Burn Stolen Assets

Récemment un utilisateur c’est fait dérober ses lands ainsi que des assets et des Sand.
Il serait bien de pouvoir marquer les assets/lands volés.
Et dans le cas où l’utilisateur volé ne pourrait retrouver la possession de ses biens , nous devrions penser (si c’est faisable mais je pense que oui car cela à été fait dans d’autre écosysteme,) à burn ces assets ou du moins les marqués comme inutilisables.

Recently a user had his lands stolen as well as assets and Sands. It would be nice to be able to mark stolen assets/lands. And in the case where the stolen user cannot regain possession of their assets, we should think (if it is feasible but I think yes because it has been done in other ecosystems) to burn these assets or at least marked them as unusable.


I think this is possible. On Sandbox website is now can stamp Alpha Season 4 keys as “USED” and it should be possible to mark them as “STOLEN”

I suppose this would be a manual process maintained by Sandbox game people?


Good idea and most probably technically feasible but you might not want to go that route as you might face legal issues. The reason is that those assets as soon as stolen are rebounding several times from wallet to wallets before being put on the secondary market for sale at very low price and the buyer might be legit. So if you burn his item he can sue you.
Another point is that the police is already struggling to find those guys so you can imagine how much time it would take TSB to do this job. Upon flagging to open sea and copy of the police record OS will block for sale the asset on their site, but it is only one nft market and is lifted after a certain time. I am scared that there is not much that you can do except teaching people to avoid to get scammed.
PS: I know what I am talking about as I got also scammed at my entry in web3


I understand what you’re saying, it make sens.
I’m agree about “educate people to avoid scam” but having tools to track stolen asset could/should be considered.

Idk, i just putted this topic here to see what eveyone think about searching a solution to protect user. Wether it’s feasible or not.


:england: Hello,

I am the person who recently lost 14 NFTs, including 2 Lands and several thousand SAND tokens. I never thought that a loss in the Web3 space could have such a strong emotional impact, but I assure you, it’s a horrible feeling.

I dream of being able to recover just my two Lands. As for the tokens, I know it’s practically impossible, especially since they’ve already been sold.

I truly hope that a solution, such as burning or marking stolen NFTs, can be implemented. It would be a significant step forward in securing this ecosystem. I hope that, technically, it will one day be possible.

Finally, I want to send a message of caution: be extremely vigilant. This message should be spread more often by Web3 stakeholders to prevent this kind of tragedy.

Thank you. :v:

:fr: Bonjour,

Je suis la personne qui a récemment perdu 14 NFT, dont 2 Lands et plusieurs milliers de SAND. Je ne pensais pas qu’une perte dans l’univers du Web3 aurait un tel impact émotionnel, mais je vous assure que c’est une sensation horrible.

Je rêve de pouvoir récupérer ne serait-ce que mes deux Lands. Pour les tokens, je sais que c’est pratiquement impossible, d’autant plus qu’ils ont déjà été vendus.

J’espère vraiment qu’une solution, comme le burn ou le marquage des NFT volés, pourra voir le jour. Ce serait une avancée majeure pour sécuriser davantage cet écosystème. J’espère que, techniquement, ce sera un jour réalisable.

Enfin, je tiens à lancer un appel à la vigilance : soyez extrêmement prudents. Ce message devrait être davantage diffusé par les acteurs du Web3 pour prévenir ce genre de drame.

Merci. :v:


@KCL is right in terms of the legal aspects to what platforms can do in regards to stolen assets.

It’s rather unfortunate but this is 1 of the drawbacks of full ownership of digital assets as opposed to having it under custody.

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I agree with your idea.

Today I am the victim and I think there will be others and it is regrettable.

In my case, the Lands were not resold, we know the wallet address of the thief so in a case like that there is no risk of complaint because we have proof of the theft.

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Hey Alti,

I am really sorry for you like I said earlier I have been in the same situation with more money lost.
But here is the trick that is preventing anything to be done by TSB: there is no proof that those assets were stolen from you. You interacted with a scam that trigger a transaction in your wallet, and you approved this transaction. Unless you have a police investigation report stating that this person is a convicted thief TSB cant do much.
Good luck for the future.

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I’m so sorry to hear about this!!

I was hacked earlier this year and lost a Bitcoin wallet I was saving for my niece and nephew.

It is certainly emotionally painful.