

Quest items or recently picked items should be prioritized in the inventory and ideally highlighted for quick access.

I like the idea of favoriting or setting default equipment across different experiences, but implementing this would likely require storing additional data on the avatar profile, which I think might require more works and effort to add.


You might be right…but at this point most of us have dozens of the same type of equipment…I’d like to see one of these small wins be given to the player.

You have always the possibility to not claim or to send your 99% of your garbage stuff on zero adress. Instead of using negative wording in your message try to see positive side of things, you will realize that life is better than its look.

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Hallo! @Lanzer, this filter will be quite useful for all players. But, as some have already noted above, this usefulness will be observed on condition that profiles are saved for different purposes depending on the goals of the event. Because each time setting up filter settings without saving and selecting profiles will not differ much from the current routine.
Your idea is good, I support it!

I didn’t feel my message was negative. Negative would read like “we don’t ever get any wins and this has been requested for years but the devs ignored us”

But I don’t think that’s true. I just think that this SIP is a much needed win for the gamer (like me) and it’s small in nature.

Those items aren’t garbage to me. They have different uses in different experiences. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks Schilla!

What is important about saving user profiles that a filter isn’t useful?

The current routine is, press I, mouse wheel scroll through weapon list and memorize where each item is, equip your right and left hand item slots. Then click weapon, mouse wheel scroll through equipment list to where you memorized item locations, equip remaining item slots. If you didn’t memorize item locations, than you have to click each individual item until you find the one you’re looking for because the item icons don’t always load.

Filter routine would be, press I, click filter for slot and catalyst/attribute, equip items.

I can find items much easier this way.

I was responding to Lily-Rose message not yours :kissing_closed_eyes:

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