1.) The Philippines can be an excellent country in every field. Nobody would probably object to that. We can have healthier conversations if you stop your perception of creating hatred about certain countries. The Sandbox is doing NOTHING about multiple accounts, I’m sorry to say, so stop playing the polyamory. Clean players who haven’t cheated in any way are dealing with the chaos when the season starts and ends, not the creators. The fact that you see this as punishment is another perception. I am against this unnecessary proposal, not because “training cannot be provided because of multiple accounts”, but because “WE HAVE MUCH MORE CRITICAL PROBLEMS TO TACKLE”. If the situation continues like this, you will not even see the end of your so-called training. Because the company will have already shut down (Sorry but not sorry). So this proposal cannot be separated from the problems you mentioned. It would be a betrayal of the company. I respect the efforts of the content producers, but when it comes to the season, I have to think about us players. Because they are the ones who suffer the most, and that’s not something that the creators care about. For the record, this is maybe the tenth time I’m writing this: Even in my own country, if such a proposal was presented, my attitude would be the same.
2.) This is not the first time such trainings have been organized. BootCamps were held in various countries. There, too, fees were sent to the offices of the countries to organize such trainings. (If you ask how you are so sure, I had the opportunity to attend one of them) I personally think that the fee requested for this proposal is much lower than it should be. However, the other side of the coin is that there is no difference between these bootcamps and this proposal. Only the duration is ridiculously long. And with all due respect, asking for 3000 sand for a laptop is ridiculous. Go buy it yourself. Such ridiculous and absurd fees in the name of the development of the Metaverse really make me laugh. I don’t even want to talk about the 7 months of training. People won’t learn physics. It is a program that can be learned in 1 month with hard work and 2 months with a relaxed attitude. So this proposal seems to me a bit like an excuse to get money from the company. (Sorry but not sorry 2)
3-These things are easily done/can be done with bootcamps and twitch broadcasts, youtube guide videos. I agree that studios should be strong together. However, if the academies mentioned are going to be held for 7 months and stupid amounts of money will be spent, it will be a loss in the long run.
4-Again, I love the idea of the online academy as you mentioned, if the issue is that Europe doesn’t know anything about Asia, Asia can come to Europe and introduce itself. Then I hope you will stop defending the cost issue.
I am glad that you have finally grasped the fact that things are not perfect and improvements need to be made. GROWING THE ECOSYSTEM DOES NOT START WITH SUCH A SUGGESTION. If you see this as punishment, I doubt that you are really sincere.
I am starting a 12-month training program at the University of Athens in Greece, which will require 10 million SAND. With 1 million SAND I will buy a laptop (4090ti)
P.S. Congratulations to The sandbox Dao Twitter, no matter how hard we tried to get it rejected. Whoever came up with the idea of boosting the yes vote under the pretext of the LAND lottery really deserves 1x1 premium LAND.