Lanzer SIP #7 - Builder's Challenge Working Group

SIP submitted to on 2024 Sep 16.


To form a working group of elected committee members who gather recommended rules for Builders Challenge 3 to TSB.


Many who participated in Builders’ Challenge 1 & 2 felt it could have gone better. There are many lessons that can be learned (such as more advance notice, increased equity allocation of rewards, and cheating protections).

The AMA between Krafter and TSB and Sandbox Forum threads reveals a number of issues remain.


This BCWG would not replace TSB’s ownership and management of the Builders’ Challenge Program. It instead formalizes the way community input is assembled and given to TSB. The recommendations given from the BCWG are non-binding and may be implemented at the discretion of TSB.

If this SIP is approved, Elections will be held within 30 days. The top 5 nominees with the most votes are elected to the committee. The BCWG then gathers all relevant information from SandFam related to Builders’ Challenge, then develops a comprehensive report with recommendations to TSB.

Additionally, the committee then briefs the plan to SandFam via a public & recorded venue, such as: X/Twitter space, Twitch Stream, YouTube video, or podcast.


Elections will be held 30 days after/if this SIP is approved. The plan is due to TSB within 90 days of SIP approval. The brief to SandFam is due 100 days after SIP approval.


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MetaWorlds is a Sandbox Trusted Partner that publishes mini-games to the Sandbox and hosts the SANDDAO Podcast. Publisher of Floor Droppers, Lava Defense, and the upcoming Portal Run.

Lanzer: SANDDAO Podcast Host, Landowner, Experience Publisher, Program Manager, Contract Writer & Negotiator, Entrepreneur, Guinness World Record

Donsun: Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Program Manager, Contract Writer & Negotiator, Proposal Writer

Keisha: Philosophy graduate, Proposal Writer, Deep Analysis Researcher


Lanzer SIPs:

  1. Enable Window Resizing & Resolution Options
  2. Creating a Roadmap for Sandbox Releases
  3. Insert In-game Inventory Filter for Equipment
  4. A Study of Revenue Options for the Sandbox DAO
  5. The SandDex - A list of top Landowners & SAND holders + public ways to contact them
  6. The SANDDAO Podcast - An educational & news show about the Sandbox DAO
  7. The Builder’s Challenge Working Group (BCWG)
  8. Sandbox Governance Working Group (GWG)