🤝🏽 SIP Establishing a SandFam-elected "Community Council"

Might I suggest 2? I struggle to think of what 3 should accomplish that 2 could not, and while I appreciate the “it’ll be too hard” perspective, I for one willingly take on the responsibilities and we don’t even know how it will play out yet until we try.

:thinking: I mean, I would LOVE to be compensation, and I see others suggesting it…but I don’t feel it’s right for me to suggest it as both coauthor and declared nominee. If Kunta adds it, I won’t exercise coauthor veto. I feel really uncomfortable about it…but maybe that’s what is needed to get a second candidate to nominate themselves.

Just wondering here…How much do Ambassadors get? @KamiSawZe @TheVisionEx @Pandapops We funded SIP-11 so it’s about time for a SIP update anyways :slightly_smiling_face:

@Geraldine to the rescue!!!