SIP-21: [RESUBMISSION of SIP-14]: Enable Window Sizing & Resolution Options for Game Client, Game Maker, VoxEdit, Launcher

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Council recommendation

After internal discussion, the council will issue a recommendation:

  • Positive :slightly_smiling_face:
  • Negative :frowning:
  • Neutral :expressionless:


What The SIP request that the Sandbox (TSB) Development Team prioritize updating the graphics settings to allow for window resizing & resolution options for Game Maker /VoxEdit /Sandbox Launcher /Sandbox Game Client. The Sandbox Game Client allows for resolution options for some computer setups, but larger monitors still have a restriction to a single resolution.
Why Increase the functionality of the Sandbox Game Client, Game Maker, VoxEdit, and Sandbox Launcher
How The DAO will issue a request to the Sandbox Development Team to make both resizing program windows and adjusting screen resolutions a high-priority fix in future version updates.
When The expectation would be for TSB to implement the changes within the next two releases of each program listed in the “What” section.
Who MetaWorlds is a Sandbox Trusted Partner that publishes mini-games to the Sandbox and hosts the SANDDAO Podcast. Publisher of Floor Droppers, Lava Defense, and the upcoming Portal Run; Lanzer: SANDDAO Podcast Host, Landowner, Experience Publisher, Program Manager, Contract Writer & Negotiator, Entrepreneur, Guinness World Record; Donsun: Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Program Manager, Contract Writer & Negotiator, Proposal Writer

SIP Details

Problem Description

  • As of June 17, 2024, users are unable to resize the program window of the current version of Game Client (version 0.10.9), Game Maker (, VoxEdit (a9422c20), or Sandbox Launcher (0.10.9). This limitation affects users who need flexibility in using their windows, particularly those who run multiple applications at once or on ultra-wide monitors. Without the ability to resize, users face difficulties in managing their screen space efficiently.
  • Additionally, the lack of resolution options within graphic settings can negatively impact the user experience, especially those with non-standard monitor setups.

Issues to be addressed:

  • Enable resizing through interaction with window borders, allowing users to better manage their windows
  • Enable a list of resolution options within graphic settings, providing various monitor setups and ensuring a consistent user experience across all products

Solution Proposed

Game Maker

  • Allow Window Resizing, both horizontal and vertical
  • Allow Resolution Sizes that match 420p,720p, 1080p, 2K, 4K

Vox Edit

  • Allow Window Resizing, both horizontal and vertical
  • Feedback from the Sandbox Product Team is that Resolution Options for Vox Edit doesn’t make sense as it is only a windowed application

Game Client

  • Allow Resolution Sizes that match 420p,720p, 1080p, 2K, 4K
  • The Sandbox Game Client allows resolution options for some computer setups, but larger monitors still have a restriction
  • Feedback from the Sandbox Product Team is resizing is a significant challenge to implement, as the whole UI needs to be adapted to dynamic size and be responsive.


  • Allow Window Resizing, both horizontal and vertical
  • Allow Resolution Sizes that match 420p,720p, 1080p, 2K, 4K

By implementing these changes, we aim to improve the overall usability and adaptability of the programs for a wider range of users and use cases.

  • Resizing of launcher windows: Window resizing features are standard to most programs. A software package lacking these capabilities comes off as unpolished to the average end user. As the launcher is the first impression a new user gets of the Sandbox game, a priority should be placed on implementing standard quality-of-life features (such as window resizing) that users have come to expect of all mature software programs.
  • Adjustment of screen resolution within the client: Inflexible resolutions within the client regularly cut off portions of the screen for larger resolution monitors, leaving users unable to see or access critical buttons often found near the edges of the screen (such as the “E” equip while viewing inventory in-game, or the “Quit to Desktop” button in the Escape menu).
  • Use Case: An example of this would be a VoxEdit artist who wants to resize windows to see a folder list of files next to a picture window of an example asset alongside the VoxEdit program, or a Game Maker who needs to frequently switch to web-based tools, such as the future Magic Palette by the SAND RUSH team. While the Alt+Tab function exists, modern software capabilities make it unnecessary to require users to solely rely on this function.

Benefit to The Sandbox Ecosystem

Both of these issues are problematic to SandFam Gamers, Game Maker developers, VoxEdit artists, and Studios needing to reference multiple windows, files, and programs while creating content for the Sandbox ecosystem or participating in the Sandbox metaverse. Alleviating these issues will allow for easier creation of experiences and assets and a richer Sandbox experience for all.

This SIP affects the entire SandFam community.

In 2022, Sandbox reported that 1M players played the Sandbox. At NFC Lisbon, Seb reported that the Sandbox has 330K creators, with Game Maker having 56K monthly active users, and VoxEdit had 375K installs. In June 2024, NAMRIA estimates that Sandbox currently has 2.3K daily players.

Risk analysis

This could offset the priority for other fixes. As we do not have access to a Roadmap of future improvements, we cannot know what this offset would be.

Implementation Plan

  • The Sandbox Product Team would insert these in each Product’s backlog
  • That these improvements be made within the next two releases of each program listed in the “What” section.

Team/Author Background

Lanzer is a long-time contributor to the Sandbox. He found his way to Sandbox midway through Season 1 as a gamer, then expanded into avatar holder, landowner, Experience publisher, and now DAO participant. He is President of MetaWorlds Studio, which has published Floor Droppers (ranked 7 of 682 during Builder’s Challenge 1), Lava Defense (GMF 2023), and is projected to publish 1 more experience before August 2024. Recently, he published the SANDDAO Podcast to explore the community’s reaction to the Sandbox DAO.

Lanzer has a 13+ year professional background in Contract Management, Program Management, and business entrepreneurship. He has extensive experience in negotiating $100M+ contracts, leading 15+ person subject matter expert (SME) teams, and running $1B+ program portfolios. He co-founded a community-led organization that broke a Guinness World Record, a record still held today. He holds a master’s degree in Acquisitions and his career certifications include Project Management Professional (PMP) & Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB), among others. Most importantly, he is a proud SandFam & MocaFam member and believes in the Sandbox’s vision to be the capital of the metaverse.

Donsun is a founding member of MetaWorlds, an avid gamer and crypto enthusiast. After being introduced to the Sandbox as a gamer, Donsun teamed up with Lanzer to take on their passion projects; the development of Floor Droppers and their two ongoing experiences for the Sandbox Builder’s Challenges. He worked alongside Lanzer to develop the proposal package which got their project funded by the Game Makers Fund in 2023. Donsun has a professional background as a Contract Manager, Project Manager, and Entrepreneur. Having run his own businesses, Donsun has extensive experience running everything from $320K+ projects to $350M+ programs. This includes drafting proposals, developing project specifications, budgets, and timelines, as well as leading project teams of 15+ people.

Keisha is a philosophy graduate with a strong background in research. Her analytical skills and dedication to thorough investigation make her well-equipped to contribute to the proposal development process, where she delivers insightful analysis into the complex topics of the Sandbox DAO Improvement Proposals.

Voting Options

  • Voting Question: Do you want window resizing & resolution options?
    • Yes
    • No
    • Abstain


Alternatives Considered

While Alt+Tab and Alt+Enter functions exist for some level of window resizing via keyboard shortcuts, modern software capabilities make it unnecessary to require users to solely rely on these manual functions.

Current Program Versions

  • Game Maker
    • Has a list of resolutions for under 1920x1080 but does not allow window resizing. Does not have a list of resolutions for sizes above 1920x1080
  • Game Client
    • Does not list resolutions nor allow window resizing
  • VoxEdit Beta a9422c20
    • Does not list resolutions nor allow window resizing
    • Does not have a settings button either


Okay, full disclosure. This was the first SIP we ever wrote. The basic idea is to give creators more flexibility and options in the creative process. These were limitations I experiences myself when working on Floor Droppers in Game Maker and assets in Vox Edit.

It’s a $0. No DAO finds requested. It primarily relies on what Seb mentioned in his AMA with Mia Bao that he envisioned the community playing a part in Sandbox development process.

Let @Donsun and I know your thoughts please so we can make it better before it goes to vote in 14 days!


@Lanzer More resizing options across the entire TSB suite would be fantastic, especially for content creation. It would make a big difference to power users if we could work with other apps in tandem and have more flexibility in assigning screen real estate. Thanks for mentioning Magic Palette as a potential app for this scenario - it would be awesome to use VoxEdit, MagicaVoxel, Game Maker, and Magic Palette side by side! :star_struck:

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Yeah, I’m already imagining how I’m going to use it to create our first Magic Palette experience!

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No doubt that this feature is important and I am suffering for this resolution with my wide screen. That was actually one of the most annoying things when I started playing TSB and my first reaction was WTF is this game where you even cant resize the window. It is indeed giving an impression of low quality soft/game.
Now that beeing said, and because I am not a programmer and I do not know the amount of hours of work that this would represent. I would loved to see TSB explaining how much time/FTEs this would require and what should be deprioritze.
This leading me to your point in the “risk analysis” about the transparency on the next development steps.

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Yeah, that makes sense. The DAO Team did conduct what they call a “feasibility study” to determine that very thing. I haven’t seen the results of that feasibility study, but it did end up with them posting it here, so I assume that this meant it wasn’t hugely disruptive of their current efforts.

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Hi @Lanzer, just to clarify the process, the TBS product team has run a quick study on the SIP to give information, but at this stage the team can’t evaluate the effort precisely yet. Once SIP is approved, they will be able to give a deeper analysis and we can have an estimation of the work behind, which will impact from the platform budget.

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Please check the Google Doc. I made additions and corrections to almost every section from feedback received, they’re ready to be inserted into here.

Also, I request that you reduce our team pictures (of myself and Donsun) down to 50% size, they’re really large.

It was been updated @Lanzer, please check :slight_smile:

@Geraldine There’s still a number of sections needing update.

All of the TLDR and each section of the SIP Details. Please and thank you!

Hi @lanzer could you list in comment the edit please? (Note that for TL;DR has to remain short - no images)

The voting period is starting tomorrow 7 a.m UTC.

Geraldine I don’t understand what you mean…Where do I “list in comment” ?

Please see the below brief slide deck that summarizes this SIP


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Love this proposal!

This would dramatically increase efficiency on systems with high-end specs that can manage both applications for game development simultaneously.

This will also improve the efficacy of developers to be able to create games without as much scrolling in the Game Maker, for those with greater than 1080p displays.

Furthermore, this should be able to pull from an unused budget line from SIP-3, specifically for internal development hires to manage this project, whereas the budget previously was 3,000,000 SAND in total.

All positives, as written, except that I might have liked to see a hard budget (in SAND) written in for new staff hires to manage this specific project.


Hello everyone!

Thank you for your suggestion. The idea is good, but it’s much simpler to use the PureRef program. PureRef is an industry standard for artists and 3D modelers.

PureRef fully solves the problem with references.

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Thanks Joseph! That’s a good point that I could’ve gone the route of asking for SAND to hire another TSB developer…I didn’t even think of that. :slightly_smiling_face:

@meo, thanks for the recommendation, I had never heard of PureRef. It looks like a desktop program that only allows you to combine imagines into an overlay. Does it allow you to combine other program windows…like notepad, or Game Maker, or browser windows?

I made a tutorial for voting within Sandbox DAO


PureRef does not allow combining other programs such as Notepad, Game Maker, or browser windows.

Pardon, j’ai pas le courage de tout lire, et peut -être que ça a déjà été dit ou vu. Mais de mon point de vue ce qui serait intéressant serait d’avoir des options d’espaces de travail , soit en permettant de faire apparaitre ou disparaitre certaines fenêtres (1 sur l’image) ou encore de pouvoir redimensionner (2 sur l’image)
Sorry, I don’t have the courage to read everything, and maybe it has already been said or seen. But from my point of view what would be interesting would be to have workspace options, either by allowing certain windows to appear or disappear (1 in the image) or even to be able to resize (2 in the image )

bon, finalement j’ai tout lu, et je n’ai pas l’impression que ce SIP prend en compte ma vision du redimensionnement .
Bon finalement j’ai tout lu, et je n’ai pas l’impression que ce SIP prend en compte ma vision du redimensionnement.

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I’m not sure how much I’m allowed to share on this but Sebga what you are showing as a thing you’d like to do is something already in the works, or at least similar to what you are wanting is.